Academic Commons

[Visto: 942 veces]

Está disponible online la última edición de Academic Commons, dedicado al tema de la ciberinfraestructura y las artes liberales. El artículo de presentación, escrito por David L. Green, quien se dedica a la Cultura del Conocimiento, se titula “A Cyberinfrastructure for Us All“, cuya reseña dejamos aquí.

“Made possible by dramatic advances in networking technologies, cyberinfrastructure promises to combine new computing capabilities, massive data resources and distributed human expertise to enable qualitatively different creative product from new generations of “knowledge environments.” Introducing this timely collection of observations on how this will affect liberal arts disciplines and institutions, David Green reviews the distance we’ve come in the last 15 years and identifies the main themes of the essays, interviews and reviews that follow.”

Entre otros artículos, tenemos “The (Uncommon) Challenge of the Cultural Commonwealth“, de Gary Wells, “From Data to Wisdom: Humanities Research and Online Content“, de Michael Lesk, “Building the Infrastructure for Cyberscholarship“, de Gregory Crane, o “Managed Cyber Services as a Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for Smaller Institutions of Higher Education“, de Todd Kelley. Una edición excelente que no puede dejar de leerse.

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