The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)

[Visto: 1908 veces]

The MRI community is growing rapidly and a lot of information on global change research in mountains is passing through our hands.
One of MRI?s role is to act as an information clearinghouse and to process this information quickly and efficiently, as in our four regional Newsflashes.
With the ?MRI News? we can now share in more detail some exciting global change science from mountain regions around the world.

Content of the first edition:
– Inside MRI / MRI?s Principal Investigators
– Science Peaks: Global change research in the Biosphere Reserve Val Müstair and the Swiss National Park (BVM-SNP)
– Science Peaks: The Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains – a progress report
– Science Peaks: The Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN)
– Science Peaks: Swiss Experiment: an e-science platform for interdisciplinary collaboration in environmental research
– Science Peaks: The contribution of satellite remote sensing to the monitoring of cryosphere in mountains
– Science Peaks: High Elevations working group: a new element of the Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observation Project.
– News from MRI?s regional networks
– Meeting Report
– MRI Notes

Click this link (or copy it into your browser) to download and read the Newsletter:

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Acerca de Cambio Climatico

Este blog nació bajo la idea de un grupo de profesores de la PUCP de distintas especilidades interesados en promover la problematica de cambio climatico que actualmente nos preocupa a todos. El objetivo del Blog es simple, difundir noticas nacionales e internaciones, investigaciones, articulos, etc, relacionados al tema, sin tratar de tomar parte de alguna posicion en particular, solo informar.

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