Iran troops to join Syria war, Russia bombs group trained by CIA


Hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to join a major ground offensive in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government, Lebanese sources said on Thursday, a sign the civil war is turning still more regional and global in scope.

Russian warplanes, in a second day of strikes, bombed a camp run by rebels trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the group’s commander said, putting Moscow and Washington on opposing sides in a Middle East conflict for the first time since the Cold War.

Senior U.S. and Russian officials spoke for just over an hour by secure video conference on Thursday, focusing on ways to keep air crews safe, the Pentagon said, as the two militaries carry out parallel campaigns with competing objectives.

“We made crystal clear that, at a minimum, the priority here should be the safe operation of the air crews over Syria,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said.

Two Lebanese sources told Reuters hundreds of Iranian troops had reached Syria in the past 10 days with weapons to mount a major ground offensive. They would also be backed by Assad’s Lebanese Hezbollah allies and by Shi’ite militia fighters from Iraq, while Russia would provide air support.

“The vanguard of Iranian ground forces began arriving in Syria -soldiers and officers specifically to participate in this battle. They are not advisers … we mean hundreds with equipment and weapons. They will be followed by more,” one of the sources said.

So far, direct Iranian military support for Assad has come mostly in the form of military advisers. Iran has also mobilized Shi’ite militia fighters, including Iraqis and some Afghans, to fight alongside Syrian government forces.

Moscow said it had hit Islamic State positions, but the areas it struck near the cities of Hama and Homs are mostly held by a rival insurgent alliance, which unlike Islamic State is supported by U.S. allies including Arab states and Turkey.

Hassan Haj Ali, head of the Liwa Suqour al-Jabal rebel group that is part of the Free Syrian Army, told Reuters one of the targets was his group’s base in Idlib province, struck by about 20 missiles in two separate raids. His fighters had been trained by the CIA in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, part of a program Washington says is aimed at supporting groups that oppose both Islamic State and Assad.

“Russia is challenging everyone and saying there is no alternative to Bashar,” Haj Ali said. He said the Russian jets had been identified by members of his group who once served as Syrian air force pilots.

The group is one of at least three foreign-backed FSA rebel factions to say they had been hit by the Russians in the last two days.

At the United Nations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a news conference Moscow was targeting Islamic State. He did not specifically deny that Russian planes had attacked Free Syrian Army facilities but said Russia did not view it as a terrorist group and viewed it as part of a political solution in Syria.

The aim is to help the Syrian armed forces “in their weak spots”, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook described Thursday’s military talks as “cordial and professional.” During the talks, Elissa Slotkin, an acting assistant U.S. secretary of defense, “noted U.S. concern that areas targeted by Russia so far were not ISIL strongholds.” Cook said, using an acronym for Islamic State.

The Pentagon said it would not share U.S. intelligence with Russia and suggested the talks included ideas to increase safety, such as agreeing on radio frequencies for distress calls and a common language for communications.

U.S. Republican Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and a frequent Obama critic, questioned the logic of talks on how to keep U.S. and Russian militaries apart, known in military parlance as “deconfliction.”

“Unfortunately, it appears ‘deconfliction’ is merely an Orwellian euphemism for this administration’s acceptance of Russia’s expanded role in Syria, and as a consequence, for Assad’s continued brutalization of the Syrian people,” McCain said.


Russia’s decision to join the war with air strikes on behalf of Assad, as well as the increased military involvement of Iran, could mark a turning point in a conflict that has drawn in most of the world’s military powers.

With the United States leading an alliance waging its own air war against Islamic State, the Cold War superpower foes, Washington and Moscow, are now engaged in combat over the same country for the first time since World War Two.

They say they have the same enemies – the Islamic State group of Sunni Muslim militants who have proclaimed a caliphate across eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

But they also have different friends, and sharply opposing views of how to resolve the 4-year-old Syrian civil war, which has killed more than 250,000 people and driven more than 10 million from their homes.

Washington and its allies oppose both Islamic State and Assad, believing he must leave power in any peace settlement.

Washington says a central part of its strategy is building “moderate” insurgents to fight Islamic State, although so far it has struggled to find many fighters to accept its training.

Moscow supports the Syrian president and believes his government should be the centerpiece of international efforts to fight the extremist groups.

It appears to be using the common campaign against Islamic State as a pretext to strike against groups supported by Washington and its allies, as a way of defending a Damascus government with which Moscow has been allied since the Cold War.

The Russian strikes represent a bold move by President Vladimir Putin to assert influence beyond his own neighborhood. It is the first time Moscow has ordered its forces into combat outside the frontiers of the former Soviet Union since its disastrous Afghanistan campaign in the 1980s.

The Russian and Iranian interventions in support of Assad come at a time when momentum in the conflict had swung against his government and seem aimed at reversing insurgent gains.

Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi of neighboring Iraq, where Washington is also leading an air war against Islamic State while Iran aids government forces on the ground, said he would be open to Russian strikes as well.

A Syrian military source said on Thursday that Russian military support would bring a “big change” in the course of the conflict, particularly through advanced surveillance capabilities that could pinpoint insurgent targets.

Putin’s gamble of going to war in Syria comes a year after he defied the West to annex Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula, drawing U.S. and EU economic sanctions while igniting a wave of popular nationalist support at home.

(Reporting by Laila Bassam, Sylvia Westall and Tom Perry in Beirut, Andrew Osborn and Lidia Kelly in Moscow, and Yeganeh Torbati, Warren Strobel and Phil Stewart in Washington; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Giles Elgood, Howard Goller and Ken Wills)

In: reuters

Rebeldes sirios apoyados por EE.UU. denuncian ataque de Rusia

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos dijo que en las zonas bombardeadas por Rusia no hay presencia del Estado Islámico. La coalición opositora denunció la muerte de 36 civiles en los ataques.

Beirut, LíbanoEFEjue oct 1 2015 13:20

Uno de los comandantes del opositor Ejército Libre Sirio (ELS) en Siria, el general Ahmad Rahal, aseguró a la agencia Efe que la aviación rusa ha bombardeado posiciones de su organización en las provincias de Hama e Idleb.

En declaraciones realizadas por teléfono, Rahal precisó que durante la jornada de este jueves, los bombardeos rusos tuvieron como objetivo las posiciones del ELS en Jan Shijun y en Kafr Nabel, en Idleb (norte), mientras que el miércoles atacaron la base de una de sus brigadas, el Ejército de Al Aza (honor), en Hama (centro).

Los rebeldes del ELS, de tendencia moderada, reciben apoyo militar por parte de EE.UU. y están vinculados a la Coalición Nacional Siria (CNFROS), principal alianza política opositora.

Rahal destacó que en ninguna de las áreas bombardeadas por la fuerza aérea rusa hay presencia del grupo terrorista Estado Islámico (EI).

“Rusia está atacando unas zonas que son vitales para el régimen porque están cerca de sitios habitados por los alauíes (rama del islam chií que profesa el presidente sirio, Bashar al Asad)”, indicó esa fuente.

Los bombardeos rusos han tenido lugar en el norte de la provincia central de Homs, Hama e Idleb, próximas al feudo gubernamental de Latakia, donde vive gran parte de la minoría alauí del país.

Por su parte, un portavoz de la Brigada de los Halcones de la Montaña, del ELS, reveló por internet que su base en la región de Yabal al Zauiya fue atacada hoy por aviones rusos.

“Sobre las 10 de la mañana, varios aparatos (rusos) sobrevolaron Yabal Zauya de forma circular en torno a nuestro cuartel. Dos horas más tarde, cuatro aviones lanzaron quince proyectiles contra la base”, explicó el portavoz, que pidió el anonimato.

La fuente destacó que tan solo hubo algunos heridos, porque los rebeldes se habían escondido bajo tierra.

Sobre las 13:00 hora local, se registró un segundo ataque por parte de un avión de guerra ruso que arrojó cuatro cohetes, ocasionando solo “heridos leves”, indicó el portavoz insurgente.

El senador estadounidense John McCain denunció que algunos de los primeros ataques lanzados por la aviación rusa en Siria han golpeado a rebeldes opositores al régimen de Damasco entrenados por la CIA.

Desde el inicio de los bombardeos rusos el pasado miércoles, Moscú y Damasco han asegurado que los ataques se dirigen contra objetivos del EI.

Sin embargo, la oposición siria lo ha desmentido y ha apuntado que al menos 36 civiles perdieron la vida ayer por los ataques aéreos rusos en el norte de Homs.

Ante estas críticas, el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, calificó de “ataque informativo” las denuncias y publicaciones en medios occidentales, acerca de los primeros bombardeos de la aviación rusa en el Estado árabe.

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos, que tiene sede en el Reino Unido pero dispone de una amplia red de colabores sobre el terreno, precisó que varias áreas del pueblo de Al Latmane fueron blanco de los bombardeos, sin ofrecer más detalles.

Por su parte, el activista de la opositora Red Sham en Hama, Mohanad al Mohamed, dijo a Efe por internet que los aviones bombardearon objetivos civiles en Al Latmane, porque allí “no hay ningún cuartel de Al Qaeda o del (grupo) Estado Islámico (EI)”.

Según Al Mohamed, la fuerza aérea rusa también atacó el pueblo de Al Tanyara, en Al Gab, donde, destacó, tampoco hay presencia del EI.

El activista subrayó que desde hace bastante tiempo en el norte de Hama solo están el Frente al Nusra, filial siria de Al Qaeda, y otras facciones aliadas, que expulsaron a los yihadistas del EI de esa parte de la provincia.

“En la planicie de Al Gab, el grupo que está presente es el Ejército de Al Fatah (la conquista), pero la mayoría de los bombardeos han sido contra blancos civiles, porque los rebeldes están escondidos”, indicó.

El Ejército de Al Fatah es una coalición de grupos de tendencia islámica que colabora con el Frente al Nusra en la lucha contra las tropas del Gobierno sirio.

Ayer, la aviación de Rusia, país defensor del régimen de Bashar al Assad, inició los ataques aéreos en el territorio sirio contra posiciones del EI en Hama y Homs, aseguraron fuentes oficiales rusas y sirias.

El portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, reveló hoy que los objetivos de los ataques rusos contra las posiciones de los yihadistas en Siria se deciden en coordinación con el Ministerio de Defensa sirio.
