Dear students.

Please, read the following article about an Only child.

Now answer the following questions:

  • What is your opinion on the topic? Is an only child a lonely child?
  • In what ways are families changing in modern times?
  • Now more and more young people rely on their chosen family (mostly friends) How is that shaping modern families?

Please, answer the questions,  then read your partner’s answers and reply to them. Remember to participate at least twice so there is evidence of interaction and you have the chance to get up to 5 additional points in HT1.

Participate before Sat 5th at 11:59 pm.

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  1. Pilar Olmedo Blas escribió:

    I agre the child olnly dont necesaritly is lonely child.In my case have one son.We have educated him so that he is sociable, independent, empathetic. Although I would have liked him to have siblings, but it is something he has to live with, without feeling like he is missing something.

  2. Pilar Olmedo Blas escribió:

    I dont think only child a lonely child necesarity a lot depend upbringing and the way in which it has been formed: independent or dependent on another person .Also of the personality
    In what ways are families changing in modern times?
    In my opinions the family changes because there a lot of searching for independence, knowing the world, developing professionally, investing in your future.Which leads to postponing the formation of a family
    I dont think only child a lonely child necesarity a lot depend upbringing and the way in which it has been formed: independent or dependent on another person .Also of the personality
    In what ways are families changing in modern times?
    In my opinions the family changes because the persons lookfor independ economics,social,
    affective first.
    There is also a lot of searching for independence, knowing the world, developing professionally, investing in your future.Which leads to postponing the formation of a family
    and limit the number child


    1. In my opinion, having one child does not necessarily mean that they will be raised as a lonely person; it depends on the type of education, lifestyle, customs, and other factors. In my case, my parents have 8 siblings, and for me, it was terrible. I would have preferred to be an only child. Although I have 7 siblings, I still tend to be solitary and misanthropic, I dislike children, and I don’t have social skills. 2.As far as I’m concerned, modern parents tend to choose to have only one or two children as the maximum number of siblings because both of them usually work and have little time to share with their kids. Besides, times are hard, violent, and this world can be challenging. 3. From my perspective, traditional family ties are changing. This can be detrimental in certain ways because the children of these individuals lack the necessary care. Their parents, having been raised to be independent, without proper guidance, often do not possess the skills to raise children who grow up indifferent, libertine, lacking moral values, and detached from others.

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