Y reedición de artículo de Jean Piaget

El Human Development también ha reeditado un artículo de Piaget, cuyo original si no me equivoco es de 1972:

Piaget, J. (2008). Intellectual Evolution from Adolescence to Adulthood. Human Development, 51, 1, 40 – 47

Lo que dije en el post anterior sobre los artículos de Lawrence Kohlberg se aplica igualmente a los de Piaget (escasos, agotados, en francés y sin traducir, etc.) así que esta reedición también es más que bienvenida.

El abstract es este:

Growing out of a child’s cognitive developmental history, formal operations become established at about the age of 12-15 years. Reflected in his ability to reason hypothetically and independently on concrete states of affairs, these structures may be represented by reference to combinatorial systems and to 4-groups. The essence of the logic of cultured adults and the basis for elementary scientific thought are thereby provided. The rate at which a child progresses through the developmental succession may vary, especially from one culture to another. Different children also vary in terms of the areas of functioning to which they apply formal operations, according to their aptitudes and their professional specializations. Thus, although formal operations are logically independent of the reality content to which they are applied, it is best to test the young person in a field which is relevant to his career and interests.

Puntuación: 5.00 / Votos: 1


  1. LuchinG escribió:

    ¿Podrías poner un ejemplo de una de esas "operaciones formales"?

  2. sfrisan Autor escribió:

    El análisis combinatorio exhaustivo (hacer mentalmente un inventario completo de lo posible) es un ejemplo de una operación formal. Podría poner su formalización lógica, pero no se usar los conectores en esta máquina.

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