Cuento de sabiduría: El alacrán

cuento de sabiduria alacran
Un hombre vió un alacrán que se estaba ahogando, y decidió sacarlo del agua. Sin embargo, cuando lo hizo, el alacrán le intentó picar.

Debido al susto, el hombre lo soltó, y el animal cayó otra vez al agua y de nuevo estaba ahogándose.

El hombre intentó sacarlo otra vez, y de nuevo el alacrán le quiso picar. Alguien que había observado todo, se acercó y le dijo:

– Perdone, pero ¡mire que es Usted terco! ¿No entiende que cada vez que intente sacarlo del agua ese mal bicho le querrá picar?

Y él respondió:

– La naturaleza del alacrán es picar, y eso no va a cambiar la mía, que es ayudar.

– Pero eso sí -continuó- Me parece que esta vez tomaré precauciones.

Tras lo cual, ayudándose de una hoja, tomó al animalito del agua y le salvó la vida.

Puntuación: 5.00 / Votos: 5

3 comentarios

  • did not know why i insisted on reading this story and i tried to translate it… still i like the story but did not really get the wisdom behind it. tell me what is the thing we should recognise as i do not get it… you are a very good story teller as i told you before 🙂 happy to know you brother ::))

    be safe,

  • Suhita!!! 🙂 The translation is something like this:

    A man saw a scorpion drowning and decided to save him. However, when he touched him, the scorpion tried to sting the man.

    Due to the shock, the man released him, and the animal fell into the water and again the scorpion was drowning.

    The man tried to safe him again and the scorpion tried to sting him. Someone who had seen everything, approached and said:

    – Excuse me, but You are very stubborn!!! Do not you understand that every time you try to remove the scorpion from the water, he tries to sting your?

    And he said:

    The scorpion’s nature is stinging, but that’s not going to change my nature, which is helping.

    But yes, I thin Ithe next time I will take some precautions.

    After which, aided by a leaf, he could take the animal off the water and saved his life. 🙂

  • Sometimes we find many people as the scorpion, with a "bad" nature. sometimes our good willing to help is not enough and we need extra tools to help that people. They don´t act bad because they are necessary "bad people". Many times they act by instinct and we have to understand that 🙂

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