No es suficiente ser buena gente

Nice is not enough

Estoy leyendo Nice is not enough, de Larry Nucci, y quiero recomendarlo a todos los que se interesen en el desarrollo moral y anden en busca de literatura de calidad que, además de ser teoricamente sólida, tenga también una vena aplicada.

Es un muy buen libro y vale la pena leerlo. Da ideas prácticas, además de un buen marco conceptual, para trabajar aspectos específicos del desarrollo moral en las aulas.

Incluyo un par de comentarios al texto (en inglés lamentablemente):

Synopsis 1
The only text of its kind, written by the leading U.S. figure in the field of moral development, Larry Nucci’s Nice Is Not Enough: Facilitating Moral Development. Highly readable, this research-based approach to applying developmental psychology to moral education is filled with practical information on how to integrate the newest research on students’ social and moral development into everyday classroom practices. The author provides an overview of how children’s concepts of morality form a dimension distinct from social convention and religious norms, presenting a non-arbitrary basis for moral education that respects cultural and religious orientations. The chapters illustrate how to integrate moral education into classroom management practices and the regular academic curriculum. Filled with a myriad of examples of authentic lesson plans based on social studies, literacy, the sciences, art, and math for elementary, middle school and high school students, this unique and practical text conveys a more accurate account of moral development, especially in adolescence.

Exceptional and distinct, this supplemental text for helping educators facilitate moral and social development in the students in their classrooms should be an essential resource on every teacher’s bookshelf.

Synopsis 2
A supplemental text written on moral development and moral education written to inform educators how they can help facilitate moral and social development in the students in their classrooms. Written by the leading U.S. figure in the field of moral development, Larry Nucci’s text is the only comprehensive source available for moral education based on social cognitive domain theory written for the education practitioner and teacher education majors. Features practical information for how to integrate the newest research on students’ social and moral development into everyday classroom practices for both classroom management and academic instruction; includes the most current information on research on children’s social and moral development; based on social cognitive domain theory, linking new research to classroom practices; employs a research-based approach to applying developmental psychology to moral education; how to integrate moral education into classroom management and the regular academic curriculum; contains many examples of actual lessons based on social studies, literacy, the sciences, art, and math for elementary, middle school and high school students. Written for teacher practitioners and teacher education majors.

Puntuación: 0 / Votos: 0


  1. Tin-tin escribió:

    Ah pero esta en otro idioma, parece que alemán. habra una versión en español?

  2. sfrisan Autor escribió:

    No hay versión en español, lamentablemente.

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