Desarrollo moral universal

A veces no se entiende el planteamiento piagetano (y kohlbergiano, y de Turiel, y etc.) acerca de la universalidad de las estructuras y posibilidades de la moral humana. Nosotros en el el grupo de investigación en cognición, aprendizaje y desarrollo (G-CAD) trabajamos en el tema, realizando investigaciones en la Amazonía del Perú que nos permitan explorar las maneras particulares de expresión cultural de esta universalidad.

Esta cita de Larry Nucci resume muy bien nuestras ideas respecto a este tema complejo:

This chapter explores some of the recent work that has been done examining the emergence of claims to personal freedom in individuals and their relation to moral and societal considerations. Such empirical findings do not serve as a substitute for philosophical analysis but as a source of empirical support for assumptions regarding the underlying sources of the construction of conceptions of a general human right to freedom and for related arguments. The empirical work indicates that there is both evidence for a psychological basis for claims to basic human rights and considerable contextual and cultural variation in their expression. The recent effort by social scientists to avoid the implications of the value laden nature of the work through relativist cultural pluralism is not only morally problematic but empirically in error. There is no evidence in support of the contention that the desire for basic human rights is confined to one particular cultural group, social class, or gender.

La referencia es la siguiente:

Nucci, L. (2005). Culture, context, and the psychological sources of human rights concepts. En Wolfgang Edelstein, y Gertrud Nunner-Winkler (eds.). Morality in Context. Advances in Psychology, 137, 365-394


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