Pero cuando uno piensa que las cosas no podrían ir peor ocurre precisamente lo contrario y es lo que le ha sucedido a nuestro ya de por si maltratado equipo nacional. La selección de ajedrez de Perú acaba de perder a tres de sus principales figuras Julio Granda y Emilio Córdova en varones y Luciana Morales en damas. Las razones son simples: los dos primeros pidieron a la federación un apoyo económico y la tercera ofreció participar gratis e inclusive pagándose los pasajes pero omitió participar en el campeonato nacional femenino y por ende se quedo sin chances de representar al país.
A continuación adjunto la carta que Julio Granda publicó en en un diario local en la que se queja de los malos manejos de nuestra federación:
Valga la ocasión para aclarar las circunstancias que han propiciado mi declinación a participar en las olimpiadas de Ajedrez a celebrarse próximamente en Turquía.
En primer lugar, lamento muchísimo que así sea. Los entendidos podrán corroborar que luego de haber asistido a 10 olimpiadas de ajedrez, siempre he tenido la mejor disposición para representar a mi país, e incluso cuando más de una vez hubo problemas económicos para cumplir con los gastos básicos que implica una competencia de ese nivel, tuve el compromiso en asumir los gastos de mi propio bolsillo y así propiciar mi asistencia a un evento que es la máxima expresión ajedrecística en competencias por equipos en el mundo, siendo el ajedrez un juego básicamente individual.
Obviamente eso no se valora, porque o bien te toman de tonto o asumen con barato chauvinismo que hay que “poner el pecho” para representar al Perú y este es un tema que se presta a manipulación y no se analiza de una manera objetiva y sensata.
Una cosa es fomentar el deporte amateur para la sociedad y otra muy distinta es tener que competir a alto nivel y créanme que no es nada fácil y requiere más de lo que la gente se imagina.
La actual dirigencia de la Federación Deportiva Peruana de Ajedrez, cuya gestión he criticado públicamente por sus múltiples errores y torpezas, parece que ha buscado la ocasión vindicativa para, valiéndose de artimañas y triquiñuelas propias de quienes no practican la transparencia, sembrar una serie de falacias para hacerme quedar mal y, por ende, justificar mi exclusión del equipo olímpico peruano como una mala actitud de mi parte y no como lo que realmente es: una incapacidad dirigencial una vez más manifiesta y una falta de respeto a quienes con nuestro esfuerzo en el ajedrez pretendemos hacer de este un medio de vida.
Como tal vez algunos sepan, hace ya más de 5 años que soy residente en España, donde vivo con mi familia y mis ingresos económicos dependen básicamente de las competencias ajedrecísticas.
Lamentablemente, dada la severa crisis que atraviesa este país últimamente, las competencias cada vez son más escasas y los ingresos menguan, por lo que cuesta muchísimo hacer frente a los inevitables gastos que hay que afrontar todos los meses.
Aparte de estas circunstancias difíciles que me toca asumir, considero que un Gran Maestro de Ajedrez merece una remuneración económica especial por participar en una olimpiada de Ajedrez y así dignificar a los que con nuestro esfuerzo y capacidad representamos continuamente al Perú.
No olvidemos que tan solo somos 4 Grandes Maestros activos y los jóvenes valores que felizmente abundan en el Perú tendrán una positiva referencia de que llegar a Gran Maestro significa un trato preferente.
Una verdadera y consistente visión dirigencial implica cuidar toda la pirámide donde obviamente la cúspide tiene que ser tratada como su propia condición lo amerita.
Siento una compasión por aquellos que, cegados por sus limitaciones, no ven las cosas con amplitud y recurren en su miseria a artimañas para tratar de encubrir su mediocridad.
Discúlpenme, pero tengo que referirme al Dr. (Milton) Iturry que, valiéndose de las argucias que permite la maltrecha Ley del Deporte, ha encontrado en la dirigencia del ajedrez un ilícito medio de vida y, pese al repudio que su gestión conlleva, se aferra al cargo como si su vida dependiera de ello.
Lo curioso es que este señor, cuya felonía es más de una vez manifiesta, se atreve a denostarme valiéndose de argumentos sin consistencia. El IPD hace algunos años estableció una ayuda económica directa al deportista que se me hizo efectiva en la gestión del GM (Henry) Urday y que, ya siendo pequeña, renuncié a ella cuando sorpresivamente me la redujeron.
Cuando el Dr. Iturry asumió la dirigencia de la federación y habiendo el IPD aumentado significativamente la cantidad, Iturry en su gestión no hizo nada para gestionarla pese a que me correspondía, ya que no se puede negar que soy número uno del Perú por más de 25 años.
Fue la Dra. (Daisy) Zereceda quien, en un gesto que debo agradecer públicamente, tuvo el detalle de formalizar tal ayuda y efectivamente la estoy recibiendo desde entonces, aunque inicialmente solo se me otorgaba 1,000 soles mensuales.
Un día me pregunté por qué no se me daban los 1,500 soles que correspondían a los deportistas de alto nivel (en ese momento era campeón panamericano e iberoamericano). Una vez más, ante la total indiferencia de la federación que no cumplía con algo tan elemental como proteger a sus deportistas, me vi obligado por una cuestión de justicia a solicitar al IPD, presidido por el Ing. (Arturo) Woodman, a que se me asignara los 1,500 soles. A la verdad, tal cantidad que se agradece y que de ninguna manera desdeño no me cubre más que una semana de mis gastos básicos y que por una cuestión de dignidad renuncio irrevocablemente a ella.
En abril pasado se realizó el Campeonato Iberoamericano en Quito – Ecuador, donde como el mejor clasificado del ránking peruano era lógico que se me considerara. En realidad asistí porque el presidente de la Federación Española de Ajedrez se comunicó conmigo y me transmitió la inquietud del comité organizador ecuatoriano en que participara pagándome todos los gastos, inclusive el boleto aéreo desde España.
Por supuesto, Iturry jamás se comunicó antes conmigo y tuve la desagradable tarea de contactarme con este señor para oficializar mi asistencia, ya que su misión se ha convertido en un inevitable estorbo cuando a competencias oficiales se refiere. Por eso suena tan mendaz e hipócrita que ahora diga en alguna declaración que la federación se ha portado bien conmigo al nombrarme representante del Perú en tal competencia. ¡Vaya barbaridad! ¡Qué caro el precio que tengo que pagar al tener un dirigente tan inepto y desubicado! Debo también aclarar que no recibo un pasaje del IPD desde el 2010 justamente porque no lo solicito.
El 17 de mayo, y no en abril, como pregona la federación, el Ing. Boris Ascue me escribió para ver lo referente a mi concurrencia a las olimpiadas. Aunque debo reconocer que es un tema delicado y sabía que se podía prestar a arteras manipulaciones, tomé la valiente decisión de solicitar un requerimiento económico que no tengo reparos en decirlo: 1,000 euros.
Aún recuerdo la desagradable sensación que me produjo la inmediata réplica de Ascue: que solo podían ofrecerme 1,000 dólares. En realidad, considerando sumas más elevadas que otros países pagan a sus grandes maestros, yo solo buscaba un punto medio para propiciar mi asistencia porque consideré, ya que estoy viviendo en España, que con el teórico ahorro que hubiese significado un pasaje desde el Perú habría bastado para cumplir con mi requerimiento.
No es extraño interpretar por los ulteriores hechos que la federación nunca tuvo buenas intenciones ya que en su doble discurso por una parte aceptaba que había que pagar a los grandes maestros y por la otra nos denostaba públicamente como si fuera un delito cobrar por ejercer una actividad, por cierto, cada vez más sacrificada.
Un cordial saludo a todos
GM Julio Granda
Fuente: Diario 16
Posteriormente el mismo Julio hizo una aclaración mayor vía facebook:
Con todo respeto por la opinión de Deivy y los comentarios de muchos relativos a la participación del Perú en las Olimpíadas de Estambul, siento que es pertinente hacer un análisis de este tema que por lo sensible del mismo, corresponde tratarlo de una manera objetiva y acorde con la realidad peruana. El ajedrez en el Perú pese a su creciente popularidad y demostrado talento, lamentablemente no tiene ni ha tenido una organización que fomente torneos de cierta jerarquía donde los jóvenes valores puedan alternar con maestros internacionales y grandes maestros de quienes obviamente en el fragor de la competencia van a ir evolucionando hasta conseguir un nivel que les permita representar dignamente a nuestro país. Estoy refiriéndome básicamente a torneos absolutos porque si bien es muy positivo organizar competencias infantiles y juveniles, es imprescindible que toda esa pléyade de nuevos valores tengan un adecuado ámbito donde sigan desarrollándose. Desafortunadamente generar ese anhelado medio toma su tiempo y estamos muy lejos de alcanzarlo. Siendo el proceso de un ajedrecista largo, relativamente incierto y caro por los viajes que implica, son muy pocos los que con un especial talento y decisión superan esa barrera nacional y adquieren un nivel competitivo internacional. ¿ No es esto un mérito que merezca un trato deferente y bien remunerado que a la vez sirva de aliento a los que pretenden emularlos ? ¿O debemos seguir alimentando en un mundo cada vez más competitivo, la falacia de que no se debe remunerar a los que representan al Perú ? No caigamos en romanticismos y chauvinismos que si bien suenan bonito no se pueden sostener ante el peso de la realidad; si un deportista de alto nivel no hiciera de su deporte un medio de vida, no podría desarrollar todo su potencial por más ganas y entusiasmo que tuviera. El ajedrez está en una línea confusa ya que por una parte están los aficionados, los que están en el limbo y los grandes maestros. A diferencia de otros deportes,el ajedrez es muy democrático y todos podemos competir entre sí con las legítimas aspiraciones que ello implica, pero tratándose de la máxima competencia por equipos como es la Olimpíada Mundial de Ajedrez ¿ corresponde prescindir de los grandes maestros que viven exclusivamente del ajedrez competitivo como es mi caso, para reemplazarlos por jugadores que aún no están aptos para tan magno evento ? Por supuesto surgirán opiniones subjetivas a esta interrogante, sólo pretendo generar para el futuro un debate positivo donde prevalezcan los criterios técnicos y no se confundan las cosas, ya que de pronto pareciera que todos cultivan un compromiso y amor por el Perú como si fuera de su exclusividad, cuando se asume es un sentimiento implícito que genuinamente puedo decir he saboreado en más de 30 años representando internacionalmente al Perú. Me afecta especialmente no poder jugar la Olimpíada más aún por la manera cómo se han manejado las cosas donde claramente he visto vulnerada mi dignidad, pero prefiero haberme expuesto a tanta miseria humana que ser cómplice de situaciones que no comparto.
Esto es lo que respecta a Julio. Emilio no se ha pronunciado oficialmente pero imagino la opinión que debe tener. En cuanto a Luciana esto es lo que salió publicado hace pocos días:
Con tan solo 15 años la peruana Luciana Morales participó en la Olimpiada Mundial de Ajedrez 2002 que se llevó a cabo en Eslovenia. Cuatro años más tarde fue nada menos que la capitana de la delegación nacional que participó en la Olimpiada Mundial de Turín, en Italia.
Hoy, a sus 25 años, tiene merecidamente el título de Maestra Internacional otorgado por la Federación Internacional de Ajedrez (FIDE). Además, los torneos nacionales e internacionales que ha ganado a lo largo de su aún breve carrera deportiva le han permitido estudiar becada en la Universidad de Texas, en Estados Unidos.
Según la FIDE, actualmente Luciana ocupa el segundo lugar en el ranking nacional femenino. Solo es superada por la reconocida Deysi Cori, quien ostenta el título de Gran Maestra Internacional y que además ha sido campeona mundial juvenil en 2009 y 2011.
¿No resulta extraño que esta joven trebejista, la segunda mujer mejor ubicada a nivel nacional y con experiencia internacional, quede fuera de la lista de peruanos que nos representarán en la Olimpiada Mundial de Ajedrez 2012?
En febrero de este año Luciana se comunicó con el presidente de la Federación Deportiva Peruana de Ajedrez (FDPA), Milton Iturry, para decirle que la tomara en cuenta para la Olimpiada Mundial que se desarrollará en Turquía a partir del próximo lunes 27 de agosto.
Tres meses después, la FDPA hizo pública las bases clasificatorias para dicho torneo donde los Grandes Maestros Internacionales Julio Granda, Emilio Córdova, Jorge Cori, y la Gran Maestra Internacional Deysi Cori, aparecían como “deportistas designados de manera directa” en el evento internacional. Inexplicablemente Luciana no apareció en esa lista.
Al enterarse que no había sido considerada, la ajedrecista se comunicó desde Estados Unidos con el dirigente de la FDPA, Boris Ascue, quien es el coordinador general para el torneo en Turquía y, que además, ha sido designado capitán de la delegación peruana.
La madre de Luciana, la señora Tula Mendoza, reveló a diario16 que Ascue le dijo a su hija que podía viajar a la Olimpiada Mundial “como intérprete” (porque estudia en EEUU y sabe inglés) o, en todo caso, para “pasear”.
En el mes de junio, Luciana le envió un correo al presidente de la FDPA, Milton Iturry, comunicándole que había conseguido un auspicio con el cual podía financiar el pasaje de US$ 1.100 desde Estados Unidos, lugar donde reside, hacia Turquía, y así ahorrarle el viaje al Instituto Peruano del Deporte (IPD).
Si bien resulta incomprensible que la propia ajedrecista haya tenido que buscar el dinero para pagar su viaje y que su federación, la que debería hacer todos los esfuerzos necesarios para que ese tipo de cosas no sucedan, lo concreto es que el IPD, que financia los pasajes para el viaje a Turquía, se iba a ahorrar uno. En otras palabras, Luciana le estaba ahorrando dinero al Estado y a pesar de eso no la consideraron para el campeonato internacional.
Según un documento al que tuvo acceso diario16, en total son 13 personas las que viajarían a la Olimpiada Mundial en Turquía. Diez de ellos son los ajedrecistas que nos representarán (cinco hombres y cinco mujeres) y los tres restantes son dirigentes.
Al final de esa lista también aparece el nombre de Luciana, como si lo hubiesen colocado a última hora. Según nos dijeron, ese documento es la solicitud de visa que envió la FDPA para ingresar al país europeo.
Las cinco participantes femeninas son: Deysi Cori (#1 a nivel nacional), Ingrid Aliaga (#3), Ann Chumpitaz (#4), Cecilia Casusol (#6) y Vanessa Sánchez (#11). Es inexplicable que Luciana (#2), quien consiguió el dinero para pagar el viaje a Turquía, no participe del torneo. ¿Por qué la FDPA no deja que vaya a la olimpiada?
“No hay razón técnica para descartarla por ser segunda fuerza, y tampoco desde el punto de vista económico porque el precio del boleto de Texas a Turquía es casi la mitad del precio de lo que cuesta desde Lima”, sentencia la madre de Luciana tras señalar que la estadía y la alimentación de todas las delegaciones es cubierta por el organizador del evento.
Pero hay otro cuestionamiento: ¿Es necesario que viajen a Turquía el titular de la FDPA, Milton Iturry, el dirigente Boris Ascue, y la también dirigente Norah Palomares? La señora Mendoza nos asegura que no.
Incluso nos cuenta que en anteriores olimpiadas no han asistido las autoridades de la federación porque quien se encargaba de cualquier trámite que surgiera durante el periplo era el Gran Maestro Internacional Julio Granda. ¿Cuál es, entonces, el afán de la federación de querer pagar 13 pasajes aéreos a Europa? Si uno de los dirigentes dejara de asistir a la olimpiada, podrían lograr un cupo más para Granda, quien no participará porque la FDPA no le quiso dar un apoyo económico adicional que no estaba considerado en el presupuesto.
La promesa de Iturry
A menos de una semana para que empiece la olimpiada, los padres de Luciana aún confían en que ella pueda ser incluida y participar del torneo internacional.
“Ella es Maestra Internacional y la olimpiada es una posibilidad para que pueda convertirse en Gran Maestra Internacional”, señala Tula Mendoza, madre de la joven trebejista.
Luego de que Luciana le confirmara al presidente de la FDPA, Milton Iturry, que contaba con el dinero para pagar su pasaje hacia Turquía, este nunca le respondió. Por esa razón, la señora Mendoza fue a buscar al dirigente para reclamarle.
“La inscribimos primero como entrenadora, que primero entre a la fiesta y luego le cambio el estatus a jugadora”, fue la promesa que le hizo Iturry. Incluso el dirigente le envió su carta de invitación para que gestione desde Estados Unidos su visa a Turquía.
Sin embargo, el 8 de agosto se enteraron que la FDPA ya había gestionado los cinco pasajes de las ajedrecistas sin incluir a su hija. “¿Si viajan las cinco chicas y solo cuatro juegan porque una es suplente, mi hija para qué va a viajar, acaso va a jugar?”, se pregunta Mendoza.
Hoy, la joven Luciana tendría que desembolsar casi US$ 1.800 para viajar a la olimpiada porque el pasaje a Turquía, según nos cuenta su madre, ha subido en comparación con junio que costaba US$ 1.100.
Pero lo más importante para ella es que algún dirigente le garantice que si viaja al torneo va a poder jugar. Algo difícil luego de que la federación inscriba en el torneo a otras chicas.
Los cinco participantes masculinos son: Jorge Cori (#5 a nivel nacional), Marco Pacheco (#12), Deivy Vera (#15), Giuseppe Leiva (#20) y David Rojas (#100). Por presunta falta de dinero los Grandes Maestros Internacionales Julio Granda (#1) y Emilio Córdova (#2) no participarán de la olimpiada.
Fuente: Diario 16
La FDPA con su actuación ha pecado de una pésima comunicación y sobre todo maltrato hacia las principales figuras de nuestro ajedrez aunque legalmente tal vez haya cumplido a pie juntillas su reglamento que por cierto debería ser revisado pero lo que más me preocupa es la poca voluntad para intentar armar un equipo competitivo sobre todo teniendo las figuras que actualmente tenemos. El equipo nacional debería ser la principal prioridad y el campeonato nacional el mejor evento posible pero esto no lo entiende la junta directiva actual o a menos parece no demostrarlo.
En parte todo esto sucede porque son las ligas, débiles y casi inexistentes, las que eligen al presidente y esto es algo que debería cambiar. Los que deben elegir al presidente son los mismos jugadores rankeados porque son ellos los más interesados en que la federación y no solo la de ajedrez vaya mejor. Pero hacerle entender esto al congreso es bastante difícil aunque todavía no pierdo las esperanzas.
De todos modos a pesar de la situación tan precaria espero que el equipo peruano tenga una actuación al menos decorosa y que nuestra dirigencia algún día mejore en calidad y honestidad.
Saludos cordiales, Renzo
Solo hay Una opcion , Reorganizemos todo saquemos las raices podridas ponganmos buenos cimientos en esta nueva creacion, organizarla con gente que ame realmente el ajedrez y buen lider , repito que ame el ajedrez y no se distraiga del objetivo. solo asi saldremos de este hueco.
Y nuestro ajedrez peruano levantara vuelo.
Renzi, no vas a comentar ahora que el Perú tuvo el mejor resultado de la historia?
Estimado Boris, este post es de hace 4 años y no tiene nada que ver con la situación actual del ajedrez (a 2016). Por otro lado no posteo nada hace casi 2 años pero haré una excepción por el Panamericano U2300 que gane hace poco.
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Laptops’ chargers are designed to automatically stop charging when the battery is fully charged. But there is still one important thing to worry about when leaving the laptop charger plug in the power outlet for a long time, and that is the rising temperature of the laptop battery.
There is basically a general rule about chemical batteries that the speed of their internal chemical interactions doubles as the additional heat increases with each 8 ° C, and this continues with a constant increase in temperature. This will cause the battery to overheat and increase every 8 temperatures can halve your battery life.
Laptop batteries are designed to last 8 years if operated at a constant temperature of 20 ° C. But if it is kept at 36 degrees continuously and operated, after 2 years
So what is the solution? We know that most users always keep the laptop battery installed on it for two reasons: first, because of the hassle of removing and reinstalling it, and second, to ensure that the laptop continues to work continuously, even when its power cord is accidentally plugged in. Unplug the power cord, which is why most manufacturers do not guarantee laptop batteries.
The best way we can suggest to extend the life of a laptop battery is to keep the battery and the laptop cool constantly. Also, do not leave the charger plug in the socket for longer than necessary.
If this is difficult for you and it is not possible for you to do so, buying a “cooling stand” is a good way to keep your laptop cool and increase its battery life.
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Only use your own laptop adapter. Using similar adapters can damage the laptop battery and greatly reduce battery life.
Never use the charge in the new battery for the initial startup of the laptop. To do this, first connect the adapter to the power supply, then connect the plug to the battery-free laptop, and finally turn on the laptop.
The initial charge of the laptop battery and the way of subsequent charges are very important for the battery and have a great impact on the life of the battery. For this reason, you should keep the laptop off when the battery is first charged and never turn it on.
For the initial charge after connecting the battery, without turning on the laptop, connect it to the adapter connected to the appropriate power supply and without oscillation, and turn off the laptop without using it for at least 10 hours evenly and without interruption and change in power supply. Give. After the previous steps, disconnect the adapter and turn on the laptop.
To increase the life of the battery, charge it after it is completely discharged (not less than about 5%)
Always try to fully charge the battery and do not cut off the power to the adapter during charging.
You do not need to turn off the laptop to charge the laptop battery, and you can connect the adapter and charge the battery at the same time using the laptop.
The new laptop battery reaches its true performance after at least 10 hours of initial charge. If you observe the above mentioned items.
Charging after complete discharge of the battery (at least 5%) and using the main adapter and ensuring that the charge is complete without power outage is very important.
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Since I was young, I have been working out, so I have been far from studying. Although he is an athlete, he wants to study at the same time. Practical performance is important to become a horse racer, but educational institutions can build theoretical knowledge. It is reflecting on the race by combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills accumulated at school. Academic background is proof that I studied온라인경마 , so I prepare for my future dream. And I want to be a father who is not ashamed of my children in the future.This year’s goal is to achieve 200 wins in his career and to win a horse race in 2017 because he has the sorrow of never winning a horse race in 2016.
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The Let’s Run Foundation, which celebrated its second anniversary on March 18, recruited Kim Hak-shin, former head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, as its secretary general through a public offering at the end of February. Kim Hak-shin, a 59-year-old man from Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, graduated from Seoul City University with a degree in administration and joined the Korean Racing Authority in 1986. Since then, he has served as the head of major divisions of the horse society, including the head of the public relations team, the head of the horse racing cooperation team, the head of the Jeju Project, the head of the Busan-Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters, and the head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, and retired in February this year. Kim was regarded as an administrative expert with excellent working experience and administrative skills during his tenure.
The Let’s Run Foundation, which celebrated its second anniversary on March 18, recruited Kim Hak-shin, former head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, as its secretary general through a public offering at the end of February. Kim Hak-shin, a 59-year-old man from Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, graduated from Seoul City University with a degree in administration and joined the Korean Racing Authority in 1986. Since then, he has served as the head of major divisions of the horse society, including the head of the public relations team, the head of the horse racing cooperation team, the head of the Jeju Project, the head of the Busan-Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters, and the head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, and retired in February this year. Kim was regarded as an administrative expert with excellent working experience and administrative skills during his tenure.
The Let’s Run Foundation is pushing for a value-driven social contribution project that actively solves social structural problems such as youth unemployment, youth problems, social polarization, and urban and rural gaps under the perception that “social problems are corporate 온라인경마 problems.”It is taking the lead in creating jobs for the vulnerable through education and employment support for out-of-school youth and North Korean defectors, including the “Dream JOB GO” project, while establishing a foundation for self-reliance for the vulnerable.
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When I was a jockey trainee, I rode the Sourbred and Hanrama at the same time. I miss such speed because only those who have been on it know it, but I don’t miss much because I’m currently riding lovebirds and warmbloods at Halla University. Sometimes I remember riding a lovebread and taking a humid walk, but now I’m satisfied with the Jeju horse race, which is riding in Jeju horse and Halla horse.The rider’s complexion is rather dull. Based on the black color that I personally like, I put it in red on the chest strap. In any field, people work with passion, and to recall that passion 온라인경마 in their hearts, they put a passionate red color. Yellow has the meaning of warning, but since his debut, he has had a special resolution, so “The next generation’s Kim Jun-ho goes.” “I will become a star of the Jeju racetrack in the future,” he added as a warning.
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First of all, there is an aging farm problem. An aging farmhouse can’t do such a thing even if it wants to. Another policy suitable for this is being devised with Jeju Halla University. The professor will do the standard manual, but students came in and did practical work because they cannot do it alone. It is envisioned in conjunction with the time when these friends graduate and employment positions.Since last year, the Jeju Horse Producers Association and the Korean Horse Association have gathered to carry out the project. Although it was in its early stages, it persuaded the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to go up to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, but the special zone fu온라인경마 nds were not fully funded. Although it secured 400 million won in state funds and 400 million won in provincial funds through other routes, it has become unavailable due to various internal regulations and legal problems as it proceeds with the project.
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Yeongcheon City has recently been designated as a special horse industry zone along with Gumi, Sangju, Gunwi, and Uiseong, and plans to develop Yeongcheon into the nation’s top horse industry city, with state funding of 5 billion won over the next two years.The plan is to build old streets, alleyways, youth small performance halls, small 온라인경마 parks, and buildings on Maljuk Street in Wansan-dong, where horse culture flourished in the past, and develop them as tourism resources by linking Let’s Run Park Yeongcheon, Unju Mountain Horse Riding and Yeongcheon Public Market.
A revision bill related to the succession of horse riding facilities has been proposed at the National Assembly, which is expected to ease the hassle of newly reporting the death or transfer of horse riding facilities.On the 10th, Rep. Kim Woo-nam made a representative motion (Kim Young-rok, Kim Chun-jin, Park Min-soo, Boo Jwa-hyun, Yoo Seong-yeop, Lee Gae-ho, Joo Seung-yong, Choi Kyu-sung (NPAD), and Lee Jong-bae (Sanuri Party).Under the Horse Industry Promotion Act, operators who started operating private horse riding or farming and fishing-type horse riding courses are 온라인경마 pleased with Rep. Kim Woo-nam’s proposal for a revision. This is because other sports facilities have clear legal regulations on the succession of operations based on inheritance or transfer, while there were no regulations on equestrian facilities.
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Finally, when looking at the situation from the perspective of horse racing fans and customers who earn less than 2 million won a month, he said, “I don’t think it’s even more fair to shake off the poor pockets of customers and satisfy the greed of assistants and managers.”On the current situation where the union’s indefinite strike is underway, horse racing customers and fans agree that the Korean Racing Authority, the Association of Teachers, and the온라인경마 labor union, which are mostly horse racing implementers, are completely ignoring customers. “In Korea, customers have always been ignored and thoroughly used,” they said. “There are no fans in the hearts of horse racing creators.”
Meanwhile, Kim Byung-hong, the representative of those who like horse racing, will have a talk with Shin Woo-chul at Let’s Run Park Bugyeong on Sunday, June 10 under the theme of ‘horse racing industry from the perspective of horse racing and customers’. The press team of the Horse Industry Journal will focus on the current situation, the current situation, the horse racing industry’s yesterday, today, and the future as a special feature to commemorate its foundation in June.Kim Byung-hong, CEO of “People Who Like 온라인경마 Horse Racing,” is actively participating in pending issues such as signing support for 900 horse racing enthusiasts, proposing online agora, and filing an unconstitutional claim to the Constitutional Court that the horse racing tax system is a double taxation system.
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No horse officials insisted on raising the refund rate, and it was unclear whether everyone would take the lead in raising the refund rate, but they said that one thing was to persuade the National Assembly and the government to raise the 73% domestic horse race refund rate to at least 80%, Japan’s level.CEO Kim Byung-hong said, “If the horse race refund rate is raised, the issue claimed by the union can be implemented,” adding, “We hope that the union’s 온라인경마 work will be left to the union and the KCTU will actively fight to raise the refund rate.” In addition, he/she said, “I think the KCTU is the only way to truly help the union,” and that only through this, “we should know that there is a big pie to go back to the managers.”
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First of all, Kim Byung-hong said, “Don’t instigate people for their own benefit by encouraging those 온라인경마 who are not interested in the horse racing system and have been doing their best in their duties.”Regarding the strike, he said, “We need to know that horse racing is a completely different industry than other manufacturing and service industries,” adding, “It is not suitable for the horse racing system to focus on income distribution rather than competition.”
Representative Park Wan-joo (photo, Cheonan), secretary of the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Food, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Committee, said on April 18 that he has proposed a partial revision bill to the Farmland Act. Ten lawmakers, including Lee Chul-hee, Seol-hoon and Shim Jae-kwon, jointly proposed it.Some amendments to the Farmland Act include differentiating farmland outside 온라인경마 agricultural promotion zones from agricultural promotion zones to apply the criteria for imposing farm preservation charges within 10 days to 30 days, clarifying the standard date for additional charges, and providing grounds for delegation.
In 1954, a young Irish-born priest who was first appointed to the Hallim Public Prosecutor’s Office on Jeju Island witnessed terrible poverty here in Jeju. And to drive out despair, which is more than poverty, we begin a long and difficult journey. Abandoned land, barren land, poor land without hope. They silently sown seeds in the wasteland, which everyone turned a blind eye to, saying it was impossible. This is how the half-century history of ‘Jeju St. Isidol’온라인경마 began.”Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A phrase written at the entrance of Jeju Seongsidol Center (Yeondooja Art Shop), a kind of memorial museum. When he visited Sung Si-dol Ranch in 2013, he was not there, but his traces could be felt everywhere.
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Since 2015, Daemyung Group (Chairman Park Chun-hee) has held the “Mayonahorse,” the largest horse riding festival in Korea every May. In addition, it is attracting CSI3*, an international obstacle riding competition, to create new cultural content that combines horseback riding and culture. Among them, Kim Hong-chul, a former coach of the national equestrian team, is a key figure. During the 온라인경마 Daemyung Cup, he did not leave the scene for three days, and even showed passion to explain the obstacle course to visitors who visited the venue. We met with Kim Hong-chul, the head of the team who has a special affection for horseback riding, and talked about horse riding with “Mayon A Horse.”
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Most people think that horse racing is gambling. However, there are many people who actually enjoy horse racing as leisure in our lives. If the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure, the horse racing industry will also be activated. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.First of all, I think it would be great if the next government listened to the demands of horse racing fans and reflected them in the legislation. Many people, 온라인경마
including horse racing fans, signed their autographs, and I hope the next government will make the horse racing a leisure with the will of those who signed it. Above all, we hope that there will be a day when we can solve the negative image of horse racing and enjoy it as leisure.
مشاوره سئو
Most people think that horse racing is gambling. However, there are many people who actually enjoy horse racing as leisure in our lives. If the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure, the horse racing industry will also be activated. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.First of all, I think it would be great if the next government listened to the demands of horse racing fans and reflected them in the legislation. Many people, 온라인경마 including horse racing fans, signed their autographs, and I hope the next government will make the horse racing a leisure with the will of those who signed it. Above all, we hope that there will be a day when we can solve the negative image of horse racing and enjoy it as leisure.
مشاوره سئو
پس از انجام هایفوتراپی شخص می تواند کارهای روزانه خود را بلافاصله و به راحتی انجام دهد، هایفوتراپی روشی کاملاً ایمن و بدون خطر است که مورد تایید FDA آمریکا است؛
برای مشاوره سئو دیدن این ویدئو از سئو اینجا به شما پیشنهاد می شود
Most people think that horse racing is gambling. However, there are many people who actually enjoy horse racing as leisure in our lives. If the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure, the horse racing industry will also be activated. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.First of all, I think it would be great if the next government listened to the demands of horse racing fans and reflected them in the legislation. Many people, including horse racing fans, signed their autographs, and I hope온라인경마 the next government will make the horse racing a leisure with the will of those who signed it. Above all, we hope that there will be a day when we can solve the negative image of horse racing and enjoy it as leisure.
اگر شما هم جزو کسانی هستید که به زیبایی و جوان بودن پوست تان اهمیت زیادی می دهید احتمالاً نام کربوکسیتراپی را شنیده اید. این روش یکی از روش های خوب برای رسیدن به نتیجه ایده آل شما است.
جوانسازی پوست افراد به مرور زمان و با افزایش سن چروک میشود و پوست درگیر خطوط و چین هایی در لایه زیرین خود میگردد؛
Most people think that horse racing is gambling
سنگ ساختمانی اصفهان
همانطور که می دانید بینی جز اصلی ترین قسمت های صورت است. چرا که در مرکز صورت قرار دارد و زیبایی آن به طور مستقیم بر روی دیگر صورت تاثیر می گذارد
اگر بخواهیم از بهترین روش های حل این مشکل بگویم می توان گفت کاشت مو از اساسی و قدیمی ترین روش های بازگشت مو روی سر است. ما در ادامه این مقاله شما را با کاشت مو و انواع آن اشنا خواهیم کرد.
همهی ما دوست داریم بعد از عمل جراحی بینی، یک بینی زیبا داشته باشیم.
عمل پیکرتراشی یک نوع عمل زیبایی است که این عمل برای خاص شدن چربی های اضافه بدن می باشد
شرکت فراز بام ماهان با کادری متخصص و مجرب و با بیش از سالها تجربه در زمینه تولید و واردات قطعات طراحی و فروش کلیه اقلام آسانسور وپله برقی همواره تلاش کرده است.
بهترین کمپ ترک اعتیاد وی آی پی در بسیاری از شهرهای ایران با شیوع اعتیاد به وجود آمده است. کمپ های VIP نمونه ای از کمپ های لوکس هستند که بهترین شان خدمات دهی مناسبی دارند.
شیراز به عنوان یکی از شهرهای بسیار بزرگ و پیشرفته در زمینه انواع جراحی های زیبایی پیشگام است
همان طور که می دانید ناحیه پلک و زیر چشم نسبت به دیگر اجزای صورت زودتر با اثرات پیری مواجه می شود و ایجاد هر تغییری در این نواحی نشان دهنده حالات درونی هر فردی است.
ابرو یکی از مهمترین بخشهای چهره حر فرد است و تاثیر بسیار زیادی بر زیبایی افراد دارد.
برای دریافت خدمات زیبایی در منزل از اپلیکیشن مای بانیکس بهره ببرید و خوشگل بشید
thanks a lot
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Gambling has long been a tabooed subject in many societies;
in fact, many people believe it to be a kind of gambling.
However, a lot of individuals still enjoy
the thrill and excitement that come along with gambling;
therefore, the reason why there are casinos all over the world.
Betting has even made its way into popular culture, with reality shows like”The Weakest Link” where folks play slots.
Quarantee (red and black) is probably the most recognized type of casino
game, and probably the one with the maximum level of interest among gamblers.
It’s often compared to a cross between slots and poker, since it requires the participant to place bets based on the cards that
come from the quarante deck. Although the specific
mechanics of how these bets are made is largely unknown, it’s usually thought that a standard
deck of 52 cards is used in each game. In addition to the cards that come
out of the quarante deck, the player must
also opt for a hand of cards that will make up
the winning combination. The most common types of bets are the win,
place, show, and full house.
There are basically two types of bets in quarantine.
The players may either bet on the total quantity of the
pot (or wager); or they could bet on the total amount of cards that come from the quarante
deck. If no cards come out through a quarante match, then the player must
call, raise, or fold. There are usually three different betting
bets in each sport: win, cover, and half-pay.
Traditionally, the traditional Italian card game, tarantella,
was played at the St Regis Hotel. This specific version of the game involved a tableau de quarante at which all of the players would sit at
specific places on the guarantee row. In this type of game, there were red and black
rooms, with the winning participant being the player that was
able to complete their last five cards before the other players ended theirs.
Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of the
traditional French card game, et noir. In actuality, the most common variation is only a variation on the red and
black rooms. In most versions, there are four suites; a black
suite, a red suite, and a blue suite. The players can win by laying down a total of twenty-one free
cards, including one card from each of the four suites.
Once all players have discarded their cards, the dealer randomly
chooses a single card from each of the four suites and places it
in the center of the quarante table.
These days, the term”quarante” means”of or about quarantining.” Traditionally, the game was referred to as”trente et noir” that meant playing cards with titles.
It has also been referred to as”trente” and”ne monetaire” in the French speaking world.
Today, it refers only to card games that contain playing cards with titles.
Traditionally, the match was always played
between two people seated across a small table; however, in America
it is usually played in a bar or lounge. Each individual
dealt three cards face down, one at a time to each other.
If anyone got rid of one of those three cards, they
had to switch places with the person who they had dealt the first card to.
The person who dealt the last card, in turn, then had to get rid of
the hand by passing another card to the person they passed it to.
The”quaint” version of the game is available for those who want to play something a bit more simple.
Though there are variations on how to play the game,
the basic rules remain the same. The object is still the
same, to form the highest possible hand without having
any cards left to spare. This can be accomplished with
ease, especially if you have already mastered the fundamentals
of playing the game of blackjack, because the basic rules of this card game are very simple to learn and grasp.
The basic concept of the game of”monte carlo” remains the same, since it’s a simple
game which may be played by almost anyone.
Gambling has long been a tabooed subject in many societies; in fact,
many people consider it to be a form of gambling.
However, many people still enjoy the thrill and excitement that come along
with gambling; therefore, the reason there are casinos all
around the world. Gambling has even made its way into popular culture, with reality shows like”The Weakest Link” where folks play slots.
Quarantee (black and red ) is possibly the most recognized type of casino
game, and probably the one with the highest degree of interest among gamblers.
It is often compared to a cross between poker and slots,
because it requires the player to place bets based on the cards that come from the
quarante deck. Even though the specific mechanics of how
these bets are made is largely unknown, it’s generally thought that a standard deck
of 52 cards is used in each game. As well as the cards that come out of the quarante deck, the player should also opt for a hand of cards which will make up the winning combination. The most common types of bets are the win, place,
show, and complete house.
There are basically two types of stakes in quarantine. First,
the players can either bet on the complete quantity of the
pot (or wager); or they can bet on the total amount of cards that come from the quarante
deck. If no cards come out through a quarante game, then the player must call,
raise, or fold. There are usually three different betting bets in each game:
win, cover, and half-pay.
Traditionally, the traditional Italian card game, tarantella, was played at the St Regis Hotel.
This particular version of the game involved a tableau de quarante where all of the
players would sit at particular places on the guarantee
row. In this type of game, there were red and black
rooms, with the winning participant being the player who was
able to complete their last five cards before the other players ended theirs.
Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of the standard French card game, et noir.
In fact, the most common variation is simply a variant on the red and black rooms.
In most versions, there are four suites; a black package, a red suite, and a blue suite.
The players can win by laying down a total of twenty-one free cards, including one
card from each of the four suites. Once all players have discarded their
cards, the dealer randomly chooses a single card from each of the four suites and places it in the center
of the quarante table.
These days, the term”quarante” means”of or about quarantining.” Traditionally, the game
was referred to as”trente et noir” which meant playing
cards with titles. It has also been referred to as”trente”
and”ne monetaire” in the French speaking world. Today, it refers only to card games that contain playing cards with names.
Traditionally, the match was always played between two people seated across a small tablenonetheless,
in America it is usually played at a bar or lounge. Each person dealt three cards face down, one at a time
to each other. If anybody got rid of one of
the three cards, then they had to switch places with the
man who they had dealt with the first card to. The
man who dealt the last card, in turn, then had to eliminate the
hand by passing another card to the person they passed it to.
The”quaint” version of the game is available for people who wish to play something
a bit more simple. Though there are variations on how best to play
the game, the basic rules remain the same. The object is
still the same, to form the highest possible hand
without having any cards left to spare. This can be achieved with
ease, especially if you’ve already mastered
the fundamentals of playing the game of blackjack, since the fundamental rules of this card game are very simple to learn and grasp.
The basic concept of the game of”monte carlo” stays the same, as it is a simple game that can be played by almost anyone.
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Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has selected excellent rural convergence industry (6th industry), which creates various added value through production, manufacturing, processing, and services (3rd) in the agricultural sector, and is increasing public interest through continuous promotion.With the 10th anniversary온라인경마 of the National Agricultural Forum, the pan-national network that seeks sustainable agriculture, Chung Myung-chae, chairman of the Rural Hope Foundation with the KRA, was elected at the 11th General Assembly.
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First of all, Kim Byung-hong said, “Don’t instigate people for their own benefit by encouraging those who are not interested in the horse racing system and have been doing their best in their duties.”Regarding the strike온라인경마 , he said, “We need to know that horse racing is a completely different industry than other manufacturing and service industries,” adding, “It is not suitable for the horse racing system to focus on income distribution rather than competition.”
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Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions such 온라인경마 as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.
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Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions such온라인경마 as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.
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Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions온라인경마 such as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.
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The most common story I heard when I was riding in Australia was that I started off clean and good. It is true that it was easier than others to solve the initial development thanks to the extreme concentration when entering the gate. If you leave the gate, you can ride according to the mafia’s tendency to adjust to all weather conditions. It may be a virtue of all riders, but I have honed my control ability to drive and hold when I drive on a horse, and I think it is my strength.Morning training was not as much as Korea did when riding in Australia. Instead, there was an actual race almost every day. 온라인경마 Of course, it would be difficult if you had to ride for 10 days without a day off, but even if you did, you would have to endure it if it was necessary to live in Korea. What’s important is that words that have raised their abilities through training can show good performance in the real world.
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In Melbourne, he was ranked in the top 10 in the most wins. In fact, Melbourne is a horse racing area recognized by the region, so I am proud of it, and I am grateful that the results follow as much as I worked hard.I’ve always thought it was important to have various experiences, so I’ve always had hope for overseas horse racing. When I asked the Australian Jockeys Association about overseas expansion, it was announced that Korea is looking for foreign jockeys.I don’t think we should be complacent in order to grow. I thought that gaining new experiences in various places 온라인경마 was a way to grow, so I was not afraid of my decision. Also, I heard that the horse racing market in Korea is getting bigger. I think it is a good opportunity because I think there are many things to learn and experience in horse racing that is growing.
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Another mercenary appeared. Beyond Japan and Italy, it is now Australia. The name of the new face, which catches the eye from its rigid body shape and bold walk, is Dean Holland. He has a young face, but his deep eyes shone sharply when he watched the race. After entering Korea on March 15 (Tuesday), he will start training in earnest on March 20 (Sunday), and will throw himself into the Korean race on March 26 (Saturday), the fourth week of March. “Where did you온라인경마 come from?” I met Dean Holland rider in person and listened to his story. I am Dean Holland from Australia. I am so happy to be able to ride a horse at the Korean racetrack and I want to take a step closer to the fans with good grades and races in a short time.
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This is because the production cost is higher than the purchase expectation. Although artificial insemination has been carried out for a long time since 2013, the production cost of at least 10 million won will be set when the schedule, such as pregnancy tests, is later than originally planned, or when transportation costs and equipment are fostered for about two years. However, those who want to buy it want to buy it for less than 5 million won as you saw in last year’s auction of passenger horses. As the unpure horse of Gyeongju enters the horse riding course or the general public at a low price, safety accidents occur and there is definitely an impact on price formation. It is urgent to study other utilization methods.Our association has also been launched rather than through a specific company, so if we push 온라인경마 for the import of passenger horses through the association, it will help the association and help production farmers at a more economical price. We will proceed with consultation with the government and the horse industry.
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In particular, the Let’s Run Foundation provides its own colorful social contribution service in the “best possible” way. Taking advantage of the characteristics of “occupation,” it is creating new values for horse racing and horse racing industries through horse riding healing projects, multicultural family horse culture experience projects, and customer-participating social contributions that donate part of horse racing sales.The Let’s Run Foundation, which is pushing 온라인경마 for social contribution projects such as youth unemployment, youth problems, and social polarization under the perception that social problems are corporate problems, has recently taken the lead in ensuring residents’ cultural lives.
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In the negative view of horse racing, racers are racing under too much misunderstanding. Well, that really isn’t the case. Horse racing is a sport that can be enjoyed leisure enough. The reason for this event today is to improve the negative image that is perceived by people as gambling, even though horse racing is fully enjoyed as a leisure. In addition온라인경마 , it is to create a forum for public debate on tax issues that are unfavorable to our horse racing fans and reintroduction of online horse-riding. The online horse card was released in 2009 and quit, but I thought this public debate would be necessary to implement the online release again.
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Naturally, the horse racing industry is a distinctive industry from the gambling industry such as cycling and casinos. Horse and horse racing are clearly distinguished from the general gambling industry because they are included in the horse industry and have a national infrastructure. It is clear that if horse racing is activated through the resumption of horse racing refunds and the resumption 온라인경마 of Internet horse racing, which has been blocked since 2009, the horse industry will be activated accordingly.Lee Dong-wook, director of the Korea Racing Fan Association, said, “In order to find the minimum rights of horse racing fans, more horse racing enthusiasts need to participate.”