Unit 11 – Food and Environment

According to foodprint.org, “what you eat matters. food impacts more than your health. It impacts the environment, animals and people. What you eat, where it comes from, and how it was produced contributes to your FoodPrint — think of it like a carbon footprint, but for food. Whether it’s a salad, a hamburger or your morning egg sandwich, your meal has an impact on the environment and on the welfare of animals, food/farm workers and on public health.

Your “foodprint” is the result of everything it takes to get your food from the farm to your plate. Many of those processes are invisible to consumers.

Industrial food production — including animal products like beef, pork, chicken and eggs and also crops  — takes a tremendous toll on our soil, air and water, as well as on the workers and the surrounding communities.”

Answer the following questions keeping this piece of information in mind as well as what you read in the unit:  Food and the environment:

How do you think our diet will change 10 or 20 years from now? Why?

Would you change your eating habits to help the environment? What good eating habits would you adopt?

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