17/09/24: Unit 1 – A World of Work

A new world of work  
29 April 2024

A revolution is taking place in the world of work, prompting employees to reassess their priorities and expectations. In order to continue to attract and retain talent, companies must boost their efforts and bolster their value proposition.

“Quiet quitting” is a trend that is increasingly making waves. But what exactly does it entail? It refers to a situation where a person does not actually quit their job, but gradually disengages with their duties.

Did you know?

A global survey conducted by the Gallup Institute found that people of all ages in the active population are falling out of love to some extent with their job. Only 23% said they felt engaged at work.

A new paradigm
In a world shaken by the Covid pandemic, geopolitical and economic uncertainty, as well as disruptive technologies, the reasons causing people to feel disengaged are both numerous and complex. The Gallup survey identified that the phenomenon has intensified because of unmet wage demands, expectations regarding recognition, diversity and inclusion, as well as the desire for increased well-being at work.

Employees want a better work/life balance, driving them to turn to remote working and asserting their right to disconnect. At the same time, they value social interactions and the team dynamics in a physical workplace, both essential to stimulate creativity.

They are looking for meaningful work and give great importance to the values championed by their employer. A study conducted by Mercer found that 96% of employees wanted their employer to implement a sustainable development program. They also expressed a need to enhance their employability, seeking to exercise their rights to training and professional mobility.

What companies can do
Given the vast range of employee expectations, businesses are rolling out a great many initiatives to attract and retain talent, which obviously include competitive remuneration policies, but also can involve covering tuition fees and implementing skills development programs.

They are also investing in actions that improve quality of life at work, such as quality catering services, flexible working hours, and environmentally friendly offices boasting a range of services, including gardens, break rooms, nursing rooms, silent spaces for people with autism, and music rooms. Businesses are working overtime to address quiet quitting. Time will tell if they are triumphant.

Taken from:  https://servier.com/en/newsroom/a-new-world-of-work/

Have you heard about “quiet quitting” before?  What do you know about it? Have you experienced it?

How has your working life changed after the Covid pandemic?


30/10/13: Welcome!

Welcome to the blog that has been specifically designed for Comprensión Lectora en Inglés – Course CLECV Plus 1 – administered by Idiomas Católica.

This blog aims at providing opportunities for participants to exchange information related to the course. Although our reading course is not meant to develop oral or written communication skills, we have noticed that many of you can and wish to “have your say” in English about issues that we look at in the course. Your participation in this blog can award you up to 5 points in the assessment area labelled Tareas de Evaluación Continua.

Ready to begin? It is easy. The questions on the next message are waiting to be answered! You may want to participate twice. The first time, just write your answers to the questions. The second time, you are supposed to reply somebody else’s answer.

Enjoy the experience!


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