Archivo por meses: abril 2016


[Visto: 508 veces]







After a decade of research on corruption in education, the IIEP launches its second course on ‘Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education’ (in French). Applications are now open.

Course objectives

The objective of the course is to strengthen the skills of participants in assessing corruption risks and in designing adequate tools and strategies to address the lack of transparency and accountability in the education sector.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

Define key concepts related to transparency, accountability and corruption issues in education;
Map major corruption risks in selected domains of educational management, namely financing, teacher management, public procurement, and academic fraud;
Describe the main characteristics and uses of Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS), Quantitative Service Delivery Surveys (QSDS), audit methods and report cards to diagnose and assess corruption problems;
Formulate adequate policies and strategies for improving transparency and accountability in selected domains of educational management.
Who can apply?

Country teams will be composed of planners and administrators from Ministries of Education in developing countries worldwide. Individual applications from representatives of anti-corruption commissions, inspection/audit agencies, CSOs and donor agencies will also be accepted.

Teaching methods

The course will rely on an interactive and practice-oriented learning approach. Throughout the course, country teams will be asked to prepare a project proposal which will allow them to directly apply the skills acquired.


[Visto: 599 veces]

El ambiente se pintó de naranja!!! en el centro poblado de Manchay, donde fuimos bien recibidos por miles de personas que se suman cada día a este gran grupo de Fuerza Popular
Nuestro número 25 formó parte de esta gran campaña proselitista, haciendo saber nuestras principales propuestas y acompañando a nuestra lideresa Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi
Ya se va acercando el día para que usted, nuestro público, elija la mejor opción que es la K de Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi y escribiendo el #25 para representarlos desde el Congreso, el # 25 de Espichan al Congreso K25