Archivo por meses: marzo 2015

Ability to Convey

[Visto: 811 veces]

In my opinion, an essential matter for a learning program, regardless of the level in which it is provided (i.e. school, college), is that teachers have enough ability to relate well with students. That is because, in the end, that circumstance will help him or her convey in a better way the ideas and knowledge that he or she intends to teach. I think there are two main reasons that support this point of view of mine. In the first place, it is ought to be differenced what knowledge is and what methodology is. The reason is that these two aspects are not always bound together in the same person. Of course that does not make any of them more or less valuable than the other. It is sometimes just about the abilities that everyone has and that make each one especial. I have seen several examples of this in my own studies. In my university law school there were great researchers in certain topics that, it was well known by everybody, were not able to convey reasonably well their ideas. On the other hand, there was the other kind of teachers. Even though they were not experts in the matter they taught, their great abilities to speak with enthusiasm about the topics made students pay extra attention to what they would say. Second, I think learning is sensitive to the sympathy of teachers and to their ability to make students be interested in taught topics. Once again, knowledge is not more important for this matter than methodology. When a teacher is able to motivate enough the students, knowledge turns to be less important. Probably that is also because what is taught is usually only an introduction to matters. It is more important in the end that students make further research and complete their learning by their own. A good example might be what happened to me: the courses that I remember the most from my life at law school are the ones with teachers that were able to motivate me the most. That is why I think it is really important that teachers develop their ability to relate well with students and that learning organizations take this circumstance into consideration when deciding which teacher to choose for any course.

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The Unholy Trinity

[Visto: 609 veces]

Puedo puedo puedo tomar prestada la mínima parte de la punta del lapicero finepen para dedicar devotos esfuerzos al trazo milésimo y dulce, tan minucioso él, que tus amables patitas atravesarán para llegar por mares y pescados, volando y desempolvando, descabellando, sintiendo la longitud de las brisas hasta aquella isla, isla de gritos uno y otro, hasta 3, hasta el silencio, del dolor de garganta, del dolor del dolor y el puro que no me fumé anoche, el que no me fumé con alguien que no conocí, que solo se acercó con esperanza, esperanza de perderla, hasta un rebote de sol y res, y dejando un bajo en el aire, susurrando el coming to an end, y rebote adicional de mi y dos, alguien up above nos aconseja, nos distrae, incumbe su rostro alrededor, alrededoreándote, mientras tu alrededoreas esa pequeña palmera, de metal, este es el final of the mankind de hacer las cosas, no pienses que el día está terminado cuando algo de merced hay aún para nosotros en esta botella, magnetizada ella y yo, y rebote de re y res, y esa arena de cemento y ese cielo blanco, vacuo, tristemente veo el sparkling de la melancolía rebalsando ese tintineante, ese fue el último imaginario que te dejé, antes de adocenarme en tu dintel y en mis palabras, y al dejarme ir ya has reconocido el lugar y ya te han anunciado, y tu de sordera tienes tanto como de ceguera, por eso solo te alimentas de medio pescado antes de echarte a dormir en acurruque redondo, y confías en ese piano, en esa casaca amarilla. Una vuelta más.

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