“I, PET GOAT II” is a visually striking animated short film by Heliofant, rich in symbolism and social commentary. It explores themes of political corruption, spiritual awakening, and global crises, encouraging viewers to interpret its complex imagery and hidden messages. Kattenbrokken
“I, PET GOAT II” is a visually rich, symbolic animated short film exploring themes of political corruption, societal control, and spiritual awakening. Its intricate imagery and allegorical content invite varied interpretations, provoking thought and discussion about contemporary global issues.
“I, PET GOAT II” is a visually striking animated short film by Heliofant, rich in symbolism and social commentary. It explores themes of political corruption, spiritual awakening, and global crises, encouraging viewers to interpret its complex imagery and hidden messages. Kattenbrokken
“I, PET GOAT II” is a visually rich, symbolic animated short film exploring themes of political corruption, societal control, and spiritual awakening. Its intricate imagery and allegorical content invite varied interpretations, provoking thought and discussion about contemporary global issues.