Designan nuevo jefe del SIS en reemplazo de Edmundo Beteta

Mediante una resolución publicada en el diario oficial El Peruano este miércoles, se dio a conocer que Edmundo Beteta ya no seguirá como titular del Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS).

Según el texto, su reemplazante será Moisés Ernesto Rosas Febres, quien es un médico cirujano de profesión.

“(Se resuelve) dar por concluida la designación del economista Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros, en el cargo de Jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud, dándosele las gracias por los servicios prestados”, se lee en la resolución.

Como se recuerda, en octubre del 2016, la ministra de Salud, Patricia García, designó a Beteta tras el escándalo que provocó la destitución de Julio Acosta.

En esa misma fecha se anunció la reestructuración del SIS por el presunto caso de corrupción que se reveló con los audios de Carlos Moreno, exconsejero presidencial.

En: larepublica

Moisés Rosas Febres fue designado como nuevo jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud

De la misma el Ministerio de Salud dio por concluida la designación de Edmundo Beteta.

El Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) designó a Moisés Ernesto Rosas Febres nuevo jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS), según norma publicada hoy en el Diario Oficial El Peruano.

Asimismo, dieron dar por concluida la designación del economista Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros en el cargo de jefe del SIS, dándosele las gracias por los servicios prestados.

Ambas resoluciones supremas están refrendadas por el presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y la ministra de Salud, Patricia García.

En: gestion

Moisés Rosas Febres es el nuevo jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud

Moisés Ernesto Rosas Febres es el nuevo jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS), según norma publicada hoy en el Diario Oficial El Peruano. Asimismo, se resuelve dar por concluida la designación del economista Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros.

A Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros se le dio las gracias por sus servicios prestados a la nación mediante un documento oficial refrendadas por el presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y la ministra de Salud, Patricia García.

El pasado 9 de octubre del 2016, el Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) fue declarado en reorganización por un plazo de 120 días a partir de ese día, mediante un decreto supremo. El propósito de la medida fue garantizar la idoneidad en la gestión de los recursos públicos.

Ahora, el nuevo jefe del SIS, Moisés Ernesto Rosas Febres, tendrá que ver este sistema que según el congresista de Fuerza Popular, Segundo Tapia, tiene muchas falencias técnicas, desorden, abandono y corrupción.

En: expreso

Resolución de la vergüenza: Dan por concluida designación de Jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud: RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 007-2017-SA

La corrupción gana la batalla en Salud, por Jaime de Althaus

Edmundo Beteta ha caído porque empezaba a ordenar el SIS, racionalizar tarifas y eliminar corruptelas.

Ya podemos ir entendiendo las razones de la protesta de la Federación Médica y de los congresistas galenos. Se acababa el negocio. (Foto: El Comercio).

Jaime de Althaus – 02.06.2017 / 03:00 pm

La semana pasada la ministra de Salud le pidió su renuncia a Edmundo Beteta, jefe del SIS, cediendo a la presión del gremio médico y de sus representantes en el Congreso, que ya habían pedido la cabeza de Beteta y amenazaban con censurar a la propia ministra. Es una lástima. Beteta ha caído porque empezaba a ordenar el SIS, racionalizar tarifas y eliminar corruptelas. Y eso afectaba el statu quo ineficiente y plagado de intereses dedicados al desvío de recursos de los establecimientos de Salud.

El pecado de Beteta fue empezar a aplicar las recomendaciones del Informe de la Comisión Interventora del SIS que se creó luego del escándalo Moreno. Ese informe y luego el propio Beteta descubrieron la cantidad de milagros que el SIS había financiado: el parto de 194 hombres y de 143 ancianas y los de 34.812 mujeres que dieron a luz dos veces en menos de dos o tres meses. También la muerte, resurrección y nueva muerte de muchos que cobraron sepelio más de una vez, y 200 operaciones de catarata a un solo paciente, por ejemplo.

Beteta empezó a hacer auditorías a las prestaciones (no había control) y a poner tarifas que pagaran solo los gastos variables de las prestaciones, no los gastos fijos ni menos bonos remunerativos, que corresponden al presupuesto ordinario. Pero cometió sacrilegio cuando aplicó la recomendación del informe de cortar el incremento explosivo de los desvíos irregulares hacia clínicas privadas: el pago por atenciones en emergencias privadas había pasado de 1,7 millones de soles el 2014 a ¡114 millones! el 2016. Médicos de los propios hospitales aprovecharon para derivar pacientes que habían llegado a emergencias públicas, a sus clínicas privadas o a las de médicos amigos. O había muchos casos que no eran de emergencia u otros que se quedaban muchos días (28 casos de pacientes con estancias que se encuentran entre los ¡100 y 381 días!).

Beteta cortó todo eso: las emergencias en establecimientos privados bajaron abruptamente de 630 casos por un valor de 5,5 millones de soles en setiembre del 2016 a solo 5 casos por un valor de 10 mil soles en marzo del 2017.

Ya podemos ir entendiendo las razones de la protesta de la Federación Médica y de los congresistas galenos. Se acababa el negocio. Beteta estaba firmando convenios con hospitales y regiones con las nuevas reglas de juego. Se lo han tumbado cuando todavía faltaba firmar con la mayor parte de establecimientos y regiones. Adiós, reforma.

Es francamente desalentador. Es la consecuencia de un gobierno extremadamente débil que no ha sido capaz de buscar un acuerdo político con Fuerza Popular –que tampoco ha dado la menor señal de quererlo– para blindar procesos de reforma como este (el de la policía es otro) que afectan intereses poderosos y enquistados en el propio Congreso de la República. Me pregunto si todavía estamos a tiempo para rescatar un acuerdo como ese. De lo contrario, habremos perdido otros cinco años.

Resolución en la página web del Diario Oficial “El Peruano” (Documento .pdf): 1524324-1

Resolución en la página web del Diario Oficial “El Peruano”:

Dan por concluida designación de Jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud


Lima, 23 de mayo del 2017


Que, mediante Resolución Suprema Nº 023-2016- SA, se designó al economista Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros, en el cargo de Jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud;

Que, se ha visto por conveniente dar por concluida la designación del citado funcionario;

De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley Nº 27594, Ley que regula la participación del Poder Ejecutivo en el nombramiento y designación de funcionarios públicos, la Ley Nº 29158, Ley Orgánica del Poder Ejecutivo, y el Decreto Legislativo Nº 1161, Decreto Legislativo que aprueba la Ley de Organización y Funciones del Ministerio de Salud;


Artículo 1.- Dar por concluida la designación del economista Edmundo Pablo Beteta Obreros, en el cargo de Jefe del Seguro Integral de Salud, dándosele las gracias por los servicios prestados.

Artículo 2.- La presente Resolución Suprema es refrendada por la Ministra de Salud. Regístrese, comuníquese y publíquese.


Presidente de la República


Ministra de Salud


Nota en: elcomercio

Revuelo en el SIS: Edmundo Beteta denuncia millonarias irregularidades y lo sacan

¿Cómo ocurre que Edmundo Beteta denuncia graves irregularidades en el Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) y a los pocos días le piden la renuncia?

Edmundo Beteta. Imagen:

“El SIS se está fortaleciendo”, declaró a CARETAS el lunes 22. Ese día se reunió con la Ministra de Salud, Patricia García, para tratar el tema. El miércoles 24 fue reemplazado por el médico cirujano Moisés Ernesto Rosas Febres.

El asunto es más grave porque Beteta entró a la cancha como consecuencia del escándalo del exasesor presidencial Carlos Moreno, que reveló precisamente el tipo de prácticas que Beteta denunció in extenso: se cobraba desde múltiples operaciones de cataratas a las mismas personas hasta partos a hombres. Las atenciones por emergencias en establecimientos privados pagadas por el SIS pasaron de S/2 millones en un año a S/100 millones el otro.

La salida de Beteta habría sido precedida por presiones por parte de congresistas y la Federación Médica Peruana. El exjefe del SIS revisaba compromisos de pago con establecimientos de salud públicos y privados por S/700 millones. El presidente de la Federación Médica Peruana (FMP), Godofredo Talavera, cuestiona las cifras y reclama ahora la salida de la ministra Patricia García.

Dr. Godofredo Talavera. Presidente de la Federación Médica Peruana. Imagen:

Los Que Más Cobran

En el listado de pagos por convenios y contratos con clínicas y emergencia en Lima se detalla que: la Clínica Internacional recibió de enero a octubre del 2016 S/.5,129,489.97, la Clínica Javier Prado recibió S/.4,536,767.52 de mayo a setiembre del 2016, la Clínica Santa María del Sur recibió S/.4,184,779.24 de enero a octubre del 2016, la Clínica San Gabriel recibió de enero a setiembre del 2016 S/.3,547,458.52, la Clínica de Mujeres recibió S/.2,150,033.62 de agosto del 2015 a octubre del 2016, la Clínica Providencia recibió S/.827,369.04 de mayo a setiembre del 2016, la Clínica San Miguel Arcángel recibió S/.752,967.36 de enero a julio del 2016, la Clínica Nuevo San Juan recibió S/.883,106.21 de marzo a octubre del 2016

En: caretas

Der Spiegel: Paris Disagreement – Donald Trump’s Triumph of Stupidity

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other G-7 leaders did all they could to convince Trump to remain part of the Paris Agreement. But he didn’t listen. Instead, he evoked deep-seated nationalism and plunged the West into a conflict deeper than any since World War II. By SPIEGEL Staff

Der Spiegel cover. Image:

Until the very end, they tried behind closed doors to get him to change his mind. For the umpteenth time, they presented all the arguments — the humanitarian ones, the geopolitical ones and, of course, the economic ones. They listed the advantages for the economy and for American companies. They explained how limited the hardships would be.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was the last one to speak, according to the secret minutes taken last Friday afternoon in the luxurious conference hotel in the Sicilian town of Taormina — meeting notes that DER SPIEGEL has been given access to. Leaders of the world’s seven most powerful economies were gathered around the table and the issues under discussion were the global economy and sustainable development.

The newly elected French president, Emmanuel Macron, went first. It makes sense that the Frenchman would defend the international treaty that bears the name of France’s capital: The Paris Agreement. “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries,” Macron said.

Then, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reminded the U.S. president how successful the fight against the ozone hole had been and how it had been possible to convince industry leaders to reduce emissions of the harmful gas.

Finally, it was Merkel’s turn. Renewable energies, said the chancellor, present significant economic opportunities. “If the world’s largest economic power were to pull out, the field would be left to the Chinese,” she warned. Xi Jinping is clever, she added, and would take advantage of the vacuum it created. Even the Saudis were preparing for the post-oil era, she continued, and saving energy is also a worthwhile goal for the economy for many other reasons, not just because of climate change.

But Donald Trump remained unconvinced. No matter how trenchant the argument presented by the increasingly frustrated group of world leaders, none of them had an effect. “For me,” the U.S. president said, “it’s easier to stay in than step out.” But environmental constraints were costing the American economy jobs, he said. And that was the only thing that mattered. Jobs, jobs, jobs.

At that point, it was clear to the rest of those seated around the table that they had lost him. Resigned, Macron admitted defeat. “Now China leads,” he said.

Still, it is likely that none of the G-7 heads of state and government expected the primitive brutality Trump would stoop to when announcing his withdrawal from the international community. Surrounded by sycophants in the Rose Garden at the White House, he didn’t just proclaim his withdrawal from the climate agreement, he sowed the seeds of international conflict. His speech was a break from centuries of Enlightenment and rationality. The president presented his political statement as a nationalist manifesto of the most imbecilic variety. It couldn’t have been any worse.

A Catastrophe for the Climate

His speech was packed with make-believe numbers from controversial or disproven studies. It was hypocritical and dishonest. In Trump’s mind, the climate agreement is an instrument allowing other countries to enrich themselves at the expense of the United States. “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,” he said. Trump left no doubt that the well-being of the American economy is the only value he understands. It’s no wonder that the other countries applauded when Washington signed the Paris Agreement, he said. “We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. And they won’t be. They won’t be.”

Trump’s withdrawal is a catastrophe for the climate. The U.S. is the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases — behind China — and is now no longer part of global efforts to put a stop to climate change. It’s America against the rest of the world, along with Syria and Nicaragua, the only other countries that haven’t signed the Paris deal.

But the effects on the geopolitical climate are likely to be just as catastrophic. Trump’s speech provided only the most recent proof that discord between the U.S. and Europe is deeper now than at any time since the end of World War II.

Now, the Western community of values is standing in opposition to Donald Trump. The G-7 has become the G-6. The West is divided.

For three-quarters of a century, the U.S. led and protected Europe. Despite all the mistakes and shortcomings exhibited by U.S. foreign policy, from Vietnam to Iraq, America’s claim to leadership of the free world was never seriously questioned.

That is now no longer the case. The U.S. is led by a president who feels more comfortable taking part in a Saudi Arabian sword dance than he does among his NATO allies. And the estrangement has accelerated in recent days. First came his blustering at the NATO summit in Brussels, then the disagreement over the climate deal in Sicily followed by Merkel’s speech in Bavaria, in which she called into question America’s reliability as a partner for Europe. A short time later, Trump took to Twitter to declare a trade war — and now, he has withdrawn the United States from international efforts to combat climate change.

A Downward Pointing Learning Curve

Many had thought that Trump could be controlled once he entered the White House, that the office of the presidency would bring him to reason. Berlin had placed its hopes in the moderating influence of his advisers and that there would be a sharp learning curve. Now that Trump has actually lived up to his threat to leave the climate deal, it is clear that if such a learning curve exists, it points downward.

The chancellor was long reluctant to make the rift visible. For Merkel, who grew up in communist East Germany, the alliance with the U.S. was always more than political calculation, it reflected her deepest political convictions. Now, she has — to a certain extent, at least — terminated the trans-Atlantic friendship with Trump’s America.

In doing so, the German chancellor has become Trump’s adversary on the international stage. And Merkel has accepted the challenge when it comes to trade policy and the quarrel over NATO finances. Now, she has done so as well on an issue that is near and dear to her heart: combating climate change.

Merkel’s aim is that of creating an alliance against Trump. If she can’t convince the U.S. president, her approach will be that of trying to isolate him. In Taormina, it was six countries against one. Should Trump not reverse course, she is hoping that the G-20 in Hamburg in July will end 19:1. Whether she will be successful is unclear.

Trump has identified Germany as his primary adversary. Since his inauguration in January, he has criticized no country — with the exception of North Korea and Iran — as vehemently as he has Germany. The country is “bad, very bad,” he said in Brussels last week. Behind closed doors at the NATO summit, Trump went after Germany, saying there were large and prosperous countries that were not living up to their alliance obligations.

And he wants to break Germany’s economic power. The trade deficit with Germany, he recently tweeted, is “very bad for U.S. This will change.”

An Extreme Test

Merkel’s verdict following Trump’s visit to Europe could hardly be worse. There has never been an open break with America since the end of World War II; the alienation between Germany and the U.S. has never been so large as it is today. When Merkel’s predecessor, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, refused to provide German backing for George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq, his rebuff was limited to just one single issue. It was an extreme test of the trans-Atlantic relationship, to be sure, but in contrast to today, it was not a quarrel that called into question commonly held values like free trade, minority rights, press freedoms, the rule of law — and climate policies.

To truly understand the consequences of Trump’s decision, it is important to remember what climate change means for humanity — what is hidden behind the temperature curves and emission-reduction targets.

Climate change means that millions are threatened with starvation because rain has stopped falling in some regions of the planet. It means that sea levels are rising and islands and coastal zones are flooding. It means the melting of the ice caps, more powerful storms, heatwaves, water shortages and deadly epidemics. All of that leads to conflicts over increasingly limited resources, to flight and to migration.

In the U.S., too, there were plenty of voices warning the president of the consequences of his decision, Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner among them. Others included cabinet members like Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, along with pretty much the country’s entire business elite.

Companies from Exxon and Shell to Google, Apple and Amazon to Wal-Mart and PepsiCo all appealed to Trump to not isolate the U.S. on climate policy. They are worried about international competitive disadvantages in a world heading toward green energy, whether the U.S. is along for the ride or not. Google, Microsoft and Apple have long since begun drawing their energy from renewable sources, with the ultimate goal of complete freedom from fossil fuels. Wind and solar farms are booming in the U.S. — and hardly an investor can be found anymore for coal mining.

A long list of U.S. states, led by California, have charted courses that are in direct opposition to Trump’s climate policy. According to a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, almost three-quarters of Americans are opposed to withdrawing from the Paris Agreement.

The Absurdity of Trump’s Histrionics

On the other side are right-wing nationalists such as Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon, who deny climate change primarily because fighting it requires international cooperation. Powerful Republicans have criticized the climate deal with the most specious of all arguments. The U.S., they say, would be faced with legal consequences were it to miss or lower its climate targets.

Yet international agreement on the Paris accord was only possible because it contains no punitive tools at all. The only thing signatories must do is report every five years how much progress they have made toward achieving their self-identified climate protection measures.

Therein lies the absurdity of Trump’s histrionics. Nothing would have been easier for the U.S. than to take part pro forma in United Nations climate-related negotiations while completely ignoring climate protection measures at home — which Trump has been doing anyway since his election.

In late March, for example, he signed an executive order to unwind part of Barack Obama’s legacy, the Clean Power Plan. Among other measures, the plan called for the closure of aging coal-fired power plants, the reduction of methane emissions produced by oil and natural gas drilling, and stricter rules governing fuel efficiency in new vehicles. Without these measures, Obama’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 28 percent by 2025, in comparison to 2005, will hardly be achievable. But Trump is also planning to head in the opposite direction. To make the U.S. less dependent on energy imports, he wants to return to coal, one of the dirtiest energy sources in existence — even though energy independence was largely achieved years ago thanks to cheap, less environmentally damaging natural gas.

German and European efforts will now focus on keeping the other agreement signatories on board, which Berlin has already been working on for several weeks now. Because of the now-visible effects of climate change and the falling prices for renewable energies, German officials believe that the path laid forward by Paris is irreversible.

Berlin officials say that EU member states are eager to move away from fossil fuels, as are China and India. Even emissaries from Russia and Saudi Arabia, countries whose governments aren’t generally considered to be enthusiastic promoters of renewable energy sources, have indicated to the Germans that “Paris will be complied with.” On Thursday in Berlin, Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang demonstratively reaffirmed their support for the Paris Agreement. Keqiang even spoke of “green growth.”

China and India are likely to not just meet, but exceed their climate targets. China has been reducing its coal consumption for the last three years and plans for over 100 new coal-fired power plants have been scrapped. India, too, is abstaining from the construction of new coal-fired plants and will likely meet its goal of generating 40 percent of its electricity from non-fossil fuels by 2022, eight years earlier than planned. Both countries invest in solar and wind energy and in both, electricity from renewable sources is often cheaper than coal power.

Isolating the American President

The problem is that all of that still won’t be enough to limit global warming to significantly below 2 degrees Celsius, as called for in the Paris deal. Much more commitment, much more decisiveness is necessary, particularly in countries that can afford it. German, for example, is almost certain to fall short of its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent by 2020 relative to 1990.

In Taormina, Chancellor Merkel did all she could to isolate the American president. In the summit’s closing declaration, she wanted to specifically mention the conflict between the U.S. and its allies over the climate pact. Normally, such documents tend to remain silent on such differences.

At the G-20 meeting in Hamburg, Merkel plans to stay the course. She hopes that all other countries at the meeting will stand up to the United States. Even if Saudi Arabia ends up supporting its ally Trump, the end result would still be 18:2, which doesn’t look much better from the perspective of Washington.

Merkel, in any case, is doing all she can to ramp up the pressure on Trump. “The times in which we could completely rely on others are over to a certain extent,” she said in her beer tent speech last Sunday.

It shouldn’t be underestimated just how bitter it must have been for her to utter this sentence, and how deep her disappointment. Merkel, who grew up in the Soviet sphere of influence, never had much understanding for the anti-Americanism often found in western Germany. U.S. dependability is partly to thank for Eastern Europe’s post-1989 freedom.

Merkel has shown a surprising amount of passion for the trans-Atlantic relationship over the years. She came perilously close to openly supporting the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and enjoyed a personal friendship with George W. Bush, despite the fact that most Germans had little sympathy for the U.S. president. Later, Merkel’s response to the NSA’s surveillance of her mobile phone was largely stoic and she also didn’t react when Trump called her refugee policies “insane.”

As such, Merkel’s comments last Sunday about her loss of trust in America were eye-opening. It was a completely new tone and Merkel knew that it would generate attention. Indeed, that’s what she wanted.

A Clear Message to the U.S.

Her sentence immediately circled the globe and was seen among Trump opponents as proof that the most powerful woman in Europe had lost hope that Trump could be brought to reason.

Prior to speeches to her party, such as the one held last Sunday, she always gets a manuscript from Christian Democratic Union (CDU) headquarters in Berlin, but she herself writes the most decisive passages. The comment about Europe’s allies was a clear message to the U.S., but it was also meant for a domestic audience. Her speech marked the launch of her re-election campaign.

Merkel knows that her campaign adversaries from the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) intend to make foreign policy an issue in the election. After all, it has a long history of doing so. Willy Brandt did so well in 1969 and 1972 in part because he called into question the Cold War course that had been charted to that point. Gerhard Schröder managed to win in 2002 in part because of his vociferous rejection of German involvement in the coming Iraq War.

Last Monday, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, a senior SPD member, took advantage of a roundtable discussion on migration in the Foreign Ministry to lay into Trump. The largest challenges we currently face, such as climate change, he said, have been made “even larger by the new U.S. isolationism.” Those who don’t resist such a political course, Gabriel continued, “make themselves complicit.” It was a clear shot at the chancellor.

But her speech last Sunday shielded Merkel from possible accusations of abetting Trump, though she nevertheless wants to keep the dialogue going with Washington. Speaking to conservative lawmakers in Berlin on Tuesday, she said that the trans-Atlantic relationship continues to be of “exceptional importance.” Nevertheless, she added, differences should not be swept under the rug.

Merkel realized early on just how difficult it would be to work with the new U.S. president, partly because she watched videos of some of his pre-inauguration appearances. Speaking to CDU leaders in December, she said that Trump was extremely serious about his slogan “America First.”

The chancellor’s image of Trump has shifted since then, but not for the better. The first contacts with the new government in Washington were sobering. When Christoph Heusgen, her foreign policy adviser, met for the first time with Michael Flynn, who was soon to become Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, he was shocked by his American counterpart’s lack of knowledge.

Shattered Hopes

But there were still grounds for optimism. Early on, Merkel thought that the new U.S. government’s naiveite might mean that Trump could be influenced. She was hoping to play the role of educator, an approach that initially looked like it might be successful. In a telephone conversation in January, Merkel explained to Trump the situation in Ukraine. She had the impression that he had never before seriously considered the issue and she was able to convince him not to lift the sanctions that had been placed on Russia.

The new president has likewise thus far refrained from moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He has also left the Iran deal alone and revised initial statements in which he had said that NATO was “obsolete.” In the Chancellery, there was hope that Trump could in fact become something like a second-coming of Ronald Reagan.

Those hopes have now been shattered. Because Trump has had difficulty fulfilling many of his campaign promises, he has become even more intransigent. Merkel watched in annoyance as Trump did all he could in Saudi Arabia to avoid upsetting his hosts only to come to the NATO summit and cast public aspersions at his allies. The bad thing about Trump is not that he criticizes partners, says a confidante of Angela Merkel’s, but that in contrast to his predecessors, he calls the entire international order into question.

At one point, Merkel took Trump aside in Sicily to speak with him privately about climate protection and the president told her that he would prefer to delay his decision on the Paris Agreement until after the G-20 in July. You can postpone everything, Merkel replied, but it’s not helpful. She urged that he make a decision prior to the Hamburg summit.

He has now done so.

To the degree that one can make such a claim, Trump has a rather functional view of Merkel. He wants her to increase defense spending and to reduce Germany’s trade surplus with the U.S., even if it is a political impossibility. And he wants Merkel to force other European leaders to do the same, even though Merkel doesn’t possess the power to do so.

In Trump’s world, there are no allies and no mature relationships, just self-interested countries with short-term interests. History means nothing to Trump; as a hard-nosed real-estate magnate, he is only interested in immediate gains. He cares little for long-term relationships.

Two close advisers to the president contributed a piece to the Wall Street Journal this week that can be seen as something like a “Trump Doctrine.” “The world is not a ‘global community,'” wrote Gary Cohn and Herbert Raymond McMaster, Trump’s economic and security advisers. The subtext is clear: The global order, which the United States helped build, belongs to the past. There are no alliances anymore, just individual interests — no allies, just competitors. It was a clear signal to America’s erstwhile Western allies that they can no longer rely on the United States as a partner.

In: derspiegel

Control Interno del Congreso concluye que compra de 980 computadoras era injustificada e ilegal

En secreto. Entidad fiscalizadora detectó que el Poder Legislativo, bajo la presidencia de la fujimorista Luz Salgado, ordenó la adquisición violando las normas internas del Parlamento. Salgado no hizo público el resultado de la auditoría.

Decisión. La Mesa Directiva del Congreso despidió al Director de Logística, Sergio Romero Loyola, icluso antes de conocer los resultados de la auditoría. Foto: Melissa Merino.

El propio Congreso de la República reconoció que la compra de 980 computadoras a más de 5 millones de soles que pretendió ejecutar el año pasado era ilegal.

En efecto, la Oficina de Auditoría Interna del Poder Legislativo verificó el proceso de compra por 5 millones de soles, y en un informe que la Mesa Directiva mantuvo bajo reserva, señala que se vulneraron una serie de normas para presuntamente favorecer a la empresa proveedora, Grupo Coresol, que se había constituido en un asentamiento humano de Trujillo, La Libertad.

El informe ratifica las ilegalidades alertadas por La República en la compra de las computadoras, como la violación de los dispositivos internos del Congreso.

Sobre este caso, en su momento el contralor Edgar Alarcón subestimó su importancia bajo el argumento de que “solo se trata de cinco millones”.

En enero del 2016, el Congreso inició las gestiones para adquirir 220 equipos de cómputo por un millón y medio de soles, tal como estableció en su Plan Anual de Adquisiciones.

Sin embargo, en octubre elevó la cifra en dos oportunidades: primero a 260 y luego a 980 unidades.

La auditoría interna detectó que la necesidad de comprar 260 computadoras estaba justificada, pero no la de 980.

El Congreso pretendía enviar dos equipos a cada despacho de los 130 congresistas, y el resto a los talleres de carpintería, soldadura y pintura, al área de transporte y mensajería, a los operadores de la central telefónica, entre otros, “sin una justificación del uso que le darán, según las funciones que desempeñan esos usuarios”, determinó la auditoría.

¿Para qué necesitaban los talleres de pintura y carpintería equipos de última generación?

La suerte de Coresol

La República dialogó con el funcionario encargado del taller de carpintería, Lidio Cotera Mucha, y este aseguró que nunca solicitó una computadora de última generación. Ni siquiera pidió que le cambien la que tiene asignada.

Sin sustento técnico, el Congreso planeaba gastar más de cinco millones de soles. Sin embargo, la presidenta del Congreso en su oportunidad defendió la compra durante una presentación pública, flanqueada por una pizarra que le sirvió para sustentar sus números.

La auditoría también permitió detectar que el Grupo Funcional de Compras del Congreso no informó a los postores del valor estimado de las 980 computadoras, lo que era necesario para que estos ajusten sus precios por cantidad. Se trata de un mecanismo para que la entidad pública consiguiera los bienes al mejor precio.

Además, el mismo grupo de compras consideró en un primer momento adquirir procesadores de cuarta generación de la marca HP y de la sexta generación de la marca Lenovo. Y terminó comprando todo el lote de 980 computadoras de sexta generación.

Si se aplicaban los requisitos originales, la empresa Allstorcorp ofrecía el menor precio entre todos los proveedores.

Sin embargo, el mismo día de la adquisición, el 25 de noviembre pasado, un nuevo informe del Grupo Funcional de Compras cambió los requisitos, dejando al Grupo Coresol como el mejor postor de las computadoras, y a Compured como el mejor postor de los monitores.

El Grupo Coresol, una empresa sin prestigio en el mercado, recibió la orden de compra del Congreso, pese a que no contaba con el tiempo mínimo de tres años de experiencia que exige el propio Legislativo a sus proveedores.

Además, al momento de la compra tampoco acreditó ser representante o distribuidor autorizado en el Perú de la marca Lenovo, tal como exigían las especificaciones técnicas.

Recién el 6 de diciembre, casi dos semanas después de la orden de compra emitida por el Congreso, el Grupo Coresol presentó los documentos que la confirmaban como distribuidora autorizada.

La Mesa Directiva del Congreso, presidida por la fujimorista Luz Salgado, tuvo que cancelar la compra ante las revelaciones periodísticas que demostraron que era ilegal, y por recomendación de la Contraloría. También optó por despedir al director de Logística, Sergio Romero Loyola.

El informe de la auditoría fue enviado a la Contraloría en enero de este año, y a la Mesa Directiva del Congreso, según detallaron fuentes parlamentarias a este diario.

Congreso y Coresol disputan arbitraje

El Grupo Coresol SAC y Compured SAC no se quedaron con los brazos cruzados, cuando el Congreso de la República decidió cancelar la compra de 980 computadoras y la misma cantidad de monitores.

Sus abogados en Trujillo denunciaron al Parlamento y solicitaron una indemnización.

Por su parte, el Congreso aceptó llevar el caso a un arbitraje, según confirmó la Dirección General de Administración del Parlamento a este diario.

“El proceso de arbitraje ad hoc se encuentra en etapa inicial, conforme a las normas legales vigentes sobre la materia”, respondió de manera oficial.

El oficial mayor, José Cevasco, dispuso derivar una copia del informe a la Comisión de Procesos Administrativos Disciplinarios.

En: larepublica

Disney CEO: I’m quitting advisory council over Paris deal

Bob Iger, the chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, said Thursday that he is resigning from President Trump’s advisory council on policy over Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate deal.

Iger tweeted that he was resigning as “a matter of principle” in response to Trump’s formal announcement that he is pulling the U.S. from the Paris agreement.

Iger joins Tesla CEO Elon Musk in resigning from the councils over Trump’s decision. Musk said Thursday that he would drop out of the two councils he was on, tweeting, “Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.”

Other CEOs said they would stay on the advisory councils, including Ginni Rometty of IBM, Brian Krzanich of Intel and Michael Dell of Dell.

In: thehill

Trump Paris fallout: Elon Musk steps down from WH councils

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is following through on his threat to step down from his positions on advisory councils in the White House after President Trump announced Thursday that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

“Am departing presidential councils,” Musk tweeted on Thursday. “Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.”

On Wednesday afternoon, the tech billionaire tweeted that he made every effort to persuade Trump to not withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement and vowed to step down if the president did just that.

According to Musk’s tweets, he had lobbied Trump for months for the U.S. to not drop out of the agreement.

The Tesla CEO endured heavy criticism from some groups for accepting and then not stepping down from his role on Trump advisory councils. Musk argued that it was important to be a part of the conversations with the White House, regardless of who is president, to help shape discourse.

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick had previously stepped down from an advisory council in February, bowing to pressure from outside groups and vexed employees at Uber.

An IBM spokesperson said that CEO Ginni Rometty will not step down from her position on the White House’s strategic and policy advisory council. IBM has strongly supported the U.S. taking part in the agreement. Prior to Trump’s announcement to withdraw, the company reinforced its position with a blog post arguing the agreement’s importance on Thursday morning.

“As IBM has said before, there is value in engagement,” the spokesperson said. “We believe we can make a constructive contribution by having a direct dialogue with the Administration — as we do with governments around the world.”

Earlier Thursday, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said on CNBC that even if Trump withdrew from the agreement — which Intel supports — he would remain on the council.

“Here’s my belief,” said Krzanich. “Just like exiting the Paris accord and walking away is not a good thing. Walking away from the administration — it is the administration of our country — we need to engage. And what I’ll do is I’ll spend time in there talking about ‘what are we going to do? How do we get back in.'”

Dell said that its CEO and founder Michael Dell would remain in his role on a Trump advisory board. A Dell spokesperson noted that they would continue to engage with “the Trump administration and governments around the globe to share our perspective on policy issues that affect our company, our customers and our employees.”

In: thehill

Trump Exempts Entire Senior Staff From White House Ethics Rules

After a pointed exchange with ethics officials, the White House has released a list of waivers to Trump’s ethics rules—and Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, and more are exempted.


05.31.17 10:55 PM ET

President Donald Trump has exempted his entire senior staff from provisions of his own ethics rules to allow them to work with political and advocacy groups that support the administration.

Staffers given a pass on those rules include White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, who has the green light to communicate and meet with “political, advocacy, trade, or non-profit organizations” that formerly employed her consulting firm, despite ethics rules that would otherwise bar work with former clients.

Chief White House strategist Steve Bannon also received a waiver to the rules as part of a blanket exemption for all White House appointees allowing them to communicate with the press. His reported discussions with former colleagues at the pro-Trump site Breitbart News, which Bannon chaired until last year, had raised red flags among ethics watchdogs.

Bannon and Conway will both be free to work with a network of political groups backed by the wealthy Mercer family, which was integral to Trump’s victory last year and continues to support his agenda as president.

The White House on Wednesday released a list of waivers to the ethics pledge imposed by a January executive order on all administration nominees and appointees. It agreed to do so only after a pointed exchange with federal ethics officials over the scope of their oversight authority.

Three former lobbyists in the White House, and one on the vice president’s staff, have also been exempted from “revolving door” rules imposed by that executive order, allowing them to work on administration policies that might benefit former clients.

The list provides the first official glimpse at the extent to which Trump has circumvented his own ethics rules by hiring former special interest advocates of the type that he railed against on the campaign trail.

But it does not cover the entire Trump administration and only discloses waivers granted to officials in the Executive Office of the President and the Office of the Vice President. The Office of Government Ethics had requested all waivers issued to appointees administration-wide, but it was not immediately clear whether those were to be made available by the White House or the applicable federal agencies.

The White House did not immediately respond to questions about further waiver disclosures.

The West Wing’s three former lobbyists have been given wide latitude to work on a range of policy issues that might dovetail with the interests of their former clients.

Energy policy adviser Michael Catanzaro—a former energy industry lobbyist with clients in the oil, gas, and coal sectors—“may participate in broad policy matters and particular matters of general applicability relating to the Clean Power Plan” and other Obama administration environmental rules.

“Particular matters of general applicability” generally refer to laws or regulations that affect a narrow and identifiable group—say, a single industry. In effect, Catanzaro will be free to promote policies that benefit his former clients as long as he doesn’t go to bat for them directly.

So too will Shahira Knight, a White House economist and former lobbyist for financial services giant Fidelity who can now “participate in broad policy matters and particular matters of general applicability relating to tax, retirement and financial services issues.”

Andrew Olmem, another White House economist and a former lobbyist for a host of large financial services and insurance firms, will be free to work with former clients on specific issues affecting bank capital requirements, financial regulation of insurers, and the Puerto Rican debt crisis, all issues on which he has recently lobbied.

Those officials have been given freer rein to advance their former clients’ financial interests, but ethics rules have also been waived for every other “commissioned officer”—staffers who report directly to the president—in the White House who has worked for a political group in the past two years.

That will allow a number of White House staffers to collaborate with pro-Trump advocacy operations. The West Wing is stacked with officials who have made significant sums working, consulting for, or representing high-profile political organizations, including networks of groups financed by the Trump-backing Mercer family and the libertarian Koch family.

Conway herself consulted for more than 50 political, policy, and advocacy organizations last year, according to a White House financial disclosure statement.

She and Bannon will be free to continue working with two campaign vendors in particular, Glittering Steel and Cambridge Analytica, that are key components of the Mercers’ pro-Trump political endeavors. Bannon helped lead both companies, and Cambridge Analytica enlisted Conway’s consulting services last year.

The White House also issued a collective waiver to six White House officials formerly employed by the law firm Jones Day, which has sent more than a dozen attorneys to the Trump administration, allowing them to meet and communicate with former colleagues representing the White House, Trump, his campaign, “or political entities supporting the president.”

The White House’s waiver disclosures came after a tense back and forth with the Office of Government Ethics. The White House initially disputed that OGE had the authority to demand a full list of waivers granted to administration appointees.

After OGE director Walter Shaub disputed those “highly unusual” claims, the White House agreed to disclose all ethics pledge waivers.

Disclosure was more regimented under a similar executive order imposed by President Barack Obama in 2009. That measure directed OGE to regularly update its website with a list of waivers to a similar ethics pledge—Obama granted 49 in total over eight years and across his entire administration—along with detailed explanations of why those waivers were in the “public interest.” No such explanations accompanied the Trump White House’s list.
Ethics watchdogs appeared nonplussed by the release on Wednesday evening.

“We now know who was given a waiver from their WH ethics pledge,” wrote the left-leaning group Citizens for Responsibility in Washington on Twitter. “Looks like the end of the drain the swamp illusion.”

In: dailybeast

White House Waivers May Have Violated Ethics Rules

Stephen K. Bannon, center, President Trump’s chief strategist, in April. Credit Al Drago/The New York Times

The Trump administration may have skirted federal ethics rules by retroactively granting a blanket exemption that allows Stephen K. Bannon, the senior White House strategist, to communicate with editors at Breitbart News, where he was recently an executive.

The exemption, made public late Wednesday along with more than a dozen other ethics waivers issued by the White House, allows all White House aides to communicate with news organizations, even if they involve a “former employer or former client.”

The waiver, which was undated, did not mention Mr. Bannon specifically, but appeared to benefit him by potentially dislodging him from a pending ethics complaint over his past discussions with Breitbart editors. It would also free him from restrictions on his future communication with the conservative media company.

The waiver, and the fact that it remains unclear when it was originally issued, seemed unusual to Walter M. Shaub Jr., the director of the Office of Government Ethics, who questioned its validity.

“There is no such thing as a retroactive waiver,” Mr. Shaub said in an interview. “If you need a retroactive waiver, you have violated a rule.”

A spokeswoman for the White House did not respond to a request for comment. The ethics waivers had prompted a dispute between the White House and the ethics office, which pressed the administration to make them public. The waivers reveal what past work might conflict with aides’ new official duties.

In January, President Trump signed an executive order that put in place stringent ethics rules for his political appointees like Mr. Bannon. Under the policy, Mr. Bannon would be barred from contacting Breitbart employees for two years to discuss issues that were under his purview while he was an executive there.

But Mr. Bannon continued those communications, including with Breitbart editors, after beginning his job as Mr. Trump’s chief strategist on Jan. 20, according to a complaint by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a liberal group.

Some critics have raised concerns about Mr. Bannon’s ties to Breitbart, which he helped build into a formidable conservative media force before leaving last August to join Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign. The complaint alleged that Mr. Bannon’s discussions with the media organization — in his official role as chief strategist — “resulted in Breitbart receiving preferential access to senior members of the Trump administration.”

The complaint was filed with the White House Counsel’s Office, which has the ability to investigate and issue a punishment, if it deems one necessary. It has not commented publicly on the complaint.

But in another recent case, after complaints from several groups, the counsel’s office disclosed that it found that another top adviser, Kellyanne Conway, had acted “inadvertently” by promoting the brand of Ivanka Trump, Mr. Trump’s daughter, during an interview on Fox News in February. It said Ms. Conway was “highly unlikely” to err again.

The Office of Government Ethics, which is the chief ethics monitor for the federal government, does not have the authority to investigate complaints. It did issue an opinion during the Obama administration maintaining that retroactive ethics waivers were not allowed, and noted several instances where they appeared to have been granted after the fact.

“Waivers and authorizations must be issued prospectively in order to be valid,” Don Fox, the general counsel of the ethics office, wrote in April 2010. He wrote that the process of evaluating waivers was one of the more significant duties of ethics officials. “Both the individual employee’s interests and those of the government are best served when this process is carried out in a careful and consistent manner.”

Mr. Shaub, the ethics monitor, said he was concerned that the media organization waiver, and a number of others made public on Wednesday, did not include dates, making it impossible to tell when they were issued.

“It leaves us unable to evaluate if the waiver was issued before or after you engaged in conduct that would otherwise be prohibited,” Mr. Shaub said.

For example, there is no date on a broad waiver allowing senior White House employees to have contacts with an assortment of political organizations — including ones where they may have worked, such as the president’s campaign or the Republican Attorneys General Association.

Richard W. Painter, a White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, who has been critical of the Trump administration’s approach to ethics, said that backdating was not an acceptable approach.

“The only retroactive waiver I have ever heard of is called a pardon,” Mr. Painter said in an email.

In: nytimes

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