Archivo del Autor: YSRAEL MARTINEZ


Es Magister en Gestión de la Educación por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y Segunda especialidad en Planificación Educativa por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Es consultor en gestión educativa. Autor del artículo: "El Liderazgo Transformacional en una institución educativa privada" en Revista EDUCACIÓN PUCP. 2014. Par académico en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia. Conferencias sobre responsabilidad social universitaria en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidades de Chile. Docente universitario adscrito al Directorio Nacional de Investigadores e Innovadores (DINA). Es adscrito al Instituto Internacional de Planificación Educativa (IIPE) de Buenos Aires.Consultor del Comite de Bibliotecas Universitarias (COBUN) en Perú. Es adherente de la Red Nacional de Aprendizaje Servicio (REASE) de Chile. Ha participado en el Summit Education 2017 en Santiago de Chile como ponente. Participa como especialista en tesis doctoral en Cuba.

Aniversario del CALLAO

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La Provincia Constitucional del Callao conmemora hoy su 188.º aniversario de autonomía política con una ceremonia central en la fortaleza del Real Felipe, donde asistirán diversas autoridades del primer puerto del Perú.

La celebración se realiza cada 20 de agosto desde que el mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz aprobó, en 1836, el decreto que otorgó al Callao la condición de gobierno litoral. De esta manera, se le concedió autonomía política para organizar la vida económica, civil y social de sus habitantes.



El camino de publicar

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Martinez, Y., Yaque, L., & Pamo, M. (2023). La atención a la tutoría integral en una organización educativa peruana de educación básica regular. Mendive. Revista De Educación21(3), e3212.

Martinez, Y., Valverde, A., Yaque, L., & Sarian, M. (2023). Estrategias de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico en alumnos de una Universidad confesional privada. Mendive. Revista De Educación21(2), e3200.

Martinez, Y., Yaque, L., Gonzalez, R., & Sarian, M. (2024). Ubicuidad del aprendizaje y rúbrica en estudiantes noveles de una universidad pública. Mendive. Revista De Educación22(1), e3469.

Amenazas contemporáneas, los roles de las Fuerzas Armadas y su integración con la sociedad

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Desde inicios del siglo XX, con la formación de las repúblicas, se establecieron diversos deberes, como responsabilidad del Estado, para el bienestar de sus ciudadanos. Estos debían estar garantizados en las respectivas constituciones en las que se presentaban como intrínsecos al hecho de ser considerados ciudadanos de derecho. Este concepto, nacido en la modernidad, propone como una ciudadanía que está regulada, siendo la nación quien Ɵ ene la potestad de fiscalizar las labores realizadas por el Estado. Cabe resaltar que, el ciudadano no puede participar de la toma de decisiones de manera directa, sino que se establecen formatos democráticos bajo los cuales logra expresarse. Del mismo modo, el Estado –en tanto que es un organismo vivo, en términos de los teóricos modernos- también logra adecuarse y desarrollar procedimientos y estrategias que le permitan garantizar los derechos de la ciudadanía


Villagra, E. . (2022). AMENAZAS CONTEMPORÁNEAS, LOS ROLES DE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS Y SU INTEGRACIÓN CON LA SOCIEDAD. Pensamiento Conjunto10(1), 14. Recuperado a partir de

Inclusion for STEM, the institution, or minoritized youth? Exploring how educators navigate the discourses that shape social justice in informal science learning practices

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Understanding equitable practice is crucial for science education since science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields and STEM learning practices remain significantly marked by structural inequalities. In this paper, building on theories of discourse and situated meaning developed by Foucault, Gee, and Sedgewick, we explore how educators navigated discourses about social justice in informal science learning (ISL) across four UK sites. We draw on qualitative, multimodal data across 5 years of a research–practice partnership between a university, a zoo, a social enterprise working to support girls and nonbinary youth in STEM, a community digital arts center, and a science center. We identify three key discourses that shaped social justice practices across all four practice–partner sites: (1) “inclusion” for STEM, (2) “inclusion” for the institution, and (3) “inclusion” for minoritized youth. We discuss how educators (n = 17) enacted, negotiated, resisted, and reworked these discourses to create equitable practice. We argue that while the three key discourses shaped the possible meanings and practices of equitable ISL in different ways, educators used their agency and creativity to develop more expansive visions of social justice. We discuss how the affordances, pitfalls, and contradictions that emerged within and between the three discourses were strategically navigated and disrupted by educators to support the minoritized youth they worked with, as well as to protect and promote equity in ISL. This paper contributes to research on social justice in ISL by grounding sometimes abstract questions about power and discourse in ISL educators’ everyday work.


Dawson, E., Bista, R., Colborne, A., McCubbin, B.-J., Godec, S., Patel, U., Archer, L., & Mau, A. (2024). Inclusion for STEM, the institution, or minoritized youth? Exploring how educators navigate the discourses that shape social justice in informal science learning practices. Science Education, 108, 792–819.


Bridging Educational Change and Social Justice: A Call to the Field

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The education research community, both within the American Educational Research Association  (AERA) and beyond, could and should play a critical role in fundamentally transforming educational institutions and systems. Given its complexity, transformative change in education is best undertaken as a collective endeavor. Yet for researchers to be a valuable resource in educational transformation, we will need to bridge knowledge across subfields that currently have limited interaction. Through two illustrative examples, we demonstrate the need to link knowledge on educational change with knowledge on how to create more equitable, anti-racist, and decolonized spaces for formal and informal learning. While operating in different spaces and initiated at different entry points, the two change efforts exemplify a common set of commitments and actionable pathways for achieving transformational change. This article is a call to action for researchers to join together in supporting educational transformation that fundamentally challenges the inequitable arrangements persisting in educational organizations characterized by systemic racism and colonialism. Bridging knowledge bases and being accountable to serve and support communities and their intersectional identities are essential to making deep, scalable changes in education that promote social justice.
Datnow, A., Yoshisato, M., Macdonald, B., Trejos, J., & Kennedy, B. C. (2023). Bridging Educational Change and Social Justice: A Call to the Field. Educational Researcher52(1), 29-38.

Combating school bullying through multi-role experience-based virtual scenario learning model: Assessing empathy, problem-solving, and self-efficacy from a multi-stakeholder perspective by Kai-Hsiang Yang * , Yi Lu

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This study explores the applications of virtual scenario learning in addressing the global issue of
school bullying through digital educational tools. Previous research suggests that virtual roleplaying experiences can reduce bullying incidents; however, experiencing the victim role can evoke negative emotions, while the bystander role may not fully convey the severity of bullying.
This study aims to investigate the effects of a multi-role experience-based virtual scenario
learning model on learners by integrating the advantages of both roles. This study employed a
quasi-experimental research method, which involved grouping 56 fourth-grade elementary school students in Taipei City, Taiwan, into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group utilized the multi-role experience-based virtual scenario learning model, while the control group utilized a single-role experience-based model. The study compared the differences in academic achievement, empathy, and problem-solving tendencies between the two groups. The findings indicate that the experimental group significantly excelled over the control group in academic achievement, empathy, and problem-solving tendencies. The multi-role experiencebased virtual scenario learning model effectively nurtures students’ empathy and considerably enhances learners’ awareness of campus bullying.

The effect of serious game and problem-based learning on nursing students’ knowledge and clinical decision-making skill regarding the application of transfusion medicine in pediatric nursing by Ali Razaghpoor, M.Sc. in pediatric nursing a ,

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Purpose: Comparing the effect of serious game and problem-based learning on nursing students’ knowledge and clinical decision-making skill regarding the application of transfusion medicine in pediatric nursing.
Design and methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 76 undergraduate nursing students were enrolled through a convenience sampling method, and were allocated to one of the three groups of serious game, problem-based  learning, and control through the block randomization method. Data were collected using a valid and reliable 3-part researcher-made tool, completed before and two weeks after the intervention. Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-test, analysis of covariance, and Bonferroni post hoc test. A significance level of <0.05 was considered.
Results: After the intervention, mean scores of both knowledge and clinical decision-making skill increased significantly in both intervention groups (p < 0.05). Mean post-test scores of both knowledge and clinical decision-making skill in the serious game group, and only clinical decision-making skill in the problem-based learning group were significantly higher than the control group (p < 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed regarding mean post-test scores of both knowledge and clinical decision-making skill between the intervention groups (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: Both serious game and problem-based learning are proven to be effective in improving nursing students’ knowledge and clinical decision-making skill regarding the application of transfusion medicine in pediatric nursing.
Practice implications: Since learning now occurs beyond classrooms and the new generation of students spend most of their time in virtual places, utilizing technology-based teaching methods like serious games can benefit both educators and students by providing continuous education, saving their time and expenses, etc


⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Taheri-Ezbarami)

Entrepreneurship education as first-person transformation: Interiority as an operationalizing mechanism by Kisito F. Nzembayie * , David Coghlan

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The case for repositioning entrepreneurship education (EE) as first-person transformation in
classrooms envisioned as spaces for practical reasoning, has lately received significant scholarly
attention. This case aligns with a broader need to generate more impactful learning outcomes
that accurately reflect the nature of the entrepreneurship phenomenon. Notwithstanding, how a theory-praxis nexus results in first-person transformation remains underdeveloped. Accordingly, this paper advances interiority as an operationalizing mechanism for developing entrepreneurship as first-person transformation. Thus, we contribute to shifting the focus of learning from what we know, to how we know in a process of intellectual self-awareness. We then offer a conceptual framework that connects three realms of knowing: practical, relational, and theoretical, with interiority as the fulcrum. We discuss how this approach contributes to impactful entrepreneurial learning, seen through the emergence of entrepreneurial mindsets in reflective student practice

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K.F. Nzembayie), (D. Coghlan).

Educational innovation practices in primary and secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic by NancyNancy BourantaBouranta and EvangelosEvangelos PsomasPsomas

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Due to the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, primary and secondary schools worldwide are deploying online teaching/learning practices, fostering and thus innovation practices. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which practices reflecting educational innovation are implemented in the Greek public primary and secondary schools operating under conditions characterized by the COVID-19 pandemic. Determining the relationship among these educational innovation practices is also an aim of the present study.



Educational innovation practices in primary and secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemil

Technology transfer challenges in asymmetric alliances between high-technology and low-technology firms by Christopher Simms and , Johan Frishammar

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Low-technology firms face an increasingly disruptive innovation landscape as new legislation and changing  market demands force them to dramatically reduce emission levels to become more sustainable. However,  successfully developing and implementing sustainable technologies frequently presupposes alliances between  low-technology firms (such as process industry companies) and high-tech firms (such as their specialized technology providers). Such alliances are asymmetric and problematic because of differences in approaches to
learning, knowledge bases, collaboration routines, and high cognitive distance between high- and lowtechnology firms. Against this background, we performed a multiple case study of six asymmetric alliances  operating in the food and food packaging sectors in the UK. The analysis reveals that technology distance  asymmetry, technology integration complexity, and innovation capability incompatibilities prohibit technology  transfer effectiveness. By mapping these themes across three phases of technology transfer, we identified a total  of nine unique problems that hamper technology transfer effectiveness and, therefore, risk delaying or distorting  the implementation of novel sustainable technology. The paper provides theoretical implications for the literature on innovation in LMT firms and for the literature on sustainability alliances along with practical implications for improving technology transfer between high-tech and low-tech firms considering climate change


Fuente:  Research Policy 53 (2024)