05/06/24: WEEKLY BLOG

Hi guys! This week we are working on Thesis and Dissertation . 


Deciding on a topic for your thesis, dissertation or research project is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. But that’s not enough. Please, read the following article and answer:


1-      Have you ever written a thesis? What can you tell about that experience?

2-      Did you use any of the tips mentioned in this article?

3-      What other tips would you add to the list?

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  1. Alison Torres Loayza escribió:

    1- Have you ever written a thesis? What can you tell about that experience?
    Yes, I completed the thesis in 2022 for the Master’s degree that I studied at PUCP, it was about Circular Economy on the Use of Used Pallets in Food Markets. Really, the results and experience were great.
    2- Did you use any of the tips mentioned in this article?
    Of course yes, I am sure that everyone, I consider that these tips are the correct way to develop a Thesis, so everyone should apply it.
    3- What other tips would you add to the list?
    Seek advice from expert professionals and enhance your research with books and information on the Internet that you consider very valuable.

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