Blog de ArturoDiazF

Britain’s Prince Charles Says Anti-Immigrant Populism Echoes Nazis

LONDON — The heir to Britain’s throne spoke out Thursday, saying the wave of anti-immigrant populism sweeping the world has “deeply disturbing echoes” of the Nazis’ persecution of Jews in the 1930s.

Prince Charles, the queen’s eldest son, said his parents’ generation “fought and died in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and an inhuman attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe.

“That nearly 70 years later we should still be seeing such evil persecution is to me beyond all belief,” he added. “We owe it to those who suffered and died so horribly not to repeat the horrors of the past.”

He made the comments as a guest contributor on “Thought for the Day,” a scripted monologue broadcast each morning during BBC Radio 4’s breakfast news show, “Today.”

The prince was urging listeners to be more compassionate about migrants and refugees. Some 65.3 million people across the world have been forced to leave their homes, according to the United Nations.

“We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive to those who adhere to a minority faith,” Charles said. “All of this has deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days of the 1930s.”

Image: Prince Charles

Prince Charles gives a speech in London on December 14. REX/Shutterstock / Shutterstock

The prince did not cite any politician or party but his comments apparently refer to the wave of anti-immigrant populism linked to the victories of Donald Trump and Britain’s Brexit campaign.

These election wins have emboldened far-right groups across Europe, some of whom are now eyeing success in other elections. In England and Wales, incidents of religious or racist abuse rose 41 percent in the month after the Breixt vote in June, according to government figures.

Charles also linked the refugee crisis to Christianity and Islam.

“I wonder if this year we might remember how the story of the Nativity unfolds with the fleeing of the holy family to escape violent persecution,” he said. “And we might also remember that when the prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, he did so because he too was seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship.”

In: nbc 

Saudi Finance Minister: No income taxes for Saudi citizens and residents

Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishThursday, 22 December 2016

Speaking at a press conference in Riyadh on Thursday, Jadaan detailed the Saudi budget for 2017. (SPA)

Speaking at a press conference in Riyadh on Thursday, Jadaan detailed the Saudi budget for 2017. (SPA)

Saudi Finance Minister, Mohammad Jadaan, announced that – for the first time in the past 10 years – the kingdom had been able to spend less than the estimated budget, and achieve higher than expected non-oil revenues.

Speaking at a press conference in Riyadh on Thursday, Jadaan detailed the Saudi budget for 2017, and spoke of the government’s promise of transparency.

He also completely removed the need for income taxes on Saudi citizens and residents.

However, the new budget imposed new fees on expatriates – domestic help (drivers, maids, nannies) excluded – as follows:


Monthly payment of 100 riyals on every person sponsored by any foreign employee.

The amount of revenues from this tax is estimated at 1 billion riyals.


Monthly tax of 400 riyals on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees exceed the number of Saudis.

300 riyals tax on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees is less than the number of Saudis and 200 riyals on every person he sponsors.

The amount of revenues from this tax is estimated at 24 billion riyals.


Monthly tax of 600 riyals on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees exceed the number of Saudis.

500 riyals tax on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees is less than the number of Saudis and 300 riyals on every person he sponsors.

The amount of revenues from this tax is estimated at 44 billion riyals.


Monthly tax of 800 riyals on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees exceed the number of Saudis

700 riyals tax on every employee in a company whose number of foreign employees is less than the number of Saudis and 400 riyals on every person he sponsors.

The amount of revenues from this tax is estimated at 65 billion riyals.

Last Update: Thursday, 22 December 2016 KSA 20:32 – GMT 17:32

In: alarabiya 

South Carolina lawmakers propose pornography block on new computers

State Rep. Bill Chumley, R-Spartanburg, said the Human Trafficking Prevention Act would require manufacturers or sellers to install digital blocking capabilities on computers and other devices that access the internet to prevent the viewing of obscene content.

Representative William M. "Bill" Chumley. In:

Bill sponsor: Representative William M. “Bill” Chumley. In:

By Brendan O’Brien

Computers and devices sold in South Carolina that can access the internet would be required to have filters installed to prevent people from viewing pornography, although buyers could pay a $20 fee to remove the blocking software under a proposal before the legislature.

The amendment would require manufacturers or sellers of computers and internet-accessible devices to install software that blocks pornography, according to a draft of the amendment filed with the South Carolina General Assembly on Dec. 15.

One of its sponsors said on Tuesday the amendment would help raise money for the state’s task force to combat human trafficking, adding that the measure would not restrict their legal liberties, indicating it would allow for viewing adult pornography.

“This is a way to preserve freedom, not raise taxes and combat a serious problem all in one,” State Representative William “Bill” Chumley, a Republican, said in an interview.

Buyers over 18 in South Carolina would have to pay a $20 fee to have the block removed. Manufacturers or sellers would pay a $20 opt-out fee for each computer or device sold so they didn’t have to install the blocking software, according to the proposed measure.

The amendment did not address any technology challenges or whether the filter would be a barrier to interstate commerce for technology firms that sell their devices nationwide.

There was no timetable for debate and a possible vote. Chumley has told local media that he sees the amendment as a starting point for debate and that the proposal he co-sponsored may be adjusted.

The amendment corresponds with the Republican Party’s national platform that calls for states to get tough on pornography, adding that the internet has become a safe haven for predators.

“Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the lives of millions,” the GOP said in its platform. “We urge energetic prosecution of child pornography, which is closely linked to human trafficking.”

In April, a Republican-backed resolution in Utah declared pornography a public health hazard and an epidemic that normalizes violence against women and children and makes men less likely to want to get married.

(Reporting by Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Additional reporting by Jon Herskovitz in Austin, Texas; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

In: reuters 

See: South Carolina statehouse profile – Representative William M. “Bill” Chumley 

La justicia francesa declara culpable de “negligencia” a Lagarde pero la exime de pena

EFE. 19.12.2016 – 15:35h

La directora-gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Christine Lagarde, ha sido hallada este lunes culpable de “negligencia” en el ejercicio de sus funciones cuando era ministra francesa de Economía por el Tribunal de Justicia de la República, aunque ha sido dispensada de cumplir pena.

Lagarde se enfrentaba a la posibilidad de ser condenada a un año de prisión y a una multa de 15.000 euros, aunque el fiscal había solicitado su absolución. Lagarde no asistió a la lectura del veredicto en París y, según sus abogados, se halla en Washington, sede del organismo que dirige desde 2011.

Por su parte el FMI anunció tras conocer la noticia una reunión de su Directorio Ejecutivo para “analizar los acontecimientos más recientes”. “El Directorio Ejecutivo se ha reunido en ocasiones anteriores para considerar los acontecimientos relacionados con el proceso judicial de Francia”, recordó en un escueto comunicado el director de comunicaciones del FMI, Gerry Rice, quien agregó que “se prevé” que este órgano “volverá a reunirse próximamente para analizar los acontecimientos más recientes”.

La inesperada condena de Lagarde abre las dudas sobre su continuidad al frente de la institución multilateral. Los tres magistrados y 12 parlamentarios que componen la corte consideraron que Lagarde debió recurrir la atribución de una multimillonaria indemnización al empresario Bernard Tapie en 2008 y que fue “negligente” no hacerlo.

La entonces ministra de Economía y Finanzas había decidido que fuera un arbitraje privado quien decidiera esa indemnización por la venta de la marca deportiva Adidas, que había sido previamente confiscada por la justicia francesa. Los tres árbitros decidieron que el erario público desembolsara más de 400 millones de euros, 45 millones de ellos en concepto de daño moral a Tapie.

La condena no figurará entre sus antecedentes

La sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la República, una instancia especial para juzgar a ministros y exministros por delitos cometidos en el ejercicio de sus funciones, encuentra negligente que Lagarde se negara a recurrir esa indemnización “para evitar consecuencias tan nefastas” para las arcas del Estado.

Según el veredicto, Lagarde no escuchó a los miembros de sus servicios que le aconsejaban apelar, lo que habría dejado al Estado en una situación más favorable para negociar con Tapie la indemnización.

Sin embargo, a la luz de la “personalidad” y la “reputación internacional” de Lagarde, los jueces decidieron no imponerle ninguna pena y que la condena no figure en su ficha de antecedentes judiciales, pese a que el delito que le imputaban puede ser condenado hasta con un año de prisión exento de cumplimiento y 15.000 euros de multa.

A eso se aferró su abogado, Patrick Maisonneuve, quien señaló en declaraciones a la prensa que el tribunal no le ha impuesto pena alguna a su clienta. El letrado agregó además que estudiarán la posibilidad de recurrir la sentencia ante el Tribunal Supremo.

Lagarde fue ratificada al frente del FMI este mismo año para prolongar su mandato en el período 2016-2021, después de que no se presentasen rivales en el proceso de selección y por contar con el respaldo de la mayoría de los miembros de la institución, lo que preveía una nueva etapa de estabilidad en el organismo.

Con la condena en Francia, el caso de Lagarde se aproxima al de los anteriores directores gerentes del organismo, Rodrigo Rato (2004-2007) y Dominique Strauss-Kahn (2007-2011), que tuvieron que dejar el cargo antes de cumplir los cinco años preceptivos.


Trump Wants A Federal Hiring Freeze, But It May Not Save Money

President-elect Donald Trump rode to electoral victory in part on discontent with Washington. He promised to “drain the swamp” — referring to the nation’s capital. And No. 2 on his “Contract With The American Voter,” listing activities for his first 100 days, is a hiring freeze on all civilian federal jobs that aren’t involved in public safety or public health.

A freeze is not unprecedented. Other administrations — Democrat and Republican — have used them. Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton used a host of measures to reduce the size of the federal workforce.

But even those who support the idea of paring down the federal government’s staffing say a freeze can have some unintended effects.

“If incoming President Donald Trump wants to reduce the size of the federal workforce, what he should really do is decide which programs he wants to cut or eliminate,” says Cato Institute tax policy director Chris Edwards.

Consider what the federal workforce consists of: The civilian federal workforce is about 2 million people. That’s roughly the same size as it was in the 1960s, when the U.S. population was about half what it is now.

chart public employees

But Paul Light, a public policy professor at New York University, says adding in federal contractors and grantees brings that number up to between 7 million and 9 million.

Light says Trump’s rhetoric about a hiring freeze and promises to “drain the swamp” seem to address concerns about thinning the ranks of government and making it more effective. But, in fact, hiring freezes tend not to do that, because while dislike of government is popular, he says, nearly all government programs are popular, too, from National Parks to food inspection to Medicare.

“When you start really looking at what these jobs are, Americans kind of like what most federal employees do,” Light says.

In terms of saving money, it also doesn’t work.

A 1982 report — still cited by many experts — found past hiring freezes cost the government more while also resulting in less collection of taxes and other revenue.

Federal payroll and benefits make up less than 10 percent of the federal budget, Light says, and a hiring freeze has a way of encouraging good workers to leave.

“Some of your very best employees who can get a job in the private sector will take it,” Light says. And to backfill positions that need to be filled, agencies end up hiring more expensive contract workers, instead, which are generally not included in the freeze.

Not everyone agrees.

James Sherk, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, says using contractors is still preferable to hiring workers directly. He says because of unions and appeals processes, it’s far too difficult to fire underperforming federal workers.

“It’s essentially a lifetime commitment, and if you’re not satisfied with the work, there’s not much you can do about it,” he says of a federal employee. “With a contractor, if you’re dissatisfied with the work, you just don’t renew the contract.

Sherk adds that without a hiring freeze, agencies have less incentive to look for fat to cut. “You’re not looking for the efficiencies, because you don’t need to find them.”

Donald Kettl, a public policy professor at the University of Maryland, says he believes the freeze is really about a desire among Americans for better-functioning government, and that a better-functioning government requires better hiring.

“The irony here is that if the goal is to make government work better to try to get it more under control, the hiring freeze is exactly the opposite of what you need to do,” Kettl says.

Kettl says government agencies don’t just need to blindly downsize; they need to do a better job of identifying the skills and talent they need, and being more nimble at attracting them.

“The bottom line here is, we have to figure out what it is that we want to do, and what it’s going to take to be able to do it well, and hire the people with the skills to make that happen, and we don’t have a very good system in the federal government right now for doing that,” Kettl says. He says it will be interesting to see how Trump, a businessman, changes government hiring.

Kettl warns that just cutting federal agencies could backfire. When they need them, he says, Americans demand robust and functional government service. Think of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, he says, or Sept. 11, 2001.

“This president is going to end up in the middle of some major crisis that’s going to depend on how well he makes government work to solve it,” Kettl says.


Survey: Do you trust in News?

Hi guys! this a little survey made for me and it’s for a presentation in classroom next week, for that reason answers are going to be allowed only until next Tuesday November 8th 2016. I’ll very appreciate your help and support on this my friends. Also the results of this survey will be shown and shared with you in this post too. I think they are gonna be super interesting. Thank you!


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¿Cómo funciona el sistema de castas en la India?

El conflicto entre la casta Jat y las autoridades ha provocado una decena de muertos en los últimos días. ¿Cómo funciona este sistema de jerarquía social?

El sistema de castas de la India divide a la sociedad del país en grupos jerárquicos. Muchos sociólogos coinciden en señalar que es prácticamente imposible definir este sistema de castas debido a su complejidad.

Esencialmente su origen es histórico religioso y está influenciado por el desarrollo social y económico de los tiempos coloniales. La palabra “casta” proviene del portugués casta que significa “raza, linaje, estirpe”. La desigualdad determinada por la clase social o el nacimiento sigue existiendo en la India.

Los dos conceptos de castas

Existe la opinión de que la sociedad india está dividida en castas por clases sociales (desde la antigua sociedad védica, conocida como Varna) o por nacimiento (normalmente por ocupaciones o profesiones hereditarias, referidas como Jat). Las castas por nacimiento u ocupación normalmente también están vinculadas a las clases sociales.

La castas actuales son el resultado de cambios sociales que comenzaron en la segunda mitad de siglo XIX y que fueron reforzadas por la colonización británica que al principio asociaban ciertas tareas de la administración colonial a ciertas clases sociales.

El sistema de castas Varna

La palabra Varna significa color. El sistema está basado en la literatura hindú y clasifica a los indios en cuatro clases principales originarias de la sociedad védica india.

  • religiosos o profesores (Brahmins),
  • gobernantes o guerreros (Kshatriyas),
  • artesanos o mercaderes (Vaishyas)
  • y trabajadores o sirvientes (Shudras).

Aquellos que no se pueden clasificar en ninguna categoría son los intocables (Dalit). En algunas lenguas se les llama también “parias” que en tamil significa tamborilero pero ellos detestan este nombre porque tiene connotaciones negativas.

Las tres castas superiores se inician al final de la pubertad y esta acción es considerada como un segundo nacimiento. Los Shudras no tienen iniciación, solo nacen una vez.

El sistema de castas Jat

Algunos sociólogos consideran que la diversificación del trabajo lleva a crear otras castas menores, Jat dentro del grupo de Varna. La palabra “Jat” significa nacimiento. Hay miles de “jats” o comunidades basadas en los derechos de nacimiento u ocupación. Estas castas son más fáciles de remontar ahora aunque las estrictas medidas como las restricciones maritales de la India medieval son difícil de dejar atrás.

Estos grupos ascienden y descienden en la escala social, los viejos jat mueren y los nuevos se forman. En la época de la pre-independencia los pobres podían avanzar solo remontando Jätis, nunca Varnas.

Cuál es el efecto del sistema de castas?

El sistema de castas gobierna la internacción entre los miembros de una sociedad, especialmente desde las diferentes posiciones en la jerarquía. Las restricciones incluyen:

  • conexiones sociales de las castas más elevadas que viven en el centro, clases más bajas que viven en la periferia.
  • los grupos jerárquicos más prósperos explotan a los grupos inferiores en la escala.

India debe hacer frente a un resurgimiento de la violencia relacionada con las castas, según un informe de Naciones Unidas de 2005. se han producido mñas de 31.000 actos violentos contra los Dalits en 1996.

Cómo gestiona la India actualmente este sistema de castas?

  • la constitución del país declara ilegal la discriminación contra las castas inferiores.
  • con la independencia india se implementaron varias políticas estatales para hacer frente a las barreras de las castas y mejorar la movilidad social.
  • estas políticas incluyen la discriminación positiva como las cuotas en el gobierno, el empleo y la educación para miembros de las castas inferiores.
  • para aplicar apropiadamente estas políticas los gobiernos locales han clasificado miles de comunidades y castas.
  • las castas inferiores tienen el estatus de las llamadas Castas Registradas (del inglés Scheduled Caste (SC)

tribus registradas Scheduled Tribe (ST), una más alto pero también pobre es la Other Backward Classes (OBC) (otras clases “inferiores”).

  • en este sistema cuanto más inferior se está en el status social más beneficios se pueden obtener así que curiosamente las castas luchan por preservar o conseguir la clasificación más baja posible.

In: euronews 

Turkey sacks 10,000 civil servants, shuts media outlets

Post-coup crackdown continues as government fires thousands of employees and closes down 15 pro-Kurdish media groups.

More than 100,000 people had already been sacked or suspended and 37,000 arrested since the coup attempt [Umit Bektas/Reuters]

More than 100,000 people had already been sacked or suspended and 37,000 arrested since the coup attempt [Umit Bektas/Reuters]

Turkey has dismissed another 10,000 civil servants and closed 15 more media outlets over suspected links with “terrorist organisations” and US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, blamed by Ankara for orchestrating a failed coup.

More than 100,000 people have already been sacked or suspended and 37,000 arrested since the July coup attempt, in an unprecedented crackdown the government says is necessary to root out all coup supporters from the state apparatus.

Thousands more academics, teachers, health workers, prison guards and forensics experts were among the latest to be removed from their posts through two new executive decrees issued late on Saturday.

Opposition parties denounced the continued crackdown, which has also raised concerns over the functioning of the state.

“What the government and [President Tayyip] Erdogan are doing right now is a direct coup against the rule of law and democracy,” Sezgin Tanrikulu, an MP from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), said in a Periscope broadcast posted on Twitter.

Fifteen more newspapers, wires, and magazines that report from the largely Kurdish southeast were shuttered, bringing the total number of media organisations closed to nearly 160.

In another move, the ability of universities to elect their own rectors was also abolished. President Erdogan will now directly appoint nominees.

The extent of the crackdown has worried rights groups and many of Turkey’s Western allies, who fear Erdogan is using emergency rule to eradicate dissent. The government said its actions are justified following the coup attempt on July 15, when more than 240 people died.

Erdogan has said authorities need more time to wipe out the threat posed by the coup plotters, as well as Kurdish armed groups that have waged a 32-year insurgency that has killed about 40,000 people.

Ankara wants the United States to detain and extradite Gulen so that he can be prosecuted in Turkey on a charge that he masterminded the attempt to overthrow the government. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999, denies any involvement.

Speaking to reporters at a reception marking Republic Day on Saturday, Erdogan said he wants the reinstatement of the death penalty, a debate that emerged following the coup attempt.

“I believe this issue will come to the parliament,” he said, repeating he would approve it – a move that would sink Turkey’s hopes of European Union membership. Erdogan shrugged off such concerns, saying much of the world had capital punishment.

The Council of Europe warned Turkey against re-establishing the death penalty on Sunday.

“Executing the death penalty is incompatible with membership of the Council of Europe,” the 47-member organisation, which includes Turkey, tweeted.

Turkey abolished capital punishment in 2004 as the nation sought accession to the EU.

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz added to the council’s warning, denouncing Turkey for considering a move that would “slam the door shut to the European Union”.

“The death penalty is a cruel and inhumane form of punishment, which has to be abolished worldwide and stands in clear contradiction to the European values,” Kurz told the Austrian Press Agency.

Source: Al Jazeera News And News Agencies

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