International call for post-doctoral position

The Geography of Philosophy Project/ Peruvian Team
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú/ Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación Mente y Lenguaje
Content of Job Information:
We are hiring a post-doctoral researcher who will engage in research for the Geography of Philosophy Project,Peruvian Team. For details about this project, please refer to
Department of Humanities. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima)
Job Description:
The appointed researcher will conduct empirical research on concepts such as knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The tasks involve designing and executing experiments/surveys, analyzing data, and preparing papers. The appointee will also be in charge of organizing project-related meetings/events in Peru, communicating and coordinating with international research teams, as well as other administrative tasks necessary for the project.
All candidates must have a PhD in Anthropology, Linguistics, Philosophy or Psychology, or be expected to obtain the degree by August 2018. They are required to be skilled and experienced in conducting empirical research (e.g., designing experiments/surveys, data analysis). Candidates must also possess the English language capability necessary to communicate with international researchers and also be fluent in Spanish. Candidates should be willing to work with Kechwa(Peruvian central and southern Andes) and Shipibo (Peruvian Amazon rainforest) communities.
The post doc fellowship will start from the earliest time after February 2019 and last for two years.
The candidates should be willing to work full time in this project.
Documents to submit:
1) CV (photo attached)
2) List of research achievements and academic publications.
3) Three separate prints of your major original papers (photocopies acceptable)
4) Contents and achievements of your major research projects and their achievements.
5) Names and contact information of three referees
Note: Application documents will not be returned.
Please send your application before August 6, 2018.
Contact Persons:
Pablo Quintanilla
Professor of Philosophy
Departamento de Humanidades
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Andrés Abugattás
Lecturer in Philosophy
Departamento de Humanidades
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú