Así como el caso del maldito que hizo morir de hambre a un perro en una galería, en San Francisco hay una exhibición de un video donde seis animales (una cierva, una cabra, un caballo, un cerdo, una oveja y un buey) son golpeados a morir con un mazo por el “artista” Adel Abdessemed de Paris. ¿Qué está pasando con el arte? Por favor, entren a este enlace para suscribir una petición que exija al Instituto de Arte de San Francisco que retiren ese video snuff, y que se implemente una política que prohiba la explotación y el asesinato de animales en exhibiciones “artísticas”.
The “Art” of Animal Cruelty
Tell San Francisco Art Institute to remove snuff video exhibit from gallery
Walk into the Walter and McBean Galleries in San Francisco’s posh Russian Hill neighborhood, and you may be shocked to see what passes for contemporary “art” these days. Six televisions display video images of six different animals — a doe, a goat, a horse, an ox, a pig, and a sheep — being bludgeoned to death with a large sledgehammer by “artist” Adel Abdessemed of Paris. Entitled “Don’t Trust Me,” this sick exhibit is Abdessemed’s and the Institute’s self-serving attempt to pass off the brutal abuse and killing of animals as legitimate artistic creation.
What such “artists” and their patrons overlook is that animals are living beings who feel and suffer just like we humans — and we are no more justified in taking their lives at will than we have the right to kill another person. Such abuse of animals may elicit horror and disgust in viewers, but that does not qualify it as art. Far from it — in fact, “Don’t Trust Me” represents the very worst impulses of the human imagination.
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