Because you’re studying English with us, you know the important role of languages when you think about your future related to your studies or professional plans. But not always English played an important role. In the past French and Latin were dominant, but what will happen in the future? Let’s watch a video in order to answer these questions:

·         What will be the most spoken language in 2050?

·         What are the top 5 business languages?

·         Which language would you like to study in the future? Why?

·         Post your answers and get extra points in your homework

Puntuación: 5 / Votos: 1


  1. Michael Leon escribió:

    1. What will be the most spoken language in 2050?
    By 2050, Mandarin Chinese is expected to be the most spoken language due to China’s large population in addition, to its economic growth and global influence.

    2. What are the top 5 business languages?
    The top 5 business languages are:
    – English
    – Mandarin Chinese
    – Spanish
    – French
    – German

    3. Which language would you like to study in the future? Why?
    I would like to study Mandarin Chinese due to its growing importance in global business and its influence on the global economy, which would expand my skills in communicating in international contexts.

    1. Idiomas Virtual Autor escribió:

      Thanks for your participation Michael

  2. juan Carlos Gutiérrez chávez escribió:

    I thing, english languange has been considered the most important language, not only because so many people use it right now, if not because every day we have progress over de world, that involves the english language.

    1. Idiomas Virtual Autor escribió:

      That’s quite true Michael!

    2. Idiomas Virtual Autor escribió:

      You’re right Juan Carlos!

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