jueves, 15 de diciembre 2016

Exploring the impact of career models on teacher motivation

[Visto: 489 veces]

Lucy Crehan (2016).Exploring the impact of career models on teacher motivation. Paris:International Institute for Educational Planning

Chapter 1.Problems with the administration of teacher careers

The teacher motivation crisis

Limitations of the most common career structure20

Chapter 2.The psychology underlying teacher motivation

Theories of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction of teachers

Theories of motivation

Motivation of teachers

Chapter 3.Approaches using incentives

External incentives for teacher input

External incentives for teacher output – payment by results

Chapter 4.Design of summative teacher appraisal

Methods of teacher appraisal

Approaches to summative teacher appraisal

Responsibility for summative appraisal decisions

Consequences of summative appraisal

Chapter 5.Career ladder programmes

Types of career ladder

Evidence of effectiveness

Chapter 6.Lessons for design and implementation

Difficulty of standards and professional development

Financial aspects

Ownership and management of reform

Implementation plan


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