Archivo por meses: julio 2024

22/07/24: WEEK 4 – BLOG


Have you ever been phone hacked?

We have beeen reading about hackers and it brought to my mind the fact that I had never thought that my iphones can also be hacked, so I decided to take precautions and here I share with you some tips I found:

What’s a smartphone owner to do?

  • Don’t leave your phone unattended in a public place.
  • Be sure to change the default password that comes with a new phone to something more complex (resist the usual “1234,” “0000” and 2580)
  • Avoid using unprotected Bluetooth networks and turn off your Bluetooth service when you aren’t using it.
  • Use a protected app to store pin numbers and credit cards, or better yet, don’t store them on the phone at all.
  • Avoid accessing important locations such as bank accounts via public Wi-Fi that may not be secure.
  • Turn off your auto complete feature so critical personal data isn’t stored on the phone and must be re-entered every time you need it.
  • Regularly delete your browsing history, cookies and cache so your virtual footprint is not available for prying eyes.

Adapted from

What do you think?

-Have you ever been hacked? What happened?

– Which are some of the ways hackers can be dangerous to society?

– Which are some of the ways that they can be useful to society?

– Do you think that computer communication desensitizes us? Why? Why not?

16/07/24: WEEKLY BLOG

An abstract is a short summary of a longer work (such as a thesisdissertation or research paper). The abstract concisely reports the aims and outcomes of your research, so that readers know exactly what your paper is about.

Watch the video and answer:

  • Have you ever written an abstract? Do you think they’re useful? Why?
  • Which of the tips given is the most useful in your opinion? 
  • Which recommendation would you give someone writing an abstract?

09/07/24: BLOG 1

Many students limit their view to the opportunities that are easily available, readily accessible, and most traditional. They never take even one step out of their comfort zone as they look at the list of high school courses and decide what to take. Check this video and answer the  questions:

  • Do you consider the jobs shown interesting? Which in your opinion is the most interesting? Why?
  • Would you ever choose a nontraditonal career? What would be the benefits?
  • What other careers would you add to the list?