Archivo por meses: abril 2024

Educational innovation practices in primary and secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic by NancyNancy BourantaBouranta and EvangelosEvangelos PsomasPsomas

[Visto: 295 veces]


Due to the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, primary and secondary schools worldwide are deploying online teaching/learning practices, fostering and thus innovation practices. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which practices reflecting educational innovation are implemented in the Greek public primary and secondary schools operating under conditions characterized by the COVID-19 pandemic. Determining the relationship among these educational innovation practices is also an aim of the present study.



Educational innovation practices in primary and secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemil

Technology transfer challenges in asymmetric alliances between high-technology and low-technology firms by Christopher Simms and , Johan Frishammar

[Visto: 210 veces]

Low-technology firms face an increasingly disruptive innovation landscape as new legislation and changing  market demands force them to dramatically reduce emission levels to become more sustainable. However,  successfully developing and implementing sustainable technologies frequently presupposes alliances between  low-technology firms (such as process industry companies) and high-tech firms (such as their specialized technology providers). Such alliances are asymmetric and problematic because of differences in approaches to
learning, knowledge bases, collaboration routines, and high cognitive distance between high- and lowtechnology firms. Against this background, we performed a multiple case study of six asymmetric alliances  operating in the food and food packaging sectors in the UK. The analysis reveals that technology distance  asymmetry, technology integration complexity, and innovation capability incompatibilities prohibit technology  transfer effectiveness. By mapping these themes across three phases of technology transfer, we identified a total  of nine unique problems that hamper technology transfer effectiveness and, therefore, risk delaying or distorting  the implementation of novel sustainable technology. The paper provides theoretical implications for the literature on innovation in LMT firms and for the literature on sustainability alliances along with practical implications for improving technology transfer between high-tech and low-tech firms considering climate change


Fuente:  Research Policy 53 (2024)

The entrepreneurial university: strategies, processes, and competing goals by Maria Abreu1 · Vadim Grinevich2

[Visto: 227 veces]


The confguration of the entrepreneurial university remains poorly understood given the  complexity of the university as an organisation with multiple missions and multiple ‘products and services’, delivered by multiple and sometimes competing sub-organisations with
diferent cultures and norms, in response to diferent outside pressures and demands. The
outcomes of the entrepreneurial university refect the plurality of goals, including research,
teaching, knowledge commercialisation, and civic and community empowerment, but they
are rarely considered within the same conceptual and empirical framework. Hence, the aim
of this paper is to explore how multiple and sometimes competing strategies and associated
arrangements, resources and capabilities within the entrepreneurial university afect the
delivery of economic and social benefts to the external world across teaching, research,
knowledge commercialisation, and civic and community empowerment missions. To
achieve this aim, we elaborate the entrepreneurial university ecosystem concept so that we
can systematically capture the cross-infuences of the entrepreneurial university elements
in their entirety rather than focussing on selected ecosystem elements and their efects in
relation to one particular university mission. Our analysis is based on a novel institutionlevel database on university strategies, goals, policies, and support mechanisms, providing annual data for all higher education institutions in the UK over the period 2017–2020,
complemented with annual administrative data on staf, fnances, graduate outcomes, and
infrastructure, as well as contextual data on the wider regional entrepreneurship ecosystem. Using a Seemingly Unrelated Estimation approach, we contribute with novel fundings
explicitly identifying synergies and tensions between diferent elements of the entrepreneurial university ecosystem that afect the delivery of its outcomes.
Keywords Entrepreneurial university · Ecosystems · Entrepreneurial university elements ·
Entrepreneurial university missions · Resources · Capabilities





fuente: Abreu, M., Grinevich, V. The entrepreneurial university: strategies, processes, and competing goals. J Technol Transf (2024).

Mexican women’s emotions to resist gender stereotypes in rural tourism work

[Visto: 223 veces]


Understandings of emotions and their role in ordering social life has been a fruitful feminist contribution to cultural and social studies. Under this theoretical perspective, affective or emotional responses illustrate women’s strategies to cope with or resist productive and spatial limitations produced by traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Since the 2000s, tourism and gender researchers have turned their attention to emotions, although their intersection of gender stereotypes in rural tourism has been limited. We rely on Ahmed’s framework on emotions and other theoretical contributions on socio-cultural spaces, embodied emotions, affective practices and gendered work to investigate gender roles, stereotypes and tourism productive and spatial relations in Mexican rural contexts. This context shed light on roles and gender stereotypes and their connections with the affective spatial practices experienced by women. A total of 49 Mexican women were interviewed from 2015 to 2018. Qualitative content analysis is employed to examine interview data, using inductive and deductive approaches. In addition, non-participant observation, document review, and field notes enrich and complement the interview data. Emotions are shown to mediate women’s lived experiences of gendered rural tourism work and the potential of emotional responses to contest social norms in opening new paths to surpass women’s relatively weaker positions in rural societies and to negotiate inequalities. Women continue to experience contradictory messages and tensions generated in both the family and the community, even with the growth in gender mainstreaming strategies; we propose a framework to contest traditional gender roles and to improve women’s affective spatial practices in rural contexts.