21/05/24: Blog 2

Publishing papers in academic journals is the mechanism by which scholarship moves forward, and is also important to researchers in terms of its impact on their career progression. Therefore, researchers seeking publication should carefully consider all relevant factors.

Read the following article and answer the following questions:

1-Have you ever written an Academic Journal? Have you ever heard of one?
2- In your opinion, are Academic Journals important? In what way?
3- Which of the tips do you find the most useful? Why?
4- Based on what you’ve read in our Academic Supplement 1, what other tips would you add?

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  1. Jaime Leopoldo Castro Calderón escribió:

    Jaime Leopoldo Castro Calderón

    1-Have you ever written an Academic Journal? Have you ever heard of one?
    I am familiar with academic journals and their importance in the field of research and education.
    Academic journals are periodicals that contain articles and studies written by researchers, academics and experts in various disciplines. These articles are usually peer-reviewed, i.e. evaluated by other experts in the field before being published, to ensure their quality and scientific validity.
    Some globally recognised academic journals include:
    • Nature: Publishes high-quality research in science and technology.
    • Science: One of the most prestigious scientific journals, covering a wide range of scientific disciplines.
    • The Lancet: Focuses on medicine and public health.
    • Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): Publishes medical research and review articles.
    • IEEE Transactions on Computers: Addresses topics related to computer science and electrical engineering.
    • These journals play a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge, the advancement of science and the validation of new discoveries through the peer review process.
    2- In your opinion, are Academic Journals important? In what way?
    Academic journals are extremely important in a number of ways, both for the scientific community and for society at large. Some of the most relevant aspects are highlighted here:
    • Knowledge Dissemination: Academic journals are an essential platform for the publication and dissemination of scientific research and findings. They allow the results of studies to reach a wide and specialised audience, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various disciplines.
    • Peer Review: This process ensures that published articles meet high standards of quality and scientific validity. Peer review acts as a filter that validates and verifies the methodology, data and conclusions of researchers, ensuring the credibility of the information.
    • Professional Development: For researchers and academics, publishing in high-impact journals is crucial for their professional development. Publications in prestigious journals can be influential in obtaining funding, promotions, and recognition within the scientific community.
    • Innovation and Technological Advances: Academic journals foster innovation by allowing researchers to share new approaches, technologies and methods. This can accelerate the development of new solutions and practical applications in diverse fields, from medicine to engineering.
    • Education and Training: Academic articles are an invaluable source of information for students, teachers and professionals in training. They provide up-to-date, high quality material that is essential for education and lifelong learning.
    • Historical Database: Academic journals create a historical record of scientific and technological advances. This archive allows future researchers to review and build on previous work, avoiding duplication of effort and promoting more efficient progress.
    • Public Policy Impact: Research published in academic journals can influence the formulation of public policy.Scientific studies provide an evidence base that can guide decisions in areas such as public health, the environment, education and more.
    In short, academic journals are central to scientific and technological progress, education, research validation and informed policy-making.Their role in the creation and dissemination of knowledge is vital to the continued development of society.
    3- Which of the tips do you find the most useful? Why?
    From the reading for me, it is crucial to have a writing plan and strategy to ensure that I have both external motivations, such as scoring in the research evaluation or moving up the ladder, and internal motivations, i.e., figuring out why writing for academic journals is important to me. This will ensure that I maintain the necessary motivation to write and publish in the long term. Since the time between submission of a paper and publication can be long.
    4- Based on what you’ve read in our Academic Supplement 1, what other tips would you add?
    I would advise you to ensure that your research is original, rigorous and relevant, and that you meticulously follow the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submission and review.
    This advice covers the importance of content quality, originality, relevance of the research, and the need to adhere to the journal’s specific standards, all of which are essential elements for successful publication.

  2. Alison Torres Loayza escribió:

    1-Have you ever written an Academic Journal? Have you ever heard of one?
    No, but I have been talking about several academic journals in Peru and abroad.
    2- In your opinion, are Academic Journals important? In what way?
    Yes, they are important, because they help us find outstanding and coherent information in the academic study process. We can participate in the Forums and express our point of view, just as it helps us a lot in the Research we are developing.
    3- Which of the tips do you find the most useful? Why?
    All the tips are useful, but I stick with the third “make an outline and just write”
    4- Based on what you’ve read in our Academic Supplement 1, what other tips would you add?
    Don’t be afraid and believe in your ideas, there is always a difficult beginning but along the way you learn to be successful in everything that you are passionate about, and if it is with a lot of love and dedication, what better than always writing!

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