Note: Since this article have been readed lot of times and linked from several(!) homepages, I thought that should be necesary an update, so I did. I have corrected the english mistakes 😉 I had during 1998, (but the review remains the SAME) and I have also published this article in my blog since show too much publicity and it’s too slow to update. If you were in De Kelder, the disco were Xymox played that night, please contact me. If you like the article, please leave your comments 🙂

Thank you,

David Sanchez, 7 years after this concert.

Amersfoort – De Kelder – Marth 7th, 1997

Early 1998

In the beginning of 1998 I had the chance to visit for the very first time Europe.


During that time, I was a frecuent visitor of the Clan of Xymox official homepage (not the same adress as now) and I was very happy to see they were touring in March of that year due the release of their “Hidden Faces” album, the album that presented us to “Clan of Xymox” again (for some years before the name was shortened just to “Xymox”), hence, I had to choose the nearest place to see them. The band was going to give shows in Breda, Amersfoort and Utrecht (The Netherlands) in march. Because of the date and the distance, I took the chance and decided for Amersfoort, a city which I could never forget anymore…

From Germany to the Netherlands

I was really very excited. I never thought that I could see such amazing band which I was listening since the beggining of the 90’s. But, hey, there was me in the train station, traveling to see them. It was the 6:00 am of march 7th, 1998.

I remember the trip was about 4 hours and finally I did arrive to Amersfoort around 10:00 am. I never saw the border between Germany and the Netherlands, since there are not usual controls, but I’ve found a little difference between the buildings in one and other country, so I did realise when I was already in the Netherlands. I remember I just had US$20 in my pocket, some breads, my walkman, my photo camera…and of course all the wishes to see them.

In “De Kelder”, with the band

Xymox advertisement

Already in Amersfoort, I had to wait until 21:00 (the time when the disco opened their doors), but I had so much luck because a guy there (thanks you!) let me get in at 19:00, and my eyes could not believe when I saw Ronny Moorings there with the band doing the soundcheck. I had the luck to talk with Mojca and Ronny, and they were really very friendly. First I talked to Mojca and there I knew she was slovenian. I must say, she looked really so unbelievable beautiful.

I asked her for a signature and I have got it! and Ronny gave me his signature too! 🙂

The concert

Xymox concert

The concert started at 23:00 hours more or less and it was about 2 hours I think. In the entrance a girl was selling t-shirts of the band and also the new CD “Hidden Faces”. The ticket for the concert was very cheap!! only 10 guilders which was about 5US$.

It was surprizing to see that many dutch people did not know that Clan of Xymox was a dutch band!! but I guess it happen sometimes, bands are not so famous in their own land and this was the case again. Only me and a girl to my side (her name is Simone – Simone, do you read me?) started to take photos like crazy! 🙂

The band started the concert with the incredible “Stranger”…The music, the so great sound and lights made me feel out of reality, it was really almost like an orgasmic sensation to see them!!!!. It was a little concert (about 50 – 70 persons), but for me was really impressing, specially because I did not expect to hear many of the old songs, also the new ones of “Hidden Faces” were so GREAT!!. The tracks I remember of that night are: Stranger, Out of the rain, Going round, Cry in the Wind, This world, Louise, Obsession, A day, Hypocrite, The story ends, Back door.

After the concert Ronny and the others members of the band stayed in the disco, and so everyone could talk them.

So this stuff is a little remember of the concert. I hope you like the photos so much as me. In the center of this homepage you can find the program of De Kelder (where is written something about the band, but in the dutch). It would be nice if any dutch would translate this to me! Thanks :). Hope you enjoy with the pictures and everything!!

I want to send my regards to the friendly people of “De Kelder”, the beauty dutchs girls of there and special thanks to the DJ´s Henk and Carlos.


Clan of Xymox Official Homepage
Xymox Homepage by Lisa Case

“Clan of Xymox Live in Amersfoort” / Last Update, March 2005
© 1998 – 20005 by David Sánchez

Puntuación: 1.33 / Votos: 6
Clan of Xymox – Live in Amersfoort, Holland

2 thoughts on “Clan of Xymox – Live in Amersfoort, Holland

  • 23 noviembre, 2005 a las 6:17 pm
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    Hey man that’s an amazing experience….so…Yuu are so lucky!! well I’m only 16 so..when Clna of xymox came to Lima-Peru….(the only time the came)….I was starting to listen them…and when I noticed that they were really amazing…they have gone already!!….I would like to see them and talk with them too T_T!!! Meeting Mojca is one of my dreams :)…Cuz I like to play the bass and is for her that I’m starting to play that …….I hope they come to Peru….soon….

    Great article…man…

    PD: Sorry if I have english mistakes….I’m just learning it :D!!!…

  • 15 julio, 2006 a las 5:49 pm
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    EL grupo clan of ximox, es uno de los mejores grupo de dark, con su tecnologia avanzada; logró en la epoca de los ochentas un buen título. porque en su epoca se adelantó al futuro,siendo matriz de muchos grupos goticos.


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