Dear students.

It is time to start with our weekly blog.

Please, watch the following TED TALK from  Wendy Suzuki a Neuroscientist at New York University.

Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | TED

In the video, she talks about the importance of exercising.

In your opinion:

  • What are some other good ways to lead a healthy lifestyle?
  • How easy or hard is it to keep a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic society?
  • Were you aware of the benefits of exercising in our brain?

Please, answer the questions and then read your partner’s answers and reply to them. Remember to participate at least twice so there is evidence of interaction and you have the chance to get up to 5 additional points in HT1.

Participate before Sat 21st at 11:59 pm.

Puntuación: 0 / Votos: 0


  1. Idiomas Virtual Autor escribió:

    Dear students. Thank you for your participation. I hope you found the information interesting.
    Best regards


    Dear Jose Ignacio Orozco, I agree with your opinion because for me leading a healthy life also includes practicing mindfulness, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, establishing solid social connections and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Just like having a healthy diet, most illnesses are because we are not conscious of our diet.


    Dear Pilar Olmedo Blas, indeed it is also very important for the brain to sleep well, the necessary hours, because when you sleep for a few hours or have insomnia it is very bad for the brain and the next day you feel without energy.


    1. What are some other good ways to live a healthy lifestyle?
    Other ways to lead a healthy life is also to have a balanced diet, for example: eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds such as chia, sesame, flaxseed, as well as eating meat and drinking plenty of water. It is important to limit the consumption of excessive carbohydrates and saturated fats.
    2.How easy or difficult is it to maintain a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic society?
    I think that depending on the will of the people, if a person really has the will to have a healthy life, they will have it, they will find a way to obtain it, they will have to prioritize the most important things.
    3.Did you know the benefits of exercising on our brain?
    No, I just knew that exercising was good for your overall health.

  5. Pilar Olmedo Blas escribió:

    What are some other good ways to lead a healthy lifestyle?
    I think is move the some use the energy. Walking for pleasure don’t for obligation. Eat taking into account our activities, age, take into account our BMI. Sleep as necessary
    How easy or hard is it to keep a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic society?
    I think it is somewhat difficult to maintain a healthy life in a hectic society because the hours in the day are short to fulfil all the activities for which we are responsible as adults. Even cooking, although it is a matter of reorganizing ourselves.
    Were you aware of the benefits of exercising in our brain?
    Yes, I knew, although from Wendy Suzuki’s explanation I have managed to learn more. The brain is better when exercising the attention, memory The immediate effects, mood, improvement in concentration, reaction capacity When you increasing cardiorespiratory activities the neurons receive more oxygen and produce more endorphins, hormones of joy Besides hippocampal cells increase their volume. Exercises also have long-term effects and help prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s.In conclusion, exercises positively influence the brain.

  6. Jose Ignacio Orozco escribió:

    1. Other good ways to lead a healthy lifestyle include practicing mindfulness, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol, building strong social connections, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. 2. Keeping a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic society can be hard due to busy schedules, stress, and convenience of unhealthy options, but with planning and small habits, it’s definitely achievable. 3. Yes, exercise boosts brain function by improving memory, reducing stress, enhancing mood, and increasing focus and cognitive performance.

  7. Idiomas Virtual Autor escribió:

    Thank you for your participation César.
    I am glad you enjoyed the activity.
    Best regards


    1. “Other ways to lead a healthy lifestyle for me are to work out at least 3 or 4 days a week. It’s not necessary to go to the gym; you could walk long distances, run to the park, go up and down ladders instead of taking an elevator… and of course, eat in moderation.” 2. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s quite difficult because the distances between work, university, and other places take a long time (talking about our city: Lima). At the end of the day, we finish exhausted, and doing exercises is very hard. At the same time, we have to eat almost always junk food, which does not contribute to a healthy life. Obviously, I may be pessimistic; it’s not impossible to change, but it’s hard.” 3. “I associated exercise more with physical fitness; of course, I knew that it improves our psychological mood, but not much about a healthy brain, specifically the hippocampus, which improves our memory, produces new cells, enhances focus, and also improves functions related to breathing, heart health, and other things that Dr. Wendy Suzuki mentions. Very interesting and fun.”

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