Harvard Library

[Visto: 339 veces]

How great was that? It turned out to be possible to return books in a different library from where you took them. If I am not the person in my school who has borrowed the most books from so many of the seventy- something libraries of the university, I at least must be in the podium. It took me 3 trips to take them all to the library for return. I am glad that my trips were within my building.


[Visto: 431 veces]

I have seen the map of China millions of times, I have even read about the rivers and what they represent for the geography of the country. However, I still con not appropriate that space in my mind. Visiting the places is so important for that. I totally have to do that China Trek at the end of the year.

Innovation Labs

[Visto: 278 veces]

Cuando pienso en oportunidades, debería pensar en esta visita al campus de HBS. Parece haber estado ahí durante todos esos momentos, pero es usualmente difícil saber. Creo que las palabras necesarias para la conversación las puse pero quizás no toda la determinación. Es el problema de ser tan exigente.

Concierto en beneficio de

[Visto: 233 veces]

One of things I did this semester I am most proud of was having played with the Dudley World Music Ensemble. Meeting some friends, learning from some music geniuses, trying a new instrument, helping arrange a Peruvian song and that feeling of satisfaction after playing, leaving behind the minutes of fear of screwing the song.

The Druid at Inman Square

[Visto: 249 veces]

I really struggle with the tendency of Latin-Americans to mingle together sometimes excluding the chance to find amazing new ideas or experiences in people from different parts of the world. But I have to admit that I was certainly fortunate to have had in this year an amazing group of Peruvian friends in the school (a group so rarely large, by the way, if you consider not only the population of Peru, but also the level of the education in the country). It will be sad not to see half of them around the building next building.


Urban Design

[Visto: 216 veces]

Studio de Felipe Correa sobre el centro histórico de Quito. En mi universo, un curso intensivo de diseño urbano porque estuve el día entero del review, desde la presentación general del tema de Studio hasta la última de las exposiciones.

Cantab Lounge

[Visto: 454 veces]

The first Christmas I spent away from home was almost ten years ago. I decided to use some money I had saved to make a trip by myself to the US staying in the house of friends and family. The Christmas I spent it in the house of my aunt Ligia in Gothenburg, Nebraska, a place that I would rightly call home for all the nice days that I have spent there in different trips. The whole family of my uncle came to the house for the dinner and I got to see some of them after several years from my first visit to the US when I was about ten. One of the cousins of my cousins, I think it was Levi, received a banjo as a Christmas gift. That intriguing banjo. I was impressed with the instrument, with its shape and also with its meaning. I had seen Doug, a Nickelodeon character, owning the banjo in his “Ritmo Callejero” song when I was younger, but that was the first time I saw one in real life. When the banjo was played it sounded so familiar. The very first chord that Levi played automatically summoned an idea, probably shaped in me by the TV and my first visit, of a US as a place of farms, SUVs, interstates and football. I don’t remember well the circumstances but in the following moments, all the young people ended up in the basement of the house because someone had a guitar that I could use for playing along. Next thing I knew was that my cousin Erica took out her saxophone (was it a saxo or a clarinet?) and my cousin Michael his harmonic (or maybe a flute?), and someone started singing  and playing another guitar (Archie maybe?) and despite the amateur I am with music we started jamming around so spontaneously that at some point we didn’t realize that they were already calling us upstairs for the turkey. Back to 2018 in Cambridge, having finished the work of Studio, today a friend brought us to a bar for a beer and some American music. And even though this past year the US has been for me everything but farms, SUVs, interstates or football, when the guitarist took out a banjo and started playing it, that remote Gothenburg came immediately to my mind along with the idea that many of my American friends and almost all of my international friends have not been lucky enough to experience that rural Midwest world I met that is such a considerable part of this country.