Por las garantías del proceso electoral. Las lecciones de una candidatura

1 Respuesta

  1. Putrachomsa dice:

    It’s not looking good for rnnuing a verifiable, properly scrutinised and genuine ‘One Person-One Vote’ UK wide AV v FPTP referendum in May 2011 now, is it Mr Folkes?Don’t you agree it’s high time that fact is recognised and that the whole fake UK v FPTP referendum exercise is abandoned until UK Electoral Law, UK Electoral Registers and Chief Electoral Registration & Returning Officer powers are made ‘fit for purpose’ ?Until that is done we will not be able to have ANY confidence in any outcome – whatever it may have been.It’s all very well Mr Cameron & Mr Clegg showboating on the back of Middle East aspirations for greater democracy. However, it is now clear that our own voting system is fundamentally and seriously defective and needs a complete overhaul – in order to be able to guarantee ‘One Person-One Vote’ elections and referendums.All the bestThe EditorsCornwallNews

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