Let us make peace this New
Year in our homes, our streets,
in our letters, our tweets,
our support for refugees, and
administration of just laws,
and rewriting of unjust decrees
and rules in our fifty states
and our one globe. Let freedom
take up the reins everywhere
and let us not build weapons
of our own destruction. Let us
bury hatchets and disputes, be
kind to our neighbors! Let us
not build any more walls.
Let us use wind, water and
sun to energize us. Let us go
to the streets and into media
streams to speak freely and
protect the back of our democracy.
Let us get our queer and straight
hearts to pump and pump,
our black and white minds
to strip off the fungus of
difference from our daily bread
and let us eat together and
crush grapes together and work
everywhere to remind the houses
of power that people give and
people take away, and we
the people are writing this poem.
December 24, 2016
Increible donde encuentras fotos
Cada texto atrae sus propias fotos, caro Indran, que jalo de la Internet. Largos saludos hasta el 2018. Pedro