martes, 12 de marzo 2019

Revisiones de literatura sobre docente/profesor de escuela

[Visto: 443 veces]

A Review of Research on Prospective Teachers’ Learning About Children’s Mathematical Thinking and Cultural Funds of Knowledge, leer aquí

Efectividad del desempeño docente. Una reseña de la literatura internacional y su relevancia para mejorar la educación en América Latina. Leer aquí

Políticas docentes no Brasil: um estado da arte. Leer aquí

Merit pay programs for improving teacher retention, teacher satisfaction and student achievement in primary and secondary education: A systematic review. Leer aquí

A formação de professores em artigos da revista Ciência & Educação (1998-2014): uma revisão cienciométrica  Leer aquí

Teacher motivation, work satisfaction, and positive psychological capital: A literature review. Leer aquí

Teacher characteristics and their effects on student test scores: A best-evidence review. Leer aquí

Teacher collaboration and collegiality as workplace conditions. A review. Leer aquí

Do teachers have a relationship with their subject? A review of the literature on the teacher-subject matter relation. Leer aquí

Teacher Perceptions of Creativity: A Systematic Review Leer aquí

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