Keanu Reeves y Carrie-Anne Moss opinan sobre “The Matrix Awakens” con Epic Games

Epic Games ha creado una nueva experiencia interactiva basada en The Matrix para mostrar a todo el mundo su novedoso software “Unreal Engine Five” durante la ceremonia de premiación para videojuegos de este año. Las dos estrellas de este demo, Keanu Reeves y Carrie-Anne Moss, dialogaron sobre este proyecto, su relación con las películas de la saga “The Matrix”, sobre como la tecnología actualmente esta opacando la frontera entre lo real y lo virtual, lo que debemos esperar de la próxima película “Matrix Resurrections”, y mucho mas. . .

Video: The Verge

Video: Unreal Engine

Amazon y Visa continúan en una silenciosa disputa

En septiembre de 2021, Inc. comenzó a añadir un pequeño recargo a cualquier compra realizada con una tarjeta de crédito Visa Inc. en Singapur. Amazon justificó esta acción indicando “el alto costo de los pagos de Visa”. La compañía pronto comenzó a transferir también la tarifa adicional a los clientes en Australia. Esta semana, Amazon escaló anunciando que prohibirá las tarjetas Visa en el Reino Unido a partir del próximo año.

El gigante del comercio electrónico indicó en un comunicado: “Creemos que el costo de aceptar pagos con tarjeta de crédito debería reducirse con el tiempo para permitir que los comerciantes reinviertan sus ahorros en precios bajos y mejoras de compras para los clientes [. . .]. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances técnicos, el costo de pago de algunas tarjetas sigue siendo alto o incluso aumentando”. Visa, por su parte, dijo que está “muy decepcionada de que Amazon esté amenazando con restringir las opciones de los consumidores en el futuro. Cuando la elección del consumidor es limitada, nadie gana“.

Existen indicios de que esta silenciosa disputa también se estaría abriendo camino hacia los EE. UU. En las últimas semanas, Amazon ha anunciado acuerdos con Venmo de PayPal Holdings Inc. y Affirm Inc. que brindarán a los compradores estadounidenses otra forma de evitar Visa. El retailer también está considerando cambiar su popular tarjeta de crédito de marca compartida a Mastercard Inc. en medio de las tensiones latentes.

Este el problema no es del todo nuevo: Los retailers se han resistido durante mucho tiempo a las tarifas que se ven obligados a pagar cada vez que un consumidor pasa una tarjeta al momento de pagar por su compra. Si bien puede ascender solo a centavos por compra, eso al final se suma: los comerciantes en los EE. UU. Gastaron $ 110 mil millones en tarifas de procesamiento de tarjetas solo el año pasado.

La mayoría de los consumidores tienen poca idea de que existen estos costos o de cuánto ascienden, aunque los minoristas dicen que son responsables de los precios más altos de muchos productos cotidianos. También son una parte importante del modelo comercial de la empresa de tarjetas de crédito. En los EE. UU., A menudo son estas tarifas de deslizamiento las que ayudan a financiar los populares “premium credit-card rewards” y protección contra el fraude.

Con este último movimiento, Amazon está actuando de igual manera como sus rivales Walmart Inc. y Kroger Co., los cuales han instituido temporalmente prohibiciones similares en las tarjetas Visa. Por ahora, la mayoría de los analistas creen que Visa podrá llegar a una tregua con Amazon, como lo ha hecho con Walmart y Kroger en el pasado.

“Esperamos que Visa y Amazon lleguen a un acuerdo en el Reino Unido, ya que la elección del cliente y la ubicuidad son primordiales”, dijo Dominick Gabriele, analista de Oppenheimer, en una nota a los clientes. Aún así, agregó, “seguimos siendo cautelosos”.

Por: Jennifer Surane

Traducido de: Bloomberg

Jack Ma, el Billonario creador de Alibaba, reaparece en Hong Kong – 12 Oct 2021

El fundador de Alibaba Group (9988.HK) , Jack Ma, quien estuvo lejos del ojo público luego del inicio de la represión regulatoria contra su imperio empresarial a fines del año pasado, se encuentra actualmente en Hong Kong celebrando una serie de reuniones con socios comerciales, según dos fuentes de Reuters.

El multimillonario chino ha mantenido un perfil bajo desde que pronunció un discurso en octubre del año pasado en Shanghai criticando a los reguladores financieros de China. Sus comentarios desencadenaron una serie de eventos que resultaron en la paralización de la mega OPI (Oferta Pública Inicial) del Grupo Ant.

La desaparición de Ma del ámbito público generó una serie de especulaciones sobre su verdadero paradero, sin embargo, Ma ha hecho algunas apariciones públicas en China continental luego de la frustrada oferta publica. Una de las fuentes informo que esta visita marca su primer viaje al centro financiero asiático desde octubre del año pasado.

Alibaba no ha respondido a las solicitudes de comentarios fuera de su horario de operaciones habitual. Los comentarios de Ma son típicamente emitidos a través de la empresa.

Las fuentes se negaron a ser identificadas debido a razones de confidencialidad.

Ma, quien fuera el empresario más famoso, sencillo y veraz de China, se reunió con “algunos” socios comerciales durante varios almuerzos la semana pasada, según las fuentes.

Ma, quien radica en la ciudad oriental de Hangzhou – sede su imperio comercial, posee al menos una casa de lujo en la ex colonia británica la cual también alberga parte de sus operaciones comerciales en el extranjero.

Alibaba también cotiza en Hong Kong, además de Nueva York.

El exprofesor de inglés desapareció de la vista del público por tres meses antes de aparecer en enero, hablando con un grupo de maestros por videollamada. Esto alivió la preocupación por su inusual ausencia del foco público y tornó las acciones de Alibaba al alza.

Ver: Jack Ma Resurfaces After Months Of Disappearance; Is His Latest Video For Real? | CRUX

Enero 2021: Lejos de disculparse, los comentarios de Ma fueron muy distintos a sus últimos comentarios públicos en octubre, cuando el multimillonario lanzó una reprimenda fuerte contra los reguladores chinos. 

Ver: Jack Ma se conecta con cientos de maestros rurales

En mayo, Ma hizo una visita poco común al campus de Alibaba en Hangzhou para participar en un evento anual para el personal y la familia de la empresa “Ali Day”, dijeron fuentes de la compañía. Lee mas

El 1 de septiembre, imágenes de Ma visitando invernaderos agrícolas en la provincia oriental de Zhejiang, hogar de Alibaba y su filial de tecnología financiera Ant, se volvieron virales en las redes sociales chinas.

Al día siguiente, Alibaba dijo que invertiría 100.000 millones de yuanes (15.500 millones de dólares) para 2025 para incentivar la “prosperidad común”, convirtiéndose en el último gigante empresarial en comprometerse a apoyar la iniciativa de reparto de la riqueza impulsada por el presidente Xi Jinping. Lee mas

Alibaba y sus rivales tecnológicos han sido objeto de una amplia represión regulatoria en temas que van desde el comportamiento monopolístico hasta los relacionados con los derechos del consumidor. El gigante del comercio electrónico recibió una multa record de $ 2,750 millones en abril por violaciones del monopolio.

A principios de este año, los reguladores también impusieron una radical reestructuración a Ant, cuya fallida oferta pública inicial de 37.000 millones de dólares en Hong Kong y en el mercado estilo Nasdaq de Shanghái – STAR, hubiera sido la más grande del mundo.

Reporting by Kane Wu and Julie Zhu; Editing by Sumeet Chatterjee and Alison Williams.

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What Happened When China Joined the WTO?

Video: OMC español

Economically, the United States saw some benefits and some downsides.

  • Consumers broadly benefited from China’s WTO entry because they could buy goods from China at lower prices.
  • Corporations profited from increased access to China’s massive market. In 2017, for example, China accounted for about 20 percent of Apple’s sales, and since 2001, the value of U.S. agricultural exports to China increased by 1,000 percent.
  • However, labor unions in manufacturing and factory work opposed a WTO accession deal, certain that cheaper labor in China would cost jobs in the United States. And they were right: between 1999 and 2011, almost 6 million U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost. A landmark study attributed nearly 1 million of those manufacturing job losses, and 2.4 million total job losses, to competition from China. But because major technological advances such as automation occurred in that same time frame, economists disagree about exactly how responsible Chinese competition was for job losses in manufacturing.

Meanwhile, for China, the economic impact has been remarkably positive:

  • Since 1999, more than four hundred million Chinese people have been lifted from extreme poverty (living on less than $1.90 a day).
  • China’s economy is eight times larger than it was in 2001.
  • Trade in goods between the United States and China increased more than thirty times, from less than $8 billion in 1986 to over $578 billion in 2016. China surpassed Germany to become the world’s largest exporter of goods in 2009.


Video: CNN Chile

Video: teleSUR tv

SERVIR: Unas 150 Mil personas laborarían en el estado en situación de informalidad

  • Informalidad laboral en el Estado ascendería a 11%. Personas que laboran en condición de informalidad suelen ser contratadas indebidamente bajo la modalidad de locación de servicios.
  • SERVIR recuerda a entidades públicas que sólo pueden contratar locadores de servicios para labores no subordinadas, bajo responsabilidad del titular.


La Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil (SERVIR) señaló que el nivel de 11% de informalidad laboral aún existente en el sector público, es una de las principales razones para profundizar la reforma del servicio civil y la meritocracia en el Estado peruano, según el informe denominado “El reto de la formalidad en el sector público peruano” publicado hoy.

En el referido informe se señala que existirían unas 150 mil personas, el 11% del total que están al servicio del Estado, que laborarían en condición de informalidad laboral en el sector público, en vista que, según la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del INEI, siendo subordinadas serían contratadas vía locación de servicios en el mejor de los casos, figura que sólo puede ser usada para labores no subordinadas.

“A pesar que realizarían labores subordinadas en una entidad, no estarían registradas en las planillas, por tanto, no accederían a beneficios laborales tales como vacaciones, aguinaldos, compensación por tiempo de servicios, seguridad social en salud y pensiones, entre otros”, señala el informe.

La mayor tasa de informalidad laboral en el sector público se registraría en los gobiernos locales (26%), seguida del gobierno nacional (13%) y los gobiernos regionales (6%). SERVIR señala que, no obstante, la tasa de informalidad laboral del sector público que ascendería a 11%, resultaría significativamente inferior a la del sector privado, que asciende a 55%.

“La significativa presencia de personas contratadas indebidamente como locadores en el Estado se explicaría por la intención de evitar las restricciones impuestas a las entidades –previstas en las leyes anuales de presupuesto- para contratar personal en planilla. También por la prohibición de contratar personal CAS en los proyectos de inversión pública y por la mayor flexibilidad para contratar locadores en comparación con los trámites requeridos para contratar personal subordinado, entre otros”, apunta SERVIR.


Para SERVIR, el tránsito de las entidades públicas a la Ley del Servicio Civil, minimizará el uso indebido de la locación de servicios en el Estado, considerando que -salvo los puestos de confianza- el acceso al servicio civil se realiza por concurso público de méritos.

Adicionalmente, señala que, en su momento, se podrá utilizar la modalidad de contratación a plazo fijo regulada en la Ley del Servicio Civil, en los proyectos de inversión pública, con el fin de evitar el uso inapropiado de la contratación por locación de servicios.

Otra recomendación a las entidades es aplicar con mayor rigurosidad el Reglamento General de la Ley del Servicio Civil, que indica que las entidades públicas “solo pueden contratar a personas naturales bajo la figura de locación de servicios para realizar labores no subordinadas, bajo responsabilidad del titular de la entidad”.

Para ver y descargar el Informe “El reto de la formalidad en el sector público peruano” hacer click aquí

Lima, 25 de julio de 2017
Subjefatura de Comunicaciones e Imagen Institucional

En: servir

‘Back to the Future II” From a Legal Perspective: Unintentionally Visionary


Courtesy of Universal Pictures – ‘Back to the Future II’. Image:

The inside story of Crispin Glover’s lawsuit over George McFly: Was an actor hired to mimic another actor playing a character?

Yes, there were hoverboards, drones, wearable tech, videoconferencing and even a baseball team in Miami. Back to the Future Part II also brought back George McFly, the father of the protagonist traveling to Oct. 21, 2015, which as everybody knows, is this date in history.Except George McFly wasn’t played by the same actor, Crispin Glover, who appeared in the first film. Glover didn’t like the sequel’s script, and so he threw out a $1 million demand to reprise the role. The filmmakers refused, and so they took a face mold of Glover that was created during the first film to help out the makeup artists, hired a different actor, Jeffrey Weissman, and through the use of prosthetics, made it appear as though the same thespian was performing the part.

Back to the Future II is today being celebrated as visionary in many respects, but let’s not forget the legal drama that ensued after this happened. The 1990 lawsuit that Glover filed against Universal Pictures for violating his right of publicity predated other famous cases including Vanna White’s lawsuit over a Wheel of Fortune robot hostess in a blond wig and Gwen Stefani’s legal action over a digital avatar in the Band Hero video game. Glover’s case never got far enough in the court to set legal precedent, but it is often invoked when actors like Fast & Furious star Paul Walker become indisposed and filmmakers contemplate tricky ways to resurrect performances. The advance of technologies like holograms, with the potential of reviving dead stars and allowing living ones to be in multiple places, tends to invite discussion of wonderful possibilities and legal limits. Enter Glover and his unwitting participation in a film for the ages — and a lawsuit that Philip K. Dick would have loved.

“Had they only hired another actor, which is kind of what I thought had happened, that would have been totally legal, and I would have been completely fine with it,” said Glover in a radio interview last year, pointing out that the film switched the actresses playing Marty McFly’s girlfriend without resorting to prosthetics.

The use of an old face mold went too far.

Glover sued, and according to Doug Kari, his attorney at the time, the complaint itself was purposefully short and simple.

“I kept the factual details out of the complaint, preferring that we hold our cards close to the vest,” says Kari. “Having interviewed Jeffrey Weissman, the replacement actor, in the privacy of my office, I knew that we held some aces.”

Kari says that Weissman had gone to Glover feeling a bit disturbed by the role and what was happening on the set of Back to the Future II. There, others were referring to him as “Crispin.” (Weissman wasn’t available to comment.)

“Jeffrey told me a story that one day, [executive producer] Steven Spielberg walked on set and laughed and said, ‘Hey Crispin, I see you got your million,’ ” says Kari. “To me, those anecdotes showed they were trying to take Crispin’s persona.”

Universal filed a demurrer, arguing that the publicity rights claim should fail because the filmmakers were only trying to perpetuate the George McFly character. As the dispute heated up, Glover and Kari began to have conversations with each other about the future of computer graphic technology and how what was being done to Glover might impact other actors. The argument was passed along to the judge.

“What I said to the judge was, ‘Things may happen in the future that will make this important,’ ” says Kari. “We need to draw a line.”

The judge rejected Universal’s bid to toss the lawsuit. What’s more, she agreed to let Kari depose director Robert Zemeckis, screenwriter Bob Gale, actor Michael J. Fox, Spielberg and others. The plaintiff also wanted a complete accounting of the finances of Back to the Future II because a demand was being made for a share of the film’s profits.

Taking the parties into chambers, the judge strongly urged settlement. A deal was indeed made, reportedly for $760,000 at the behest of the company that insured Universal. (Attorneys wouldn’t confirm the amount.)

The settlement unfortunately left a lot of uncertainty as to where the proper line is. Studios often recast roles. Hiring an actor that looks like a predecessor might be fine. Hiring an actor that is made up to look like a predecessor might not be. The line is blurry to say the least.

When Glover brought his case, the U.S. Supreme Court had already affirmed the value of a performer’s right of publicity. The high court examined a man named Hugo Zacchini who performed a human cannonball act suing a local Ohio TV station for showing his act. “The broadcast of a film of petitioner’s entire act poses a substantial threat to the economic value of that performance,” wrote Justice Bryan White.

In the years that followed Glover’s lawsuit, there would be substantive developments in the law. In 2001, looking at an artist who sold lithographs bearing the faces of the Three Stooges, the California Supreme Court put forward a test of “whether the depiction or imitation of the celebrity is the very sum and substance of the work in question.” Ten years later, examining Stefani’s lawsuit against Activision over a digital avatar, a California appeals court refined the test toward an examination into the transformative nature of the work, agreeing with the singer’s contention that motion-captured re-creations of her likeness was too “realistic” to qualify as such. Earlier this year, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals considered that ruling when reviving a case brought by former professional football players suing over Madden NFL. It’s a decision that’s now being petitioned for review by the Supreme Court.

The Glover case was similar to Stefani’s with respect to a performer who once did something (agreeing to perform) without any expectation or contractual understanding of how it would later be used. Regarding Back to the Future II, the parties struggled to elucidate the difference between perpetuating character and ripping off someone’s identity. Glover found enough of a legal advantage to advance, and had the case gone to trial, his lawyer would have shown a jury the way in which the movie spliced together clips from the original film showing Glover with remade clips of an actor posing as Glover being George McFly. The case didn’t get there because of the settlement, but maybe the dispute had some psychological impact on those involved. Zemeckis, for example, would go on to helm Forrest Gump, which spliced historical footage to create the illusion that the main character was meeting Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.

In recent years, Glover has taken credit for changing Screen Actors Guild rules on the illicit use of actors. Kari believes that’s accurate, though a spokesperson for SAG-AFTRA says the guild can’t identify changes to its agreements. Nevertheless, the Glover case did raise quite a bit of consciousness throughout Hollywood about the possibilities and risks of reusing an actor’s performance and has become quite excellent shorthand for the types of publicity rights disputes inherent in new technologies. It’s quite amazing that the Chicago Cubs are making a World Series run this year, but nobody should forget the unintentionally visionary nature of the George McFly character in the film.


Read also: Back to the Future: 13 Things you May not Know


How bosses are (literally) like dictators

Americans think they live in a democracy. But their workplaces are small tyrannies.

Some Amazon warehouse workers have complained about being pushed beyond their abilities by their bosses. Boston Globe / Getty

Updated by  Jul 17, 2017, 8:20am EDT

Consider some facts about how American employers control their workers. Amazon prohibits employees from exchanging casual remarks while on duty, calling this “time theft.” Apple inspects the personal belongings of its retail workers, some of whom lose up to a half-hour of unpaid time every day as they wait in line to be searched. Tyson prevents its poultry workers from using the bathroom. Some have been forced to urinate on themselves while their supervisors mock them.

About half of US employees have been subject to suspicionless drug screening by their employers. Millions are pressured by their employers to support particular political causes or candidates. Soon employers will be empowered to withhold contraception coveragefrom their employees’ health insurance. They already have the right to penalize workers for failure to exercise and diet, by charging them higher health insurance premiums.

How should we understand these sweeping powers that employers have to regulate their employees’ lives, both on and off duty? Most people don’t use the term in this context, but wherever some have the authority to issue orders to others, backed by sanctions, in some domain of life, that authority is a government

We usually assume that “government” refers to state authorities. Yet the state is only one kind of government. Every organization needs some way to govern itself — to designate who has authority to make decisions concerning its affairs, what their powers are, and what consequences they may mete out to those beneath them in the organizational chart who fail to do their part in carrying out the organization’s decisions.

Managers in private firms can impose, for almost any reason, sanctions including job loss, demotion, pay cuts, worse hours, worse conditions, and harassment. The top managers of firms are therefore the heads of little governments, who rule their workers while they are at work — and often even when they are off duty.

Every government has a constitution, which determines whether it is a democracy, a dictatorship, or something else. In a democracy like the United States, the government is “public.” This means it is properly the business of the governed: transparent to them and servant to their interests. They have a voice and the power to hold rulers accountable.

Not every government is public in this way. When King Louis XIV of France said, “L’etat, c’est moi,” he meant that his government was his business alone, something he kept private from those he governed. They weren’t entitled to know how he operated it, had no standing to insist he take their interests into account in his decisions, and no right to hold him accountable for his actions.

Over time, national governments have become “public,” but in the US workplace governments remain resolutely “private”

Like Louis XIV’s government, the typical American workplace is kept private from those it governs. Managers often conceal decisions of vital interest to their workers. Often, they don’t even give advance notice of firm closures and layoffs. They are free to sacrifice workers’ dignity in dominating and humiliating their subordinates. Most employer harassment of workers is perfectly legal, as long as bosses mete it out on an equal-opportunity basis. (Walmart and Amazon managers are notorious for berating and belittling their workers.) And workers have virtually no power to hold their bosses accountable for such abuses: They can’t fire their bosses, and can’t sue them for mistreatment except in a very narrow range of cases, mostly having to do with discrimination.

Why are workers subject to private government? The state has set the default terms of the constitution of workplace government through its employment laws. The most important source of employers’ power is the default rule of employment at will. Unless the parties have otherwise agreed, employers are free to fire workers for almost any or no reason. This amounts to an effective grant of power to employers to rule the lives of their employees in almost any respect — not just on the job but off duty as well. And they have exercised that power.

Scotts, the lawn care company, fired an employee for smoking off duty. After Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) notified Lakeland Bank that an employee had complained he wasn’t holding town hall meetings, the bank intimidated her into resigning. San Diego Christian College fired a teacher for having premarital sex — and hired her fiancé to fill her post. Bosses are dictators, and workers are their subjects.

American public discourse doesn’t give us helpful ways to talk about the dictatorial rule of employers. Instead, we talk as if workers aren’t ruled by their bosses. We are told that unregulated markets make us free, and that the only threat to our liberties is the state. We are told that in the market, all transactions are voluntary. We are told that since workers freely enter and exit the labor contract, they are perfectly free under it. We prize our skepticism about “government,” without extending our critique to workplace dictatorship.

The earliest champions of free markets envisioned a world of self-employment

Why do we talk like this? The answer takes us back to free market ideas developed before the Industrial Revolution. In 17th- and 18th-century Britain, big merchants got the state to grant them monopolies over trade in particular goods, forcing small craftsmen to submit to their regulations. A handful of aristocratic families enjoyed a monopoly on land, due to primogeniture and entail, which barred the breakup and sale of any part of large estates. Farmers could rent their land only on short-term leases, which forced them to bow and scrape before their landlords, in a condition of subordination not much different from servants, who lived in their masters’ households and had to obey their rules.

The problem was that the state had rigged the rules of the market in favor of the rich. Confronted with this economic situation, many people argued that free markets would promote equality and workers’ interests by enabling them to go into business for themselves and thereby escapesubordination to the owners of capital.

No wonder some of the early advocates of free markets in 17th-century England were called “Levellers.” These radicals, who emerged during the English civil war, wanted to abolish the monopolies held by the big merchants and aristocrats. They saw the prospects of greater equality that might come from opening up to ordinary workers opportunities for manufacture, trade, and farming one’s own land.

Marchers in Burford, England, celebrate the “levellers,” who sought to overthrow monopolies in the 17th century. Tim Graham / Getty

In the 18th century, Adam Smith was the greatest advocate for the view that replacing monopolies, primogeniture, entail, and involuntary servitude with free markets would enable laborers to work on their own behalf. His key assumption was that incentives were more powerful than economies of scale. When workers get to keep all of the fruits of their labor, as they do when self-employed, they will work much harder and more efficiently than if they are employed by a master, who takes a cut of what they produce. Indolent aristocratic landowners can’t compete with yeoman farmers without laws preventing land sales. Free markets in land, labor, and commerce will therefore lead to the triumph of the most efficient producer, the self-employed worker, and the demise of the idle, stupid, rent-seeking rentier.

Smith and his contemporaries looked across the Atlantic and saw that America appeared to be realizing these hopes — although only for white men. The great majority of the free population in the Revolutionary period was self-employed, as either a yeoman farmer or an independent artisan or merchant.

In the United States, Thomas Paine was the great promoter of this vision. Indeed, his views on political economy sound as if they could have been ripped out of the GOP Freedom Caucus playbook. Paine argued that individuals can solve nearly all of their problems on their own, without state meddling. A good government does nothing more than secure individuals in “peace and safety” in the free pursuit of their occupations, with the lowest possible tax burden. Taxation is theft. People living off government pay are social parasites. Government is the chief cause of poverty. Paine was a lifelong advocate of commerce, free trade, and free markets. He called for hard money and fiscal responsibility.

Paine was the hero of labor radicals for decades after his death in 1809, because they shared his hope that free markets would yield an economy almost entirely composed of small proprietors. An economy of small proprietors offers a plausible model of a free society of equals: each individual personally independent, none taking orders from anyone else, everyone middle class.

Abraham Lincoln built on the vision of Smith and Paine, which helped to shape the two key planks of the Republican Party platform: opposition to the extension of slavery in the territories, and the Homestead Act. Slavery, after all, enabled masters to accumulate vast tracts of land, squeezing out small farmers and forcing them into wage labor. Prohibiting the extension of slavery into the territories and giving away small plots of land to anyone who would work it would realize a society of equals in which no one is ever consigned to wage labor for life. Lincoln, who helped create the political party that now defends the interests of business, never wavered from the proposition that true free labor meant freedom from wage labor.

The Industrial Revolution, however — well underway by Lincoln’s time — ultimately dashed the hopes of joining free markets with independent labor in a society of equals. Smith’s prediction — that economies of scale would be less important than the incentive effects of enabling workers to reap all the fruits of their labor — was defeated by industrial technologies that required massive accumulations of capital. The US, with its access to territories seized from Native Americans, was able to stave off the bankruptcy of self-employed farmers and other small proprietors for far longer than Europe. But industrialization, population growth, the closure of the frontier, and railroad monopolies doomed the sole proprietorship to the margins of the economy, even in North America.

The Industrial Revolution gave employers new powers over workers, but economists failed to adjust their vocabulary — or their analyses

The Smith-Paine-Lincoln libertarian vision was rendered largely irrelevant by industrialization, which created a new model of wage labor, with large companies taking the place of large landowners. Yet strangely, many people persist in using Smith’s and Paine’s rhetoric to describe the world we live in today. We are told that our choice is between free markets and state control — but most adults live their working lives under a third thing entirely: private government. A vision of what egalitarians hoped market society would deliver before the Industrial Revolution — a world without private workplace government, with producers interacting only through markets and the state — has been blindly carried over to the modern economy by libertarians and their pro-business fellow travelers.

There is a condition called hemiagnosia, whose sufferers cannot perceive one half of their bodies. A large class of libertarian-leaning thinkers and politicians, with considerable public following, resemble patients with this condition: They cannot perceive half of the economy — the half that takes place beyond the market, after the employment contract is accepted, where workers are subject to private, arbitrary, unaccountable government.

What can we do about this? Americans are used to complaining about how government regulation restricts our freedom. So we should recognize that such complaints apply, with at least as much force, to private governments of the workplace. For while the punishments employers can impose for disobedience aren’t as severe as those available to the state, the scope of employers’ authority over workers is more sweeping and exacting, its power more arbitrary and unaccountable. Therefore, it is high time we considered remedies for reining in the private government of the workplace similar to those we have long insisted should apply to the state.

Three types of remedy are of special importance. First, recall a key demand the United States made of communist dictatorships during the Cold War: Let dissenters leave. Although workers are formally free to leave their workplace dictatorships, they often pay a steep price. Nearly one-fifth of American workers labor under noncompete clauses. This means they can’t work in the same industry if they quit or are fired.

And it’s not just engineers and other “knowledge economy” workers who are restricted in this way: Even some minimum wage workers are forced to sign noncompetes. Workers who must leave their human capital behind are not truly free to quit. Every state should follow California’s example and ban noncompete clauses from work contracts.

We should clarify the rights that workers possess, and then defend them

Second, consider that if the state imposed surveillance and regulations on us in anything like the way that private employers do, we would rightly protest that our constitutional rights were being violated. American workers have few such rights against their bosses, and the rights they have are very weakly enforced. We should strengthen the constitutional rights that workers have against their employers, and rigorously enforce the ones the law already purports to recognize.

A Manchester clothes mill, 1909. This is not the world Adam Smith envisioned when he championed free markets. Topical Press Agency / Getty

Among the most important of these rights are to freedom of speech and association. This means employers shouldn’t be able to regulate workers’ off-duty speech and association, or informal non-harassing talk during breaks or on duty, if it does not unduly interfere with job performance. Nor should they be able to prevent workers from supporting the candidate of their choice.

Third, we should make the government of the workplace more public (in the sense that political scientists use the term). Workers need a real voice in how they are governed — not just the right to complain without getting fired, but an organized way to insist that their interests have weight in decisions about how work is organized.

One way to do this would be to strengthen the rights of labor unions to organize. Labor unions are a vital tool for checking abusive and exploitative employers. However, due to lax enforcement of laws protecting the right to organize and discuss workplace complaints, many workers are fired for these activities. And many workers shy away from unionization, because they prefer a collaborative to an adversarial relationship to their employer.

Yet even when employers are decent, workers could still use a voice. In many of the rich states of Europe, they already have one, even if they don’t belong to a union. It’s called “co-determination” — a system of joint workplace governance by workers and managers, which automatically applies to firms with more than a few dozen employees. Under co-determination, workers elect representatives to a works council, which participates in decision-making concerning hours, layoffs, plant closures, workplace conditions, and processes. Workers in publicly traded firms also elect some members of the board of directors of the firm.

Against these proposals, libertarian and neoliberal economists theorize that workers somehow suffer from provisions that would secure their dignity, autonomy, and voice at work. That’s because the efficiency of firms would, in theory, drop — along with profits, and therefore wages — if managers did not have maximum control of their workforce. These thinkers insist that employers already compensate workers for any “oppressive” conditions that may exist by offering higher wages. Workers are therefore free to make the trade-off between wages and workplace freedom when they seek a job.

This theory supposes, unrealistically, that entry-level workers already know how well they will be treated when they apply for jobs at different workplaces, and that low-paid workers have ready access to decent working conditions in the first place. It’s telling that the same workers who suffer the worst working conditions also suffer from massive wage theft. One study estimates that employers failed to pay $50 billion in legally mandated wages in one year. Two-thirds of workers in low-wage industries suffered wage theft, costing them nearly 15 percent of their total earnings. This is three times the amount of all other thefts in the United States.

If employers have such contempt for their employees that they steal their wages, how likely is it that they are making it up to them with better working conditions?

It’s also easy to theorize that workers are better off under employer dictatorship, because managers supposedly know best to govern the workplace efficiently. But if efficiency means that workers are forced to pee in their pants, why shouldn’t they have a say in whether such “efficiency” is worthwhile? The long history of American workers’ struggles to get the right to use the bathroom at work — something long enjoyed by our European counterparts — says enough about economists’ stunted notion of efficiency.

Meanwhile, our false rhetoric of workers’ “choice” continues to obscure the ways the state is handing ever more power to workplace dictators. The Trump administration’s Labor Department is working to roll back the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime pay. It is giving a free pass to federal contractors who have violated workplace safety and federal wage and hours laws. It has canceled the paycheck transparency rule, making it harder for women to know when they are being paid less for the same work as men.

Private government is arbitrary, unaccountable government. That’s what most Americans are subject to at work. The history of democracy is the history of turning governance from a private matter into a public one. It has been about making government public — answerable to the interests of citizens and not just the interests of their rulers. It’s time to apply the lessons we have learned from this history to the private government of the workplace. Workers deserve a voice not just on Capitol Hill but in Amazon warehouses, Silicon Valley technology companies, and meat-processing plants as well.

Elizabeth Anderson is the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and John Dewey Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy and Women’s studies at the University of Michigan. She is the author of Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk About It) (Princeton University Press, 2017).

In: vox

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