Semiotics of unpredictability. International Seminar to Celebrate Yuri Lotman´s Centennial (1922-2022)

October 26, 27, and 28, 2022
Online Conference


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OPENING SESSION: Wednesday, October 26, 9h00

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Ph.D. Irene Machado
President of the Seminar

Ph.D. Douglas Vinícius Galan
Vice-President of the Seminar

Ph.D. Cláudia Lago

Head of the Department of Communications and Arts,

School of Communications and Arts – USP

Ph.D. Roseli Aparecida Figaro Paulino

School of Communications and Arts – USP

President of the National Association of Communication Programs


Wednesday, October 26, 9h30-12h30

Session I. Impacts and complexities of cultural-historical processes

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Semiotics of unpredictability and some aspects of Russian culture, Mihhail Lotman

Lotman on Latin America: the unpredictability of minimal particle, José Amálio Pinheiro
Iuri Lotman, curring-edge proposals between complex and transdisciplinary spirals, Julieta Haidar
Unpredictable is Human: Lotman on history and human semiosis, Aleksei Semenenko

Wednesday, October 26, 14h00-17h30

Session II. Disruptive cultural models in historical transformations

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Rethinking the semiosphere by the cyberculture, Lucia Santaella

When the Semiotics of Culture dialogues with History, Jorge Lozano (in memorian); Miguel Martin
Structure and explosion: the historical-cultural approach in Yuri Lotman’s oeuvre, Ekaterina Volkova Americo
Thinking atmospherically the “explosion”. Some decolonial reflections, Laura Gherlone

Thursday, October 27, 9h00-12h30

Session III. Dialogues and affinities of Lotman’s thought

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Lotman and Eisenstein: Signs of Intellectual Kinship, Brian James Baer

Lotman and Peirce: Some unexpected affinities, Winfried Nöth
Juri Lotman, Borges (imaginary) reader, Silvia Barei
Explosion and unpredictability in Lotman’s cultural semiotics: definitions and developments, Paolo Demuru

Thursday, October 27, 14h00-17h30

Session IV. Critical Lotman metalanguage in contemporary culture

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The paths not taken. Possibility, emptiness, and potentiality as dynamic factors of change in Juri Lotman, Remo Gramigna

Explosion, semiosis and politics, Regiane Mirana de Oliveira Nakagawa

Strategies for managing unpredictability, Anna Maria Lorusso

Smells like Unusual Spirit: Sobre el interés biográfico en la semiótica de Lotman, Ariel Gómez Ponce

Friday, October 28, 9h30-12h30

Session V. Dynamic processes as a mechanism of culture and art

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Unpredictability of the future and utopia. Texts by Kazuo Ishiguro as a response to Yuri Lotman’s analysis, Inna Merkoulova

Imprevisibilidad y texto artístico. El caso del fantástico literário, Pampa Arán

Universo artístico de Fiódor Dostoiévski e semiosfera: explosão e imprevisibilidade, Elena Vássina

Juri Lotman in Brazilian diction, Beth Brait

Friday, October 28, 14h00-17h30

Session VI. Controversies of Historical Time

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The Pandemic as an Explosive Event: The New Sense of the Face, Massimo Leone

Memory (of the future) as a phenomenon of unpredictability: the legacies of Iuri Lotman, Monica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes

Cultural semiotics for a pandemic world: On the anti–dimension of the pandemic semiosphere, Eduardo Chávez Herrera

Unpredictability in movements: towards an aesthetics of cultural revolutions, Douglas Galan

The Science of History and the Ju. Lotman’s Critical Metalanguage, Irene Machado

Friday, October 28, 18h00-19h30

CLOSING SESSION: Launching of the Book Mecanismos Imprevisíveis da Cultura, Iúri Lotman

Org. Irene Machado. São Paulo: HUCITEC, 2022.

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Ph.D. Douglas Vinícius Galan

Vice-Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Espaço Semiótico

da Cultura Audiovisual (ECA-USP-CNPq)

Ph.D. Mariana Nada

Editora da HUCITEC, São Paulo

Ph.D.Priscila Nascimento Marques

Docente da UFRJ e Tradutora do russo

Ph. D. Beth Brait

Docente (USP e PUC-SP) e Prof. Dr. Jean Carlos Gonçalves (UFPR),

Editores da Coleção LiCoRes

Ph.D. Mônica Rebeca Ferrari Nunes

Docente e Pesquisadora do Programa

de Comunicação e Práticas de consumo da ESPM

Ph.D. Gutemberg Medeiros

Jornalista, Mestre e Doutor pela ECA-USP

e Professor da UEL

communication sessions

Wednesday, October 26, 14h00-17h30

Session I. Disruptive cultural models in historical transformations

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Structure or/and event: Juri Lotman’s dialogism of history, Daniele MONTICELLI

Imprevisibilidade semiótica: aproximações da música com a cultura das mídias, Nilton Faria de CARVALHO
Semiotics of a Predictable Explosion: The Case of a Hindu Nationalist India, Anand RAJA
A perspectiva lotmaniana da comunicação e a imprevisibilidade, Nísia Martins do ROSÁRIO

Thursday, October 27, 9h00-12h30

Session II. Dialogues and affinities of Lotman’s thought

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Contribuições de Lotman para uma teoria da comunicação?, Arthur Walber VIANA
Juri Lotman’s Concept of Autocommunication and Crib Speech, Lauri LINASK
Lotman e Baudrillard: da semiosfera à iconolatria da mediasfera, Paulo Moutinho BARROSOA imprevisibilidade de Lótman e o caráter fantástico dos imaginários de ficção-científica, Arthur Simon ZANELLA

ThursdayOctober 27, 14h00-17h30

Session III. Critical Lotman metalanguage in contemporary culture

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Lotman e Gilberto Mendes: uma leitura através das relações fronteiriças, Yuri BAER; Heloísa VALENTE

“A arte é filha da explosão”: pedagogia da semiose audiovisual como processo explosivo no pensamento lotmaniano, Andreia MOURA; Daniel Felipe FONSECA

Arte, explosão e culturas populares, Lorena Silva Bicalho RODRIGUES

Perambulando pela cidade: da flânerie ao “A Nightly Walk”, Luísa Costa Campos de MOURA
Monstros em Cordel: fronteira e semiosfera na Monstruosidade na literatura de cordel, Felipe Lima RODRIGUES

Friday, October 28, 9h30-12h30

Session IV. Dynamic processes as a mechanism of culture and art

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A peça teatral “As aves da noite” nos fluxos midiáticos e os indícios de uma explosão poética de Hilda Hilst na memória cultural, Débora Regina BACEGA

A vida nas cinzas: a explosão de arquivos como escritura da palestra- performance, Livia Cristina de Souza MACHADO

Preciso ser outros: Fronteira, alteridade e imprevisibilidade em Manoel de Barros, Thays Bezerra MARTINS;

Gabriela Frota REINALDO

5 é o bandejão no cubo branco: imprevisibilidade e explosão na Feira de São Joaquim (Salvador-BA), Ariane Alfonso Azambuja de Oliveira SALGADO; Luíza SPÍNOLA; Maria Fernanda de Mello LOPES


Friday, October 28, 14h00-17h30

Session V. Controversies of Historical Time

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Economia Criativa e os Mecanismos Imprevisíveis de criatividade da Cultura, Romilson SANTOS

Aportaciones de la Semiótica de la Cultura para una diplomacia eficaz. Aproximación a los discursos de Vladímir Putin, Asja FIOR e Oleg LUKIN

Territorialidades Semióticas, Guilherme Sfredo MIORANDO e Ronaldo HENN

De los procesos explosivos de la Transición Española a la impredecibilidad del «universo-isla» de Luis León Barreto,

Virginia Martín DÁVILA

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