Pentagon spends 10 times more on erectile disfunction meds than transgender services

The Pentagon spent $84 million on erectile disfunction medications in 2014, 10 times the estimated annual medical costs for transgender services.

Military Times reported in 2015 that the military spent $84 million on erectile disfunction medications such as Viagra and Cialis the year before. Meanwhile, a 2016 Rand Corporation study estimated that the maximum annual medical costs for transgender military members would be around $8.4 million, Business Insider reports.

“You’re talking about .000001% of the military budget,” being spent on transgender services, Navy SEAL veteran Kristin Beck, who is transgender, told Business Insider.

President Trump announced Wednesday on Twitter his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military “in any capacity.” He cited the “tremendous” costs for providing medical services for transgender troops.

“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you,” Trump tweeted.

His announcement sparked widespread condemnation from members of both parties, including Republicans who broke with the president to speak out against the ban.

Image: Facebook

In: thehill

Read also:

Trump to ban transgender people from all military service

Retired transgender Navy SEAL: Tell me to my face I’m not worthy of serving


Arizona News Anchor Is Drawn Into Debate on Her Accent and the Use of Spanish

PHOENIX — An Arizona news anchor defended her pronunciation of Spanish words during English broadcasts, saying she delivers them the way the language is intended to be spoken.

In a broadcast on Monday, Vanessa Ruiz, who works for 12 News here, waded into the running debate over the use of Spanish that has divided Americans in different ways for years, and has been percolating on the campaign trail.

Ms. Ruiz, who was raised in a bilingual household, said some viewers had questioned her way of pronouncing Spanish words. Sandra Kotzambasis, the station’s news director, said viewers were asking why Ms. Ruiz “rolled her Rs.”

In the broadcast, Ms. Ruiz said, “Some of you have noticed that I pronounce a couple of things maybe a little bit differently than what you are used to, and I get that, and maybe even tonight you saw a little bit of it.

“I was lucky enough to grow up speaking two languages, and I have lived in other cities, in the U.S., South America, and Europe,” she continued. “So yes, I do like to pronounce certain things the way they are meant to be pronounced. And I know that change can be difficult, but it’s normal and over time I know that everything falls into place.”

The use of Spanish in the United States has been contested in a range of ways over the years, from objections to its use in the Pledge of Allegiance; to casual conversation on school buses, such as in Nevada; and in a New Mexico supermarket accused of having singled out Spanish-speaking employees with an “English-only” policy, according to some of the cases pursued by the American Civil Liberties Union.

It has most recently reached into the political stage among rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, such as when Donald J. Trump said this week that Jeb Bush should “really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”

The United States has more than 55 million Hispanics and, according to the 2011 American Community Survey, 38 million residents age 5 and older who speak Spanish at home. But questions about the use of Spanish persist.

In Arizona, where the Hispanic population is at 30 percent and is growing, the conversation about language has included questions over the English fluency of candidates for public office. It has surfaced regularly in schools, notably in a state law banning, with some exceptions, b ilingual education.

In July, an appeals court agreed to give challengers a chance to void a state law designed to end an ethnic studies program in Tucson’s school district, where 60 percent of the children enrolled were of Mexican or other Hispanic descent. A former state school superintendent championed the law, taking particular issue at a popular district’s Mexican-American studies program.

Timothy M. Hogan, the executive director of the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest, has worked on some state laws involving the use of Spanish in public schools. “My observation is people generally feel threatened by use of communication that they are unfamiliar with,” he said. “Underlying all of that is the implied threat to the vanishing majority.”

Ms. Ruiz was born in Miami, grew up in Colombia, and studied in Spain before a career in journalism that has taken her on international assignments. She joined 12 News in July.

She followed her comments on air with a statement posted on the station’s website: “Let me be clear: My intention has never been to be disrespectful or dismissive, quite the contrary. I actually feel I am paying respect to the way some of Arizona’s first, original settlers intended for some things to be said.”

According to Ms. Kotzambasis, the station’s news director, some viewers objected to the way Ms. Ruiz pronounces Mesa, the third largest city in Arizona. “Locals pronounce it ‘May-suh,’ but many Spanish speakers and natives say ‘Mess-uh,’ ” Ms. Kotzambasis said. In addition, she said, viewers noticed that Ms. Ruiz “rolls her Rs when pronouncing Spanish words.”

On Thursday, Ms. Ruiz posted a Facebook message saying she was surprised that her on-air remarks had led to such a “dynamic conversation.”

“My comments about some of your inquiries were made out of respect and acknowledgment for some of those who watch us and wondered why I pronounced certain things a certain way in Spanish,” she wrote. “I was more than happy to explain and/or clarify. Nothing more.”

She added: “I am more proud now than ever to be an American, and also, a Latina. Thank you. Gracias.”

That day, at a coffee shop in downtown Phoenix, Viridiana Gonzalez — a bilingual mother of three bilingual children who uses the Spanish pronunciation for her name (bee-RRREE-dee-AH-NAH) — said she was “surprised” when she first heard Ms. Ruiz deliver the news.

“That Spanish sound, that’s not what we’re used to listening to in English-language TV,” said Ms. Gonzalez, 35, whose mother is from the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, and whose father is from Arizona. “I think I kind of pumped my fist and celebrated. Hey, look, she’s not afraid of her heritage.”

Fernanda Santos reported from Phoenix, and Christine Hauser from New York

In: nytimes

Chile: Ley que otorga nuevos beneficios para trabajadoras de casa particular

La jornada semanal, para quienes trabajan puertas afueras, será de 45 horas. En tanto, para quienes viven en la casa donde trabajan tendrán el domingo libre. Cerca de 200,000 personas ejercen este oficio y un tercio son peruanas.


Este domingo la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet promulgó la nueva ley que modifica la jornada, descanso y composición de la remuneración de las trabajadoras de casa particular, que quedó en condiciones de ser promulgada como nueva ley.

Pero ¿En qué consiste realmente?

El Ministerio del Trabajo destacó en su página web las disposiciones específicas que conforma la nueva normativa:

1.- Normas generales aplicables a todas las Trabajadoras de Casa Particular (TCP):

a. Contrato de trabajo: Los contratos de trabajo de los trabajadores de casa particular deberán indicar el tipo de trabajo a realizar y el domicilio específico donde deberán prestarse los servicios. Adicionalmente, se deberá establecer expresamente la obligación de asistencia a personas que requieren atención o cuidados especiales.

b. Registro de contratos y fiscalización: Se establece la obligación del empleador de registrar de modo presencial o por medios electrónicos el contrato de trabajo en la respectiva Inspección del Trabajo, dentro de los 15 días siguientes a su celebración.

El empleador deberá entregar una copia del contrato de trabajo firmado al trabajador. Junto con ello, el empleador que sea requerido en el domicilio indicado en el contrato, por un Inspector del Trabajo en uso de sus facultades de fiscalización relativas a las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de casa particular, podrá aceptar el ingreso del inspector a este domicilio o bien solicitar la fijación de otro día y hora para acudir a las dependencias de la Inspección del Trabajo con la documentación que le sea requerida.

c. Prohibición de imputar el alojamiento y la habitación dentro de la remuneración: Se establece que los costos de alimento y habitación del trabajador siempre son de cargo del empleador y no se pueden imputar a la remuneración.

d. Prohibición del uso obligatorio de uniformes en espacios o lugares públicos: Se establece que el empleador no puede condicionar la contratación, permanencia, renovación del contrato, promoción o movilidad de un trabajador de casa particular al uso de uniforme en lugares o espacios públicos.

e. Prohibición de reducir la remuneración y no se consideran imputaciones: El empleador no podrá unilateralmente rebajar la remuneración del trabajador como consecuencia de la reducción de jornada de trabajo o del aumento de días de descanso dispuestos en la ley.

Además, la compensación de las horas extras es adicional a las horas ordinarias de trabajo. El empleador no podrá unilateralmente imputar y descontar a la retribución pagada por la jornada de trabajo ordinaria, la retribución pagada por las horas adicionales extras.

2.- Normas TCP que no viven en el domicilio del empleador (puertas afuera)

a. Reducción de jornada para las TCP puertas afuera: Se rebaja la jornada de trabajo de 72 a 45 horas semanales máximas.

b. Bolsa de horas adicionales que se pagan como horas extraordinarias: Se establece para las TCP puertas afuera una bolsa de 15 horas semanales, que se pagan como extraordinarias, (esto es, con un recargo de un 50 por ciento del valor del sueldo convenido con el trabajador –el sueldo por la jornada ordinaria de 45 horas semanales en ningún caso puede ser inferior al IMM-).


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Si bien no es un videocurriculum real, el énfasis de este chico para ofrecerte un cambio es aplastantemente inspirador. Tenemos la posibilidad de cambiar vidas y grupos, inspirémonos con esto. Saludos!

Campaña de sensibilización de Fundación ONCE y FSC Inserta, su entidad de inserción laboral y que ha sido cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo:

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