The future of family life is an intriguing topic, especially as technology, medicine, and societal trends continue to evolve. Given the advancements in these areas, there are several possible scenarios for how families might live together in the future. So, it’s not surprising to reflect on “What will family life be like in the future?”, with the help of medicine we might live longer, the rates of divorce have increased dramtically in the latest years, does it mean we could propably live together in a fancy big house grandparents, parents altogether? or we’ll move to a small flat and visit constantly?
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I think the family will changes because the relationships are changes, the house traditional will are buildings with persons unknown.
The technology will influence more in the procreation, many people’s don´t they will have child’s short term or never. What will cause the population in 2039 will be older adults more independent that will live alone assisted by robots or artificial intelligence
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