The Cambridge Companion to Piaget

The Cambirdge Companion to Piaget

Está por salir (dicen que en unos 5 meses) The Cambridge Companion to Piaget (Series: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy), editado por Ulrich Müller, Jeremy I. M. Carpendale y Leslie Smith. Parece que estará interesante, les copio la reseña:

Jean Piaget (1896–1980) was listed among the 100 most important persons in the twentieth century by Time magazine, and his work – with its distinctive account of human development – has had a tremendous influence on a range of disciplines from philosophy to education, and notably in developmental psychology. The Cambridge Companion to Piaget provides a comprehensive introduction to different aspects of Piaget’s work in a manner that does not eschew engagement with the complexities of subjects or debates yet is accessible to upper-level undergraduate students. Each chapter is a specially commissioned essay written by an expert on the subject matter. Thus, the book will also be of interest to academic psychologists, educational psychologists, and philosophers.

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