[Visto: 1512 veces]

Reproducimos aquí las fechas de próximos eventos relacionados con la cumbre de cambio climático que se realizará en diciembre 2010 en Cancun, que han sido acordados por la UNFCCC

27 Sep – 29 Sep 2010
Second Meeting of the Consultative of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. En Manila, Philippines.
28 Sep – 30 Sep 2010
Informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme. En Manila, Philippines
29 Sep – 30 Sep 2010
12th Registry Systems Administrators Forum. En Bonn UNFCCC
04 Oct – 09 Oct 2010
The fourteenth session of the AWG-KP and the twelfth session of the AWG-LCA will take place at the Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center (MJCEC).
10 Oct 2010
Designated National Authorities DNA Training. En Latin America
11 Oct – 12 Oct 2010
Regional Designated National Authorities Forum (Latin America)
12 Oct – 14 Oct 2010
57th meeting of the CDM Executive Board (Extraordinary meeting) En Bonn
12 Oct – 15 Oct 2010
Eighteenth Meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. En Kathmandu, Nepal
18 Oct – 20 Oct 2010
30th meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism CDM Afforestation/Reforestation Working Group En Bonn
19 Oct – 21 Oct 2010
RDA Training Seminar. En Korea
19 Oct – 22 Oct 2010 28th meeting of the CDM Small-Scale Working Group. En Bonn
20 Oct – 22 Oct 2010
51st Meeting of the CDM Accreditation Panel. En Bonn
28 Oct – 29 Oct 2010
46th meeting of the CDM Methodology Panel. En Bonn
22 Nov – 26 Nov 2010
58th Meeting of the CDM Executive Board (CDM-EB 58). En Cancun, Mexico
25 Nov – 26 Nov 2010
Pre-sessional meeting of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer. En Cancun, Mexico
26 Nov 2010
Designated National Authorities DNA Training. En Cancun, Mexico
27 Nov – 28 Nov 2010
10th Designated National Authority Forum. En Cancun, Mexico
29 Nov – 10 Dec 2010
16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16)/ 6th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 6). En Cancun, Mexico
13 Dec – 15 Dec 2010
12th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board. En Cancun, Mexico
15 Dec – 17 Dec 2010
52nd meeting of the CDM Accreditation Panel. En Bonn

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