5 Skills They Don’t Teach You in Law School

By Casey C. Sullivan

You learn a lot in law school. By graduation, the average student will have read thousands of pages of case law, will have spent months on legal writing and maybe will have taken a class on negotiations or other business-based legal skills.

But there are also plenty of skills, skills essential to success as a lawyer, which go untaught. Here’s our list of the five of some of the most important skills you don’t learn in law school:

1. How to Lawyer

Sure, law school teaches you how to think, write, read, even drink like a lawyer. But it often doesn’t teach you how to accomplish the actual work of a lawyer. New JDs may know the test for determining whether implied federal preemption invalidates state law, but most won’t know where to go to file the lawsuit over it. The nuts and bolts of daily practice are skills law schools typically ignore. Thankfully, clinics and trial practice allow students to pick these up on the side.

2. How to Plan for Your Career

Yes, every law school has a career counseling office, and some of them are great at helping students figure out what sort of jobs they want and how to get them. But, very few actually focus on long-term career planning. Future lawyers should think not just a year ahead, but five.

3. How to Communicate With Clients

Communicating with clients involves levying a variety of personal and professional skills, from assessing the client’s unstated concerns and priorities, to having difficult conversations about the likelihood of a case succeeding. There’s also ethical and professional considerations, such as how to speak with clients who may be skirting the law.

4. How to Manage Finances

Schools might have a stake in keeping law students ignorant about this, given how much they charge, but learning to manage finances is an invaluable skill that all lawyers should develop. Whether it’s balancing a solo practices’ accounts, or figuring out how to repay your loans, financial knowledge is essential to lawyers’ practice and well being.

5. How to Stay Healthy

Lawyering is largely a desk job and often a demanding one. Not only will you be sitting around a lot, you often won’t have time to hit up the gym as much as you once did (or planned on doing). Oh, and then there’s the profession’s rampant alcoholism. Lawyers who develop healthy habits before they graduate will hopefully avoid packing on the pounds after graduation.

En: findlaw

Uruguay a punto de legalizar la marihuana

Creo que la intención es buena, sin embargo, los peruanos no están listos para implementar este tipo de medidas en sus vidas. Con esta medida, los consumidores de cannabis podrán comprar hasta 40 gramos de marihuana (dosis máxima) al mes en farmacias autorizadas. Ahora, estos, ya sean medicados o recreativos, deberán estar debidamente registrados y ser mayores de 18 años para poder comprar dicha sustancia. La Iniciativa de presidente uruguayo fue aprobada en el Parlamento, luego de un debate de 14 horas.


La estrategia antidrogas de legalizar la marihuana y entregar al Estado el control de su circulación, impulsada por José Mujica, presidente de Uruguay, fue aprobada por la Cámara de Diputados y pronto se convertirá en ley.

El proyecto fue aprobado con 50 votos a favor de los 96 totales, después de una larga sesión de 14 horas.

Darío Pérez, diputado del Frente Amplio (FA), había amenazado con boicotear el plan oficialista, y aunque votó a favor, sobre la iniciativa legislativa, señaló que “la marihuana es una bosta (excremento de vaca o caballo), es enemiga del estudiante, del trabajador, de la vida. Y lo importante es que es una bosta con o sin ley. Y va a seguir pasando a pesar de nosotros, con o sin ley”.

El debate fue seguido con gran expectativa por asociaciones de consumidores de marihuana y partidarios de legalizarla, dentro del Parlamento, de donde fueron desalojados.

De acuerdo a la Junta Nacional de Drogas, el 20 % de los uruguayos de edades entre los 15 y los 65 años consumió marihuana alguna vez en su vida y el 8,3 % lo hizo en el último año.

La iniciativa uruguaya es vista con recelo por la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, pero también ha recibido el apoyo de personalidades como el premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa, de varios expresidentes de la región y hasta del secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), José Miguel Insulza, que la considera algo que “vale la pena ensayar”.


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