11/06/24: Weekly Blog: UNIT 11

Endangered means to be under threat or near extinction.  When a species/animal is endangered it means that they are disappearing fast or have a very small population – not large enough to survive.  Extinction means the end of existence for a species. Let’s learn about some species in danger: 


Now, after watching the video and working on unit 11, answer the following questions:

  1. Which animal species would you most like to study? Why?
  2. Are there any endangered animals in your country? Whose responsibility is it to help them?
  3. What are some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?
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  1. go88 escribió:

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  2. Jhon Anthony Alvarez Borja escribió:

    Which animal species would you most like to study? Why?
    The animal that I would most like to study is the rhinoceros, due to its drastic reduction in numbers in recent years. Support for initiatives such as the creation of rhino farms to preserve the existence of these animals and try to solve the problem of consuming the horn of these animals without having to kill them.

    Are there any endangered animals in your country? Whose responsibility is it to help them?
    In Peru there are species in danger of extinction that are even unique to our jungle. I can mention the “Huapo Colorado” which is an animal similar to a monkey and is characterized by having the entire face, forehead and upper part of the skull hairless and red in color. Another of them is the “yellow-tailed woolly monkey” which is characterized by its height and yellow tail.
    All Peruvians have the responsibility to preserve their conservation, with more drastic laws and comprehensive strategies to preserve these species.

    What are some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?
    Zoos, as advantages, can provide a monitored and controlled space to preserve species, with a budget for food and specialized attention for the care of the animals, taking care of their reproduction and thus preventing them from being hunted. However, the animals are confined and sometimes experience stressful situations due to the number of visitors, which does not allow them to have the freedom of open spaces that they had in their natural habitat.

  3. Alison Torres Loayza escribió:

    1.Which animal species would you most like to study? Why?
    I would like to study giraffes, because they are very beautiful and interesting to know their origin, life in today’s world and if they are in danger of extinction.
    2.Are there any endangered animals in your country?
    Yes, the white-winged guan, the yellow-tailed woolly monkey, the Peruvian grasshopper, the Titicaca frog, the red huapo and the marvelous hummingbird.
    3.Whose responsibility is it to help them?
    From the government and all ordinary people who must take care of the nature and habitat of these animals, it is important that there are people responsible for each community.
    4.What are some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?
    The advantages are that you can take care of them in the most correct way so that they can reproduce. Likewise, you can have animals available for your research process and you save time. the disadvantages, that the Freedom of animals is fundamental, they as living beings have rights and we human beings must take care of them and respect their habitat.

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  20. Claudia Valdivia Robles escribió:

    1. Which animal species would you most like to study? Why?
    I would like to study more about dolphins, especially pink dolphins. This species is in Peru and unfortunately is endangered.
    These animals are fascinating because they are one of the most intelligent marine species and can echolocate.

    2. Are there any endangered animals in your country? Whose responsibility is it to help them?
    Yes, it is. Besides the pink dolphin, other animals in danger of extinction are the yellow-tailed monkey and the wonderful hummingbird. The enemy of the three is the human because of the destruction of their habitat and poaching.

    3. What are some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?
    The advantage is the preservation of the species, although a better option would be nature reserves. Another advantage is related to facilitating access to knowledge of captive species. On the other hand, the disadvantage is animal suffering, because most animals found in zoos are wild and have diverse habitats, and consequently, therefore are in a different environment and enclosed, all this causes discomfort.

  21. Karina Chávez escribió:

    1. Which animal species would you most like to study? Why?
    The snow leopard: have evolved to be able to survive under the most extreme conditions on Earth. I would like to study it because I admire the beauty of its grayish white fur with large black spots perfectly combines with the texture of the rugged and rocky mountains of Central Asia.
    Its powerful anatomy allows you to climb large and steep slopes with ease. Its hind legs give the snow leopard the ability to jump the equivalent of six times the length of its body. Its long tail provides balance and agility, and also allows the snow leopard to shelter from the cold when at rest.
    For thousands of years, this magnificent feline was king of the mountains, where prey such as blue goats, hares, hibiscus, marmots, rock rabbits and hares abounded. The snow leopard is found in 12 countries, including China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and Mongolia, but its population is declining.
    The Panda Bear: Despite being so recognized and not having many natural predators, pandas are still at risk. Serious human-induced threats have reduced the population of pandas in the wild to 1,800. I would like to study it, since this animal is so peaceful and known for its black and white coat is worshipped all over the world and considered a national treasure in China. They live mainly in bamboo forests, high in the mountains of western China, from which they subsist almost entirely. They must eat between 26 and 84 pounds (12 and 38 kg) of bamboo each day, an amazing job for which they use the elongated bones of their wrists as if they were thumbs.
    2. Are there any endangered animals in your country? Whose responsibility is it to help them?
    Peru, a mega-diverse country, faces a harsh reality: a remarkable number of species on its territory are on the brink of extinction. This natural treasure is being affected mainly by indiscriminate hunting and the devastation of ecosystems, unleashing a wake-up call for conservation. Some of the animals in danger of extinction are: Common Spider Monkey, Bald Uacari, Yellow Tailed Monkey, Andean Cat, Giant Nutria, Andean Tapir, etc.
    Everyone has a duty to ensure the protection and welfare of animals, whatever their species, avoiding causing them harm, unnecessary suffering, physical abuse that alters their normal behaviour, injury or death. But there are also institutions or organizations such as: WWF-Peru starts its campaign “Help us continue to help”, due to its need to raise funds that allow it to continue its conservation activities that seek to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. WWF-Peru is also working to help the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State – SERNANP and in particular the head of the Tabaconas Namballe Sanctuary, in the generation of information that will allow the conservation of the populations of threatened species that live there, among which are the spectacled bear and the tapir (object of creation of this sanctuary), as well as the colored dwarf deer and the Andean coati.
    3. What are some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?
    The most important function of zoos, which benefits human beings, is that they serve as entertainment for people, especially children. There, stress is reduced and a pleasant time is spent in contact with biodiversity. In addition to entertainment, zoos educate human beings in the values of respect and protection of nature, which is not only good for future generations, but also teaches them about the needs of animals and the importance of their conservation.While the above-mentioned aspects may seem positive, there is a very strong downside when it comes to judging how beneficial or harmful a zoo can be to animals. We mean that, of course, beasts are made to grow and develop in the wild. After millennia of evolution, the nervous system and physical characteristics of the animal organism are genetically configured to be stimulated by the factors in its environment. In this sense, keeping animals captive, even by feeding and caring for them properly, may be holding back their full potential as living beings.

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