16/05/24: Unit 1: World of Work

Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer.

Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time and productivity — and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen.

Please watch the video and answer the questions below.

How important is it to find balance between work and life?
Think about yourself. How easy or difficult is it to deal with work and family?
Which ideas did you like the most? Why?

Taken from: https://www.ted.com/talks/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work

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  1. Marlon Busch Rudas escribió:

    In my opinion, work-life balance should be generated by oneself, having a job that one likes, and enjoying the family on their days off. I liked the video that the quality of life should not be in the hands of a company, on the contrary, each person must find the means to balance their life, for example in my case some activities to do on free days such as going out with the family outside the house, going to the gym, sometimes helping in the kitchen, enjoying a movie or series , study English, take my daughter to volleyball, read a book, which help me to have a brain balance and also considering the time I have during the day to do it, in this way and with pleasant moments a better quality of life.

  2. Luis Rojas escribió:

    How important is it to find balance between work and life?
    According to the video it’s so important to find that balance. I understood that the balance work-life can do us happier and provide to us a more plenty life.

    Think about yourself. How easy or difficult is it to deal with work and family?
    In my case it’s difficult, but I think, after to watch the video with attention, that I need more organization, to give more time and importance to relevant things. The example of video about the time between dad and son is so important because of give us an idea about the quality time over the quantity of that.

    Which ideas did you like the most? Why?
    The idea about the quality time is the most important of the video, because teach us that everybody have a lot of things to do but we can do some few that can give us happiness and also to the people we love
    *Luis Rojas.

  3. Erick Chávez Cardich escribió:

    How important is it to find balance between work and life?
    This is a very simple question, but its answer is really complex. I could say that we are living in “automatic” pilot and, until, we do not recognized that we are living a life that we want, we will living a life that someone else wants. The time runs really fast and if we do not do anything, when we realize it, it could be very late. Each person must find his own balance.
    Think about yourself. How easy or difficult is it to deal with work and family?
    For me it is very difficult. In my case, I am married, but also I am a son and must take about my parents and I must keep working. I do not have free time. I find teleworking very useful for me, because I can stay at home and work at the same time. Or I must work at nights.
    Which ideas did you like the most? Why?
    “Little things matter”, what a excellent idea!
    The small habits that we could do, it will bring changes dramatically, but everything starts with us.

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