miércoles, 28 de junio 2017

Educational Research and Reviews

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We are pleased to inform you that a latest issue of Educational Research and Reviews  (ERR) is available online. See table of content below.

We encourage authors to place their articles on their institutions website, personal websites and other appropriate websites which they are affiliated and link it to www.academicjournals.org

About ERR

ERR is a peer reviewed open access journal. The journal is published twice monthly and covers all areas of the subject such as comparative education, early childhood education, adult education, special education, teachers’ training, vocational education, educational technology, educational administration and management, curriculum development, education policies and management etc.

Submit Manuscript

Educational Research and Reviews welcomes the submission of manuscripts via its online  Manuscript Management System

Thus, we invite you to submit your manuscripts for publication in the Educational Research and Reviews.


ERR Articles


Evaluating The Fatih Project Applications In The Turkish Educational System According To Teachers’ Viewpoints (Turkey)

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3233   [Article Number: 408B7F064852] Erol Sozen and Mücahit Coşkun  Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze teachers’ perspectives on the usage of smart boards and Tablet PCs in the Fatih Project using some variables (gender, branches, school types, educational status etc). The measurement scale of the study was developed and applied with the high school teachers in Düzce. Quantitative research methods were used in the study and screening model was applied. The SPSS 20.0… Read more.

The Study Of Validity And Reliability Of The Perceived Value Scale Of Prospective Teachers In Terms Of Teaching Profession

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3252   [Article Number: 582145A64854] Engin Demir, Yusuf Budak and Cennet Gologlu Demir  Abstract The aim of this study was to develop “Perceived Value Scale in regard to Teaching Profession of Prospective Teachers “. The validity and reliability analysis of the scale, developed for prospective elementary school teachers, was performed. In order to determine the values of the teaching profession, first of all, the related literature was scanned and an essay about the values related to the profession was… Read more.

The Effect Of Teaching Methods And Learning Styles On Capabilities Of Writing Essays On Elementary School’s Students In East Jakarta

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3187   [Article Number: C8FF42264856] Wuryani and  Yufiarti  Abstract The objective of this research was to discover the effect of teaching methods and learning styles on the student’s ability to write essays. This study was conducted in elementary school in East Jakarta. The population of this studies was 3rd-grade elementary school students who study in East Jakarta. Samples were taken with stratified cluster random sampling technique with 32 students as the respondents. Results… Read more.   T

he Strategies Of Using A Special Kind Of Number Patterns In Different Stages Of Education

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3244    [Article Number: 0C9F02964858] Joanna Jureczko  Abstract Patterns and generalization are one of the most fundamental aspects of mathematics, which makes  recent decades, mathematical tasks which include patterns, whether they are numerical or graphical, are mostly used, for example researching generalization. The aim of this paper is to investigate how a special kind of task concerning well-known palindromes can diversify the process of generalization in three different… Read more.

The Mediating Role Of Scientific Attitudes In The Relationship Between Teacher Candidates’ Scientific Epistemological Beliefs And Approaches To Scientific Research

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3248   [Article Number: A61FA9564682] Hasan Hüseyin ŞAHAN   Abstract The study aims to analyze scientific attitudes’ effect on the relationship between teacher candidates’ scientific epistemological beliefs and their approach to scientific research. The research model of the study is relational survey, a type of descriptive model. The study group is comprised of 647 pre-service teachers from Balıkesir University Necatibey, Faculty of Education. “Scientific… Read more.

Self-Values Of Pre-School Teachers Working In Turkish Public Schools

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3269   [Article Number: 4E9498864680] İlknur Maya  Abstract This study aims at describing the self-values held by pre-school teachers working in public schools and at determining whether or not those values differ on the basis of seniority, marital status and having children. This research employs a descriptive method. The research population comprised 278 pre-school teachers working in public pre-school education institutions and in public primary education schools. The Rokeach… Read more.

The Relations Among Musical Instrument Performance Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem And Music Performance Anxiety In Pre-Service Music Teachers

DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3251  [Article Number: FD0A9C464684] Demet Girgin  Abstract This study investigated the relations among pre-service music teachers’ musical instrument performance self-efficacy, music performance anxiety and self-esteem. This study was designed as a correlative survey, and was conducted with a total of 527 pre-service music teachers. The data were collected by using the Musical Instrument Performance Self-Efficacy Scale, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Kenny… Read more.

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