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Crecen las críticas contra crueles tuits de Trump

El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, se burló de la presentadora de MSNBC Mika Brzezinski y de su co-presentador Joe Scarborough en una serie de tweets. Imagen:

Los crueles tuits del presidente Donald Trump contra dos conductores de la cadena de televisión por cable MSNBC el jueves por la mañana, han sido fuertemente criticados por partidarios y opositores, aunque fueron defendidos por la Casa Blanca y la oficina de la primera dama Melania Trump.

Trump, se burló del aspecto y temperamento de Mika Brzezinski la presentadora del programa de noticias “Morning Joe” y de su compañero Joe Scarborough, quienes lo han criticado insistentemente, y dijo que ha dejado de verlo.

“Escuché que @Morning Joe con malos ratings habla mal de mí (no lo veo más). Entonces por qué la idiota loca Mika con el psicótico Joe vinieron… a Mar-a-Lago 3 noches seguidas en Año Nuevo e insistieron en estar conmigo. Ella sangraba por un estiramiento facial. ¡Dije que no!”.

Brzezinski respondió en Twitter con una foto de una caja del cereal Cheerios con la frase “hecho para pequeñas manitas”. Fue una burla a Trump, siempre susceptible por el tamaño de sus manos.


En Fox News Channel, un medio generalmente amistoso hacia Trump, el periodista estrella Shepard Smith inició su noticiero de la tarde con los tuits presidenciales, los que dijo: “algunos críticos están llamando ciberacoso sexual”.

Smith entrevistó al anfitrión de “Media Buzz”, Howard Kurtz, quien señaló que Trump ataca frecuentemente a los críticos, pero que “este es un golpe donde realmente se ha herido a sí mismo”.

Kurtz dijo que “está perfectamente claro para las personas que no son pagadas para defenderlo que él cruzó una línea “. Dijo que la Casa Blanca no puede culpar a los medios de comunicación por la dura cobertura ya que trajo el problema sobre sí mismo.

Smith también tomó el paso inusual de leer tres correos electrónicos de los espectadores que le criticaron por su cobertura de la historia. Dijo que un lector escribió en las redes sociales que “Shep es una hemorroide liberal” que estaría mejor trabajando en MSNBC, una cadena liberal al contrario del conservador Fox News Channel.

En la edición del miércoles, Brzezinski y Scarborough se burlaron de Trump por exhibir en varios de sus clubes de golf carátulas falsas de la revista Time con su imagen.

“Eso es patético”, dijo Brzezinski en el programa.

Joe Scarborough y Mika Brzezinskyi, presentadores del programa “Morning Joe” de la cadena de televisión por cable MSNBC. Imagen:

En el Capitolio, republicanos y demócratas condenaron los despiadados mensajes presidenciales.

La líder demócrata de la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, comentó a reporteros: “realmente me entristece, porque está tan por debajo de la dignidad del presidente de los Estados Unidos participar en ese comportamiento”. Añadió que son “groseramente sexistas”.

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Paul Ryan dijo que el cruel tuit del Presidente no es un “comentario apropiado”.

En declaraciones a periodistas, el republicano por Wisconsin añadió: “Obviamente no lo veo como un comentario apropiado. Lo que estamos tratando de hacer aquí es mejorar el tono y la civilidad del debate, y esto obviamente no ayuda “.

El congresista republicano de Illinois Adam Kinzinger escribió en Twitter: “Mr. Presidente, nos corresponde a TODOS nosotros acallar esta retórica política divisoria. # RestoreCivility. ”

Su colega de Florida, Carlos Curbelo, publicó una serie de tweets diciendo que los llíderes deberían dar un ejemplo sin ataques personales ni acusaciones denigrantes.”Recordemos las lecciones de los disparos del Congreso hace apenas dos semanas. Debemos tratarnos unos a otros con decencia y respeto “, dijo Curbelo.

El senador por Oklahoma James Lankford insistió en que el presidente Donald Trump y otros líderes “deben modelar la civilidad, el honor y el respeto en su retórica política”. Agregó que los comentarios de Trump “no ayudan a nuestro discurso político o nacional y no proporcionan un modelo positivo para nuestro diálogo nacional”.

Una de las mujeres con más años de servicio en el Congreso, la demócrata Nita Lowey de Nueva York dijo que los tuits del presidente Donald Trump acerca de Mika Brzezinski eran “comentarios atroces y viles acerca de la apariencia y la inteligencia de una mujer prominente”. Agregó que, “el comportamiento del presidente debe ser repudiado en voz alta y clara”.

La senadora republicana por Maine, Susan Collins, dijo en un tuit: “Esto tiene que parar -todos tenemos un trabajo – las 3 ramas del gobierno y la prensa. No tenemos que llevarnos bien, pero debemos mostrar respeto y civilidad”.

La congresista Lynn Jenkins de Kansas dijo en Twitter: “Esto no está bien. Como mujer en la política a menudo me critican por mi apariencia”.

Otros dos senadores republicanos dijeron que los tuits están por debajo de la dignidad de la oficina. El Senador de Nebraska, Ben Sasse, dijo en su cuenta personal: “Por favor, sólo para esto.” No es normal y está debajo de la dignidad de su oficina”.

El senador por Carolina del Sur, Lindsey Graham tuiteó: “Sr. Presidente, su tuit estuvo por debajo de su oficina y representa lo que está mal con la política estadounidense, no la grandeza de América”.

La Primera Dama Melania Trump defendió los ataques de Twitter de su esposo a través de su portavoz Stephanie Grisham, quien recordó que la señora Trump dijo hace mucho tiempo que “cuando su esposo sea atacado, contratacará 10 veces más”.

En diciembre de 2016, Melania Trump dijo que espera utilizar su posición en la Casa Blanca para combatir el acoso cibernético.

Una portavoz de la Casa Blanca defendió los explosivos tuits del presidente, diciendo que combate “fuego con fuego”. Sarah Huckabee Sanders dijo a Fox News que el presidente nunca ha sido alguien “que es atacado y no retrocede”.

Señaló que los conductores de la cadena a quienes criticó han hecho “un número escandaloso de ataques personales”a Trump, y dijo que el mandatario “combate el fuego con fuego y ciertamente no permitirá ser intimidado por los medios liberales y las élites liberales dentro de los medios de comunicación o Hollywood o en cualquier otro lugar”.

Huckabee reiteró el comentario en la conferencia de prensa diaria con los periodistas asignados a la Casa Blanca.

Unos 15 minutos antes del tuit presidencial, el director de redes sociales de la Casa Blanca, Dan Scavino, también atacó a los periodistas.

“#EstúpidaMika y su amante #CelosoJoe están perdidos, confundidos & tristes desde que @POTUS @realDonaldTrump dejó de responder a sus llamadas. Chiflados”.

Trump tiene razón al decir que los presentadores estuvieron en el club del presidente en Florida. Según Scarborough, habían ido a organizar una entrevista con Trump.

Scarborough y Brzezinski están comprometidos y según un artículo de la revista Vanity Fair, durante una comida a la que fueron invitados a la Casa Blanca, el presidente Trump había ofrecido oficiar el matrimonio.

En: voa 

Tapper: So how is Melania’s anti-cyberbullying campaign going?

CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned how first lady Melania Trump’s cyber bullying initiative was coming along minutes after President Trump bashed the co-hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Twitter.

“This reminds me: how is @FLOTUS’s campaign against cyber-bullying going?” Tapper tweeted.

Trump criticized the “Morning Joe” co-hosts in a series of early morning tweets that referenced a “face-lift” for co-host Mika Brzezinski.

“I heard poorly rated Morning Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore),” Trump tweeted Thursday.

“Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

The president often rails on the media and refers to certain networks and stories as “fake news.”

He has repeatedly attacked the “Morning Joe” co-hosts, who have not been shy about returning fire on social media or on their show.

After Trump’s tweet Thursday, Brzezinski fired back at the president with a personal attack of her own, tweeting an image of the back of a cereal box labeled “made for little hands.”

Scarborough has previously commented on the trip to Mar-a-Lago, saying he and Brzezinski were working to get an interview with Trump. The two hosts came under some criticism at the time for attending the party and being too cozy with the then-president-elect.

Such criticism of “Morning Joe” was common during the 2016 GOP primary, though the program’s coverage appeared to get tougher on Trump during the general election.

Since Trump’s election, Trump and the show’s hosts have frequently feuded.

Melania Trump said in the past that as first lady, she would focus on issues including eliminating cyber bullying.

Other reporters on Twitter also raised questions about the first lady’s cyber bullying initiative after her husband’s early-morning attack.

In: thehill 

White House offers unapologetic defense of Trump tweets

The White House offered an unapologetic defense Thursday of President Trump’s tweets attacking MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski during a contentious televised press briefing.

Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders was grilled over whether Trump’s inflammatory tweet was beneath the dignity of the presidency, fueled a hostile political environment and set a bad example of how women should be treated by powerful men.

She responded by defending Trump and berating reporters for ignoring the president’s policy agenda on taxes, healthcare and infrastructure.

“The only person I see a war on is this president and everybody that works for him,” she said. “I don’t think you can expect someone to be personally attacked, day after day, minute by minute, and sit back. The American people elected a fighter.”

Sanders said Trump shows the dignity of his office “every day in the decisions he’s making, the focus and the priorities he’s laid out in his agenda.

“He’s not going to sit back and be attacked by the liberal media, Hollywood elites — and when they hit him, he’s going to hit back,” she said.

Trump’s outburst at Brzezinski escalated his long-running feud with the news media, a fight in which he appeared to gain the upper hand this week after CNN was forced to retract a story about the Russia probe.

But Trump’s decision to take aim at her looks, saying that the “Morning Joe” co-host had been “bleeding badly” from a “face-lift,” sparked bipartisan outrage in Washington.

“Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America,” GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tweeted.

Critics on both side of the aisle took specific issue with Trump’s attack on a female reporter — Trump faced repeated allegations of sexism and harassment that bubbled up during his presidential campaign.

Kansas Republican Rep. Lynn Jenkins tweeted Thursday that Trump’s comments were “not okay,” adding that “we should be working to empower women.”

But Sanders pushed aside the notion that Trump’s tweets were sexist or a bad example for how to treat women.

“Everybody wants to make this an attack on a woman — what about the constant attacks that he receives or the rest of us?” she said.

“I’m a woman, I’ve been attacked by that show multiple times, but I don’t cry foul because of it.”

When another reporter followed up by asking if Sanders felt that the tweet set a good example for her children, she deflected by saying that God is the “one perfect role model.”

The spokesperson chided reporters for not focusing more on policy questions and the White House’s legislative agenda, saying that reporters are more consumed by investigations related to Russia election interference and possible collusion between Trump campaign aides and Moscow.

“The media’s focus on priorities don’t line up with the rest of America,” she said. “America is winning, and that is what we like to talk about, but you guys constantly ignore that narrative.”

But critics say Trump’s Twitter broadsides against the media and the Russia investigation are distractions from his policy message.

In addition to the healthcare debate on Capitol Hill, Trump’s staff planned out a series of messaging events called “Energy Week,” featuring a presidential speech about energy development later Thursday. Those events have been overshadowed by the president’s attack.

It also undercut his call for unity after this month’s shooting at a congressional baseball practice that left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and others injured.

“We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country,” Trump said at the White House on June 14, the day of the shooting.

In: thehill 

The rise and fall of Trump’s relationship with Mika Brezinski, the ‘Morning Joe’ co-host he just attacked on Twitter

President Donald Trump made news on Thursday morning when he viciously attacked MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski on Twitter, calling her “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and said she was “bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

Brzezinski shot back at the president on Twitter, posting a photo of a box of Cheerios that showed a child reaching for the cereal with the words “Made For Little Hands” printed across it.

Trump has long taken issue with accusations that his hands are small. Brzezinski called the president’s hands “teensy” during her show, “Morning Joe,” on Thursday morning.

But Brzezinski and her co-host and fiance Joe Scarborough have not always had a contentious relationship with Trump. During the early stages of his candidacy, the hosts invited Trump on their show regularly, boosting his campaign.

Here’s a look back at the president’s relationship with the co-hosts >

Brzezinski and Scarborough invited Trump on their MSNBC show, “Morning Joe,” many times in the early months of the 2016 presidential campaign, acting as one of Trump’s greatest media promoters. Trump thanked the two in February 2016 for being “believers” in his campaign.

Brzezinski and Scarborough invited Trump on their MSNBC show, "Morning Joe," many times in the early months of the 2016 presidential campaign, acting as one of Trump's greatest media promoters. Trump thanked the two in February 2016 for being "believers" in his campaign.

Donald Trump jokes with Joe Scarborough on the set of ‘Morning Joe’ in January 2016Scott Morgan/Reuters

Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, had a particularly close relationship with Trump, which reportedly unsettled MSNBC staff, who found the chumminess between the candidate and both hosts “over the top” and “unseemly.”

Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, had a particularly close relationship with Trump, which reportedly unsettled MSNBC staff, who found the chumminess between the candidate and both hosts "over the top" and "unseemly."

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski interview Donald Trump on the campaign trail in January 2016.Scott Morgan/Reuters Source: CNN

As Trump’s campaign gathered momentum, the “Morning Joe” hosts became increasingly critical of his policies and rhetoric.

As Trump's campaign gathered momentum, the "Morning Joe" hosts became increasingly critical of his policies and rhetoric.

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough react to a Trump campaign speech.Morning Joe

In the spring of 2016, Trump began lashing out at the two, tweeting in May that Morning Joe had become “hostile” and misrepresented his opinions. In June, Trump accused Brzezinski of going “wild with hate.” In August, Trump said that he would “tell the real story” about Brzezinski and Scarborough’s personal relationship, which had been the subject of widespread speculation. Trump targeted Brzezinski in particular, calling her “crazy” and “very dumb” and accused her of having a “mental breakdown” in a September tweet.

In the spring of 2016, Trump began lashing out at the two, tweeting in May that Morning Joe had become "hostile" and misrepresented his opinions. In June, Trump accused Brzezinski of going "wild with hate." In August, Trump said that he would "tell the real story" about Brzezinski and Scarborough's personal relationship, which had been the subject of widespread speculation. Trump targeted Brzezinski in particular, calling her "crazy" and "very dumb" and accused her of having a "mental breakdown" in a September tweet.

Donald Trump on MSNBC.@morning_joe/Twitter Source: Business Insider and The Washington Post

A few weeks after the presidential election, Brzezinski visited Trump Tower, reportedly to meet with Ivanka Trump about the MSNBC host’s seminar series for women.

A few weeks after the presidential election, Brzezinski visited Trump Tower, reportedly to meet with Ivanka Trump about the MSNBC host's seminar series for women.

Mika Brzezinski at Trump Tower in November 2016Evan Vucci/AP Source: The Washington Post and Politico

In February 2017, Brzezinski further escalated her criticism of the Trump administration, calling it a “fake presidency” and banning White House counselor Kellyanne Conway from appearing on “Morning Joe,” arguing that Conway peddled “fake news.”

In February 2017, Brzezinski further escalated her criticism of the Trump administration, calling it a "fake presidency" and banning White House counselor Kellyanne Conway from appearing on "Morning Joe," arguing that Conway peddled "fake news."

Michael Loccisano/Getty Images Source: Business Insider

In May 2017, the “Morning Joe” hosts announced their engagement, ending the years of rumors. Vanity Fair reported that Trump offered to officiate the couple’s wedding, which he suggested be held at the White House or at his Florida resort, when they visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago in January.

In May 2017, the "Morning Joe" hosts announced their engagement, ending the years of rumors. Vanity Fair reported that Trump offered to officiate the couple's wedding, which he suggested be held at the White House or at his Florida resort, when they visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago in January.

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough in February 2017Andy Kropa/AP Source: Business Insider

In: businessinsider 

Trump Mocks Mika Brzezinski; Says She Was ‘Bleeding Badly From a Face-Lift’

WASHINGTON — President Trump lashed out Thursday at the appearance and intellect of Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” drawing condemnation from his fellow Republicans and reigniting the controversy over his attitudes toward women that nearly derailed his candidacy last year.

Mika Brzezinski in Trump Tower in November. Credit Evan Vucci/Associated Press. Image:

Mr. Trump’s invective threatened to further erode his support from Republican women and independents, both among voters and on Capitol Hill, where he needs negotiating leverage for the stalled Senate health care bill.

The president described Ms. Brzezinski as “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and claimed in a series of Twitter posts that she had been “bleeding badly from a face-lift” during a social gathering at Mr. Trump’s resort in Florida around New Year’s Eve. The White House did not explain what had prompted the outburst, but a spokeswoman said Ms. Brzezinski deserved a rebuke because of her show’s harsh stance on Mr. Trump.

The tweets ended five months of relative silence from the president on the volatile subject of gender, reintroducing a political vulnerability: his history of demeaning women for their age, appearance and mental capacity.

“My first reaction was that this just has to stop, and I was disheartened because I had hoped the personal, ad hominem attacks had been left behind, that we were past that,” Senator Susan Collins, a moderate Republican from Maine who is a crucial holdout on the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, said in an interview.

“I don’t think it directly affects the negotiation on the health care bill, but it is undignified — it’s beneath a president of the United States and just so contrary to the way we expect a president to act,” she said. “People may say things during a campaign, but it’s different when you become a public servant. I don’t see it as undermining his ability to negotiate legislation, necessarily, but I see it as embarrassing to our country.”

A slew of Republicans echoed her sentiments. Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who, like Ms. Collins, holds a pivotal and undecided vote on the health care bill, tweeted: “Stop it! The presidential platform should be used for more than bringing people down.”

Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican who opposed Mr. Trump’s nomination during the presidential primaries, also implored him to stop, writing on Twitter that making such comments “isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”

Senator James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, added, “The president’s tweets today don’t help our political or national discourse and do not provide a positive role model for our national dialogue.”

Ms. Brzezinski responded by posting on Twitter a photograph of a box of Cheerios with the words “Made for Little Hands,” a reference to a longstanding insult about the size of the president’s hands. MSNBC said in a statement, “It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

Mr. Trump’s attack injected even more negativity into a capital marinating in partisanship and reminded weary Republicans of a political fact they would rather forget: Mr. Trump has a problem with the half of the population more likely to vote.

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and others in the House criticized President Trump’s remarks on Thursday. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times. Image:

Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster who specializes in the views of female voters, said the president’s use of Twitter to target a prominent woman was particularly striking, noting that he had used only one derogatory word — “psycho” — to describe the show’s other co-host, Joe Scarborough, and the remainder of his limited characters to hit upon damaging stereotypes of women.

“He included dumb, crazy, old, unattractive and desperate,” Ms. Matthews said.

“The continued tweeting, the fact that he is so outrageous, so unpresidential, is becoming a huge problem for him,” she added. “And it is particularly unhelpful in terms of building relationships with female Republican members of Congress, whose votes he needs for health care, tax reform and infrastructure.”

But it was unclear whether the vehemence of the president’s latest attack would embolden members of his party to turn disdain into defiance.

Senior Republicans, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, cycled through what has become a familiar series of emotions and calculations after the Twitter posts, according to staff members: a flash of anger, reckoning of possible damage and, finally, a determination to push past the controversy to pursue their agenda.

“Obviously, I don’t see that as an appropriate comment,” the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, said during a Capitol Hill news conference. Then he told reporters he wanted to talk about something else.

Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, demanded an apology, calling the president’s Twitter posts “sexist, an assault on the freedom of the press and an insult to all women.”

A spokeswoman for the president, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, urged the news media to move on, arguing during the daily White House briefing that Mr. Trump was “fighting fire with fire” by attacking a longtime critic.

Ms. Brzezinski had called the president “a liar” and suggested he was “mentally ill,” added Ms. Sanders, who defended Mr. Trump’s tweets as appropriate for a president.

Melania Trump, the president’s wife — who has said that, as first lady, she will embark on a campaign against cyberbullying — also rejected claims that her husband had done what she is charged with undoing.

“As the first lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder,” Mrs. Trump’s spokeswoman wrote in a statement, referring to the first lady’s remarks during the campaign.

Current and former aides say that Mr. Trump was chastened by the furor over the “Access Hollywood” tape that emerged in October, which showed him bragging about forcing himself on women, and that he had exhibited self-restraint during the first few months of his administration. But in the past week, the sense that he had become the victim of a liberal media conspiracy against him loosened those tethers.

Moreover, Mr. Trump’s oldest friends say it is difficult for him to distinguish between large and small slights — or to recognize that his office comes with the expectation that he moderate his behavior.

And his fiercest, most savage responses have almost always been to what he has seen on television.

”Morning Joe,” once a friendly bastion on left-leaning MSNBC, has become a forum for fiery criticism of Mr. Trump. One adviser to the president accused the hosts of trying to “destroy” the administration over several months.

After lashing out at Mr. Scarborough and Ms. Brzezinski at one point last summer, Mr. Trump told an adviser, “It felt good.”

Even before he began his campaign two years ago, Mr. Trump showed a disregard for civility when he made critical remarks on television and on social media, particularly about women.

He took aim at the actress Kim Novak, a star of 1950s cinema, as she presented during the 2014 Academy Awards, taking note of her plastic surgeries. Chagrined, Ms. Novak later said she had gone home to Oregon and not left her house for days. She accused Mr. Trump of bullying her, and he later apologized.

As a candidate, Mr. Trump was insensitive to perceptions that he was making sexist statements, arguing that he had a right to defend himself, an assertion Ms. Sanders echoed on Thursday.

After the first primary debate, hosted by Fox News in August 2015, Mr. Trump trained his focus on the only female moderator, Megyn Kelly, who pressed him on his history of making derogatory comments about women.

He told a CNN host that Ms. Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever,” leaving Republicans squeamish and many thinking he was suggesting that Ms. Kelly had been menstruating. He refused to apologize and kept up the attacks.

Later, he urged his millions of Twitter followers to watch a nonexistent graphic video of a former Miss Universe contestant, Alicia Machado, whose weight gain he had parlayed into a media spectacle while he was promoting the pageant.

Mr. Trump went on to describe female journalists as “crazy” and “neurotic” on his Twitter feed at various points during the race. He derided reporters covering his campaign, Katy Tur of NBC and Sara Murray of CNN, in terms he rarely used about men.

His tweets on Thursday added strain to the already combative daily briefing, as reporters interrupted Ms. Sanders’s defense of the president to ask how she felt about them as a woman and a mother.

She responded that she had only “one perfect role model”: God.

“None of us are perfect,” she said.


One of the reporters on this story, Glenn Thrush, has a contract for regular appearances on MSNBC.

Cajera de banco desvió más de 5 millones de soles usando solo un USB

Katherine Morales La Cruz reveló ante la Policía que iba a recibir 50 mil soles por efectuar la transferencia fraudulenta.

Las investigaciones de la Policía Nacional revelaron que la cajera del Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) Katherine Flor Morales La Cruz (33) utilizó una memoria USB para desviar más de 5 millones de soles a otras cuentas, según indicó ATV+.

Morales La Cruz contó a los agentes de la División de Investigación de Alta Tecnología (Divindat) de la Dirincri que iba a recibir 50 mil soles por efectuar las transferencias fraudulentas desde una ventanilla de la agencia ubicada en el Centro Comercial Mega Plaza (Independencia).

ATV+ señaló que la mujer insertó el USB en la computadora de su compañera de la ventanilla N°6, identificada como Flor Mery Melgarejo, aprovechando que esta última ingresaba en el turno tarde. El dispositivo contenía un sofisticado virus que permitió hacer la transferencia.

El dinero fue transferido a dos cuentas, una de Lima y otra de provincia, y fue retirado a los pocos minutos por 13 personas en Lima, Callao e Iquitos. La Policía estableció que toda la operación estaba debidamente coordinada.

Fue la gerente de la agencia del BCP en Mega Plaza la que se percató del dinero faltante. De inmediato dio aviso a la Policía Nacional, que descubrió a Morales La Cruz a través de las cámaras de seguridad.

La detenida fue puesta a disposición del Ministerio Público y será denunciada por el delito de acceso ilícito y fraude electrónico. El Banco de Crédito del Perú aclaró que las cuentas de sus clientes no se han visto afectadas y remarcó que colabora con las investigaciones.

Este hecho hizo recordar el caso de Cromwell Gálvez, quien se apropió de unos 2.5 millones de dólares, entre los años 1998 y 2003, cuando fue empleado de una agencia del Banco Continental. Él dilapidó el dinero en fiestas y orgías con las vedettes de la época.

En: elcomercio 

Expulsan a mujer de una piscina en Estados Unidos porque la parte de abajo de su traje de baño parecía “un tanga”

El estadounidense Tyler Newman compartió a través de Facebook el desagradable incidente al que tuvo que enfrentarse su prometida en el edificio de apartamentos donde ambos residen, en Tennessee.

Según Tyler, la responsable de la piscina dijo a Tori Jenkins “que su cuerpo, por estar moldeado con más curvas que otros, era demasiado inapropiado para los niños que había por allí. Le dijeron que había muchos adolescentes en el complejo y que no era necesario excitarlos”.

Por este motivo, la responsable pidió a la chica que se pusiera otro bañador, que se cubriera con unos pantalones cortos o que abandonara el recinto. Además le cuestionó el atuendo diciendo “un traje de baño normal cubre todo el trasero”.

“Hoy a mi prometida se le ha dicho que ella es menos importante que lo que sientan los hombres sobre ella […] Yo nunca haría que ella o cualquier otra mujer se sienta menos de lo que vale, por su ropa o su apariencia. Así es como la cultura de la violación sigue creciendo”, lamentó el joven en un post en su perfil de Facebook.

“Nunca he visto a mi novia avergonzada hasta el punto de no poder mirar a sus mejores amigos a la cara. Nunca la he visto llorar como lo ha hecho en nuestro apartamento hoy. Y todo porque algunos idiotas ignorantes creen que pueden fiscalizar el tamaño y la forma de su cuerpo”, prosigue.

“Yo nunca haría sentir a una mujer menos de lo que vale por su ropa o por cómo está” añadió el joven.

Imágenes: Facebook/Tyler Newman 

En: cibercuba 

UNP aprueba quitar título de abogada a congresista Maritza García

Medida fue tomada luego de demostrarse que la hoy congresista presentó documentos falsos para postular a la casa de estudios.

Medida fue tomada luego de demostrarse que la hoy congresista presentó documentos falsos para postular a la casa de estudios. | Fuente: RPP / Referencial

Por decisión unánime tomada en el Consejo Universitario de la Universidad Nacional de Piura (UNP) aprobaron anular el grado y título profesional en Derecho a la hoy congresista Maritza García Jiménez, emitida por esta casa superior de estudios.

Además, a la actual parlamentaria representante de la región Piura, también se le anularán sus estudios de maestría.

El consejo, presidido por la vicerrectora académica Yohani Abad, aprobó emitir la Resolución que ordena dicha medida, al demostrarse que García Jiménez presentó documentos falsos que acreditaban la culminación de su secundaria a fin de ingresar a esta casa de estudios.

La parlamentaria, que también es investigada por este tema en la Comisión de Ética del Congreso, ha dicho siempre que estas acusaciones son mentira y se pregonó víctima de amenazas y chantajes.

Asimismo, manifestaba que era una campaña en su contra orquestada por los que ella llamó ‘una mafia enquistada y monitoreada desde la Universidad Nacional de Piura’, institución a la que asegura viene investigando con sus atribuciones de fiscalización.

En: rpp

Ver: Por mentir en hoja de vida, confrontan con decano a fujimorista Maritza García 

Congreso de la República del Perú: Tratamiento con guantes de seda a congresista fujimorista Yessenia Ponce

En octubre del año 2016, la congresista del partido Fuerza Popular, Yesenia Ponce, intervino en forma “prepotente” en una sesión del Consejo Regional de Áncash en la que se pedía reconsiderar un acuerdo para entregar más de mil hectáreas a la Superintendencia de Bienes Nacionales. Por este hecho, la legisladora fujimorista fue denunciada ante la Comisión de Ética, la cual, debatió el informe de la Secretaría Técnica que recomendó suspenderla por 120 días de legislatura con el respectivo descuento de sus haberes. Ponce habría infringido el Código de Ética así como también vulnerado la autonomía de poderes, SIN EMBARGO, de acuerdo con la Resolución Legislativa del Congreso N° 011-2016-2017-CR, SÓLAMENTE se decidió imponerle la sanción de amonestación escrita establecida en el inciso b) del artículo 14 del Código de Ética Parlamentaria (Documento con fecha 11 de mayo 2017). Moraleja: “Otorongo no come Otorongo”.

Código de Ética Parlamentaria

Artículo 14. Según la gravedad de la falta, por infracción del presente Código se impondrán las siguientes sanciones:

a) Recomendación pública.

b) Amonestación escrita pública.

c) Amonestación escrita pública con multa.

d) Recomendación al Pleno de la suspensión en el ejercicio del cargo y descuento de sus haberes desde tres hasta ciento veinte días de legislatura.

Toda apelación será resuelta en última instancia por el Pleno del Congreso. Cuando la falta sancionada, a juicio de la Comisión de Ética Parlamentaria, presente indicios de la comisión de un delito o de una infracción constitucional, el caso será puesto en conocimiento de la Subcomisión de Acusaciones Constitucionales para los fines de ley.”

Leer: Resolución Legislativa del Congreso N° 011-2016-2017-CR

Ver: Yesenia Ponce: Congresista de Fuerza Popular podría ser suspendida 120 días 


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