Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a very old city located in the Andes mountains in Peru, a country in South America. It is an Inca town.
Machu Picchu is on a mountain, next to the Urubamba river. This river is called
“la Serpiente”. Now, there are only the ruins of a town.
The name of Machu Picchu means “Old Peak”. Incas were very intelligent and
one of the most important cultures in the past in America. Incas produced
potatoes and maize.
Machu Picchu was a religious place. About 1.200 people lived there, most of them
women, children and priests. Now, there are the ruins of temples, palaces and houses.
The most important temple is the Temple of the Sun. Also, there are amazing animals
and plants in Machu Picchu.
Machu Picchu is near Cusco. Cusco is a very interesting town. It was one of the
capitals of the Inca Empire. There is a very beautiful cathedral in the centre of the
town. Also, there is a very important Inca museum. Lots of tourists visit Machu Picchu
every year. Machu Picchu is an amazing place!

What other Peruvian great structure do you about? Explain.

Taken from;


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