Práctica docente reflexiva

Buscando información para asesorar una tesis he descubierto un journal que no conocía: Reflective Practice, de Taylor & Francis.

Es un journal interesante si se busca información sobre el ejercicio profesional reflexivo (que es lo que yo estaba buscando para esta tesis en particular), y publica mucho sobre la práctica docente. La página de Taylor & Francis dice:

Reflective Practice is a refereed journal publishing papers which seek to address one or more of the following themes:

• The different kinds of reflective practice and the purposes it serves
• Reflection and the generation of knowledge in particular professions
• The ways reflection is taught and learned most meaningfully
• The links between reflection and the quality of workplace action

Reflective Practice publishes original, challenging and stimulating work which explores reflection within and on practice, as an individual and collective activity, that concerns personal knowing and transformation, collective regeneration and political activism, reflection and voice, values, negotiated meaning, identity and community.

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