Archivo de la etiqueta: Teorías de Unificación

World Science Festival 2008: Beyond Einstein, Part 1 of 4

[Visto: 654 veces]

World Science Festival 2008: Beyond Einstein, Part 1 of 4 from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

Filmed on:
June 1, 2008

Albert Einstein spent his last thirty years unsuccessfully searching for a ‘unified theory’ – a single master principle to describe everything in the universe, from tiny subatomic particles to immense clusters of galaxies. In the decades since, generations of researchers have continued working toward Einstein’s dream.

Renowned physicists Leonard Susskind and Jim Gates, and prominent historian Peter Galison discussed what’s been achieved and tackled pivotal questions. Would a unified theory reveal why there is a universe at all? Would it tell us why mathematics is adept at unraveling nature’s mysteries? Might it imply we are one universe of many, and what would that mean for our sense of how we fit into the cosmos? Moderated by Nobel Laureate Paul Nurse. Sigue leyendo