Grande Gloria!

Ayer en el Monumental viví uno de los mejores conciertos de mi vida. El marco fue la explanada del Estadio Monumental que presento un lleno total. El escenario estuvo perfectamente acondicionado para la ocasión con tres pantallas gigantes y la gente pudo disfrutar de una de las mejores cantantes latinas de todos los tiempos.

Gloria Estefan deleitó desde el principio con sonidos caribeños y muy movidos junto a himnos de la música romántica. Empezó con “Oye mi cuerpo pide salsa” repasando toda su discografía a través de canciones como “Conga”, “Tres deseos”, “Con los años que me quedan”, “Everlasting Love”, “Oye mi Canto”, “No me dejes de querer”, “Mi Tierra”, “Rhythm is Going to Get You”, “Anything For You” entre otras.

Grande Gloria, inolvidable concierto. A diferencia del concierto de Kiss, el público respondió muy bien coreando muchas de sus canciones, aplaudiendo y bailando a rabiar. Un momento especial fue cuando salió al escenario Gianmarco y junto a Gloria interpretaron “Hoy”, tema compuesto por nuestro valor nacional. Dicho sea de paso en mucha ocasiones Gloria agradeció al público peruano y dio arengas a nuestro país. Vamos Perú! El público estaba extasiado.

Entiendo que la presentación de su hija Emily es una forma de apoyarla en su futura carrera artística. Me pareció bien, la chica tocó muy bien el bajo y la batería y su sencillez agradó. Por ahí me hubiera gustado que compartan alguna canción pero creo que su hija quería algo más personal. De todas formas se llevó los aplausos del público.

Gloria se fue por primera vez pero el público no dejaba de corear su nombre. Y Gloria regresó a interpretar temas como “1-2-3”, “Si Señor” y cerró la noche con una de mis favoritas “Desde la Oscuridad” completando casi tres horas de concierto. Ella regreso hasta cuadro veces y parecía que no se quería ir. Otro momento emotivo se dio cuando hablo de su padre fallecido con quien había tenido una relación muy distante y a quien le dedico la canción “Tu Fotografía”. También recordó y pienso que lo hizo a manera de despedida a muchos cantantes con quienes había compartido escenario tales como Celia Cruz, Pavaroti y Shakira.
Casi al final del concierto a Gloria le alcanzaron un chullo largo muy andino y ella se lo puso a manera de agradecimiento a las más de 15000 personas presentes lo que ocasiono muchos aplausos y risas.

Grande Gloria y espero que pronto vuelvas por este querido país que te va a extrañar un montón.

Puntuación: 5 / Votos: 1


  1. La Maga escribió:

    Anda… fuiste a Kiss?! pues para poder opinar y diferenciar un concierto con el otro mínimo haz tenido k estar presente en los 2.
    Pero igual creo k no puedes comparar Gloria con kiss, los teloneros de Sandra Muente con Leuzemia (mm..)no!, sonidos caribeños bailables con el rock de Kiss.
    No ps!

  2. renzo-gutierrez Autor escribió:

    Fuiste a ver a Gloria?? Imagínate que no sabía quien era esa flaca que cantó al principio. Por eso no la mencione en mi post además no me gusto mucho.
    Aunque no fui a ver a Kiss si leí algunos comentarios que tildaban a su público de pecho frío. Es que si bien es cierto hubieron muchos fanáticos verdaderos de los deslenguados me parece que la mayoría de los que fueron al concierto lo hacían por monos. Por ejemplo mi hermana que fue a último momento y que dijo que si conseguía una entrada se pintaba la cara. Cuando mi hermana ha escuchado a Kiss?? jaja Mi amigo Carlos algo más sincero me comento que el si hubiera comprado una entrada pero solo para ver a Leuzemia y después se hubiera ido. Es que Kiss es un grupo que tuvo su época y ciertamente tiene muchos seguidores pero como mencione más es la moneria de ir al "concierto de Kiss" que otra cosa. Por mi lado no fui porque no es mi estilo de música. Recuerdo que en el cole una vez un amigo al que si le gustaba me dijo que Kiss significaba Kids in the satanic service. Nunca me ha parecido que un grupo necesite ayuda divina (en este caso demoniaca) para hacer buena música. En fin cuestión de gustos.

  3. La Maga escribió:

    No ps!.. jamas pagaría para ir a ver a Gloria!!!
    Oe = pienso k si no hz estado presente en el concrt de Kiss creo k seria mejor k no opines, pues para decir algo es mejor haber estado presente y estar seguro de lo k se opina.

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    First, we prepared a ‘school system’ that systematically starts with the production process. Last year, we reviewed good research data on how to produce and foster pre- and post-term products in the case of lovebread. There is a lot of data related to lovebread in foreign countries and Korea, but there was no Jeju-ma. It was not possible to apply standards related to lovebread to Jeju. Therefore, last year, we made a standard manual for production, fostering, training, and specification management suitable for Jeju-ma온라인경마 . It is not only at the racetrack or simply informing, but also visiting and demonstrating the ranch, which is the size of the east and west regions. It is showing the actual training. That’s how many farmers around us attended.”

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    They said, “The horse racing society has been equipped with a system to sell tickets for the lowest price of 2,000 won at the Yonghwa Sangma Racing Center and has continued to receive a number of gamblers,” adding, “This is the reason for the closure of the Yongsan Video Racing Authority.” He also claimed that he violated the Act on the Integrated Supervisory Commission of Private Business by giving prizes worth 40,000 won to 10 percent of customers who enter온라인경마 and leave the Yongsan outdoor market.Representatives Kim Kwang-jin and Jang Ha-na, members of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy’s Euljiro Committee, said, “Now that there is a serious reason for the closure, the Korean Racing Authority should immediately shut down Yongsan video gambling center.”

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  595. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    The Chosun News Agency, a diplomatic and cultural mission of the Joseon Dynasty, sent news agencies to Japan 12 times over 200 years, 11 of which passed Yeongcheon. Yeongcheon is the only place in the country where Gyeongsang auditor gave a farewell banquet and performed Masangjae on behalf of the king, and this year is more meaningful as it marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan.Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, is stepping up efforts to become the best horse city in Korea by operating a base horse training center and promoting projects to build the best horse city in the
    온라인경마 country.Yeongcheon City announced that it will complete the base horse training center selected for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s public offering project in 2013, and will begin pilot operation for two months from the 13th of this month before normal operation in September this year.

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  600. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Meanwhile, Kim Byung-hong, the representative of those who like horse racing, will have a talk with Shin Woo-chul at Let’s Run Park Bugyeong on Sunday, June 10 under the theme of ‘horse racing industry from the perspective of horse racing and customers’. The press team of the Horse Industry Journal will focus on the current situation, the current situation, the horse racing industry’s yesterday, today, and the future as a special feature to commemorate its foundation in June.Kim Byung-hong, CEO of “People Who Like온라인경마 Horse Racing,” is actively participating in pending issues such as signing support for 900 horse racing enthusiasts, proposing online agora, and filing an unconstitutional claim to the Constitutional Court that the horse racing tax system is a double taxation system.

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  602. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    No horse officials insisted on raising the refund rate, and it was unclear whether everyone would take the lead in raising the refund rate, but they said that one thing was to persuade the National Assembly and the government to raise the 73% domestic horse race refund rate to at least 80%, Japan’s level.CEO Kim Byung-hong said, “If the horse race refund rate is raised, the issue claimed by the union can be implemented,” adding, “We hope that the union’s온라인경마 work will be left to the union and the KCTU will actively fight to raise the refund rate.” In addition, he/she said, “I think the KCTU is the only way to truly help the union,” and that only through this, “we should know that there is a big pie to go back to the managers.”

  603. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    In an article titled ‘Leave the Pukyong Racecourse,’ Kim Byung-hong, the representative of the KCTU, said, “The fairness of horse racing is through free competition, but it is not appropriate for the horse racing system to focus only on income distribution.”First of all, Kim Byung-hong said, “Don’t instigate people for their own benefit by encouraging those who are not interested in the horse racing온라인경마 system and have been doing their best in their duties.”The KCTU, a top organization representing the union, said, “There is only one thing that the KCTU officials should do at this point, not lead the strike,” as it is aware of the fact that it has influenced many people since last year.

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  605. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    In 1954, a young Irish-born priest who was first appointed to the Hallim Public Prosecutor’s Office on Jeju Island witnessed terrible poverty here in Jeju. And to drive out despair, which is more than poverty, we begin a long and difficult journey. Abandoned land, barren land, poor land without hope. They silently sown seeds in the wasteland, which everyone turned a blind eye to, saying it was impossible. This is how the half-century history of ‘Jeju St. Isidol’ 온라인경마 began.”Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A phrase written at the entrance of Jeju Seongsidol Center (Yeondooja Art Shop), a kind of memorial museum. When he visited Sung Si-dol Ranch in 2013, he was not there, but his traces could be felt everywhere.

  606. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Since 2015, Daemyung Group (Chairman Park Chun-hee) has held the “Mayonahorse,” the largest horse riding festival in Korea every May. In addition, it is attracting CSI3*, an international obstacle riding competition, to create new cultural content that combines horseback riding and culture. Among them, Kim Hong-chul, a former coach of the national equestrian team, is a key figure. During the Daemyung Cup, he did not leave the scene for three days, 온라인경마 and even showed passion to explain the obstacle course to visitors who visited the venue. We met with Kim Hong-chul, the head of the team who has a special affection for horseback riding, and talked about horse riding with “Mayon A Horse.”

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  609. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Most people think that horse racing is gambling. However, there are many people who actually enjoy horse racing as leisure in our lives. If the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure, the horse racing industry will also be activated. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.First of all, I think it would be great if the next government listened to the demands of horse racing fans and reflected them in the legislation. Many people, including horse racing fans, signed their autographs, and I 온라인경마 hope the next government will make the horse racing a leisure with the will of those who signed it. Above all, we hope that there will be a day when we can solve the negative image of horse racing and enjoy it as leisure.

  610. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Most people think that horse racing is gambling. However, there are many people who actually enjoy horse racing as leisure in our lives. If the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure, the horse racing industry will also be activated. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.First of all, I think it would be great if the next government listened to the demands of horse racing fans and reflected them in the legislation. Many people온라인경마 , including horse racing fans, signed their autographs, and I hope the next government will make the horse racing a leisure with the will of those who signed it. Above all, we hope that there will be a day when we can solve the negative image of horse racing and enjoy it as leisure.

  611. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Choi Bong-soon, director of the Rural Industry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, said, “The Wi-Farm Farming Association is building trust in local agricultural products by supplying local food to consumers. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food will continue to support and nurture excellent rural industries.”In the 19th issue 온라인경마 of the National Agricultural Network, which is published every month by the National Agricultural Forum, Chung Myung-chae, the new standing representative, said in his inauguration speech that he will do his best for agriculture and rural areas with the people.

  612. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    First of all, Kim Byung-hong said, “Don’t instigate people for their own benefit by encouraging those who are not interested in the horse racing system and have been doing their best in their duties.”Regarding the strike,온라인경마 he said, “We need to know that horse racing is a completely different industry than other manufacturing and service industries,” adding, “It is not suitable for the horse racing system to focus on income distribution rather than competition.”

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  617. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions such온라인경마 as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.

  618. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions such 온라인경마 as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.

  619. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Therefore, I believe that the drifting project should be changed to a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything, including the trading market. In particular, the establishment of a large riding stadium is considered the most important. There should be a horse riding stadium to hold a horse riding competition for a long time, and through that competition, everything such as domestic horse production, sales, feed, and janggu should be sold and activated. That way, I think the project can be unified. In addition, I hope that more international competitions 온라인경마 such as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.Of course it’s a sport. Horseback riding is an official Olympic sport. The political entanglements about Chung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, have also been negative. It’s a pity that horseback riding is seen negatively about it.

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    I think I was lucky. Since it is time to open the door with Australia, I will do my best to meet the responsibility that I have taken on. I hope more Australian riders will be interested in and support Korean horse racing after me.It will weigh 50 kilograms. Luckily, I don’t gain weight physically. Since there is a lot of activity even if you eat as much as you want, there will be no problem with the weight of the rider because there is no significant change in weight.It is hard to say what is different, not yet. It looks clean on the surface, but I think you will definitely feel a lot of difference온라인경마 from the grass in real life. I think the adaptation period is necessary.I talked with some people who can speak English like jockey Ha Jung-hoon. I haven’t talked much yet because of the language, but I got the impression that I’m welcoming it, and I’m so grateful.

  624. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    In Melbourne, he was ranked in the top 10 in the most wins. In fact, Melbourne is a horse racing area recognized by the region, so I am proud of it, and I am grateful that the results follow as much as I worked hard.I’ve always thought it was important to have various experiences, so I’ve always had hope for overseas horse racing. When I asked the Australian Jockeys Association about overseas expansion, it was announced that Korea is looking for foreign jockeys.I don’t think we should be complacent in order to grow. I thought that gaining new experiences in various places was온라인경마 a way to grow, so I was not afraid of my decision. Also, I heard that the horse racing market in Korea is getting bigger. I think it is a good opportunity because I think there are many things to learn and experience in horse racing that is growing.

  625. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Another mercenary appeared. Beyond Japan and Italy, it is now Australia. The name of the new face, which catches the eye from its rigid body shape and bold walk, is Dean Holland. He has a young face, but his deep eyes shone sharply when he watched the race. After entering Korea on March 15 (Tuesday), he will start training in earnest on March 20 (Sunday), and will throw himself into the Korean race on March 26 (Saturday), the fourth week of March. “Where did you 온라인경마 come from?” I met Dean Holland rider in person and listened to his story. I am Dean Holland from Australia. I am so happy to be able to ride a horse at the Korean racetrack and I want to take a step closer to the fans with good grades and races in a short time.

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    The horse racing industry is still arguing about the identity and performance of the “Domestic Race Horse,” and there are no guidelines for what kind of Korean-style passenger horse, including the Hanrama, should be carried out if it is improved or nurtured. The administration depreciates the value of our resources by being swayed by emotional logic, and some related organizations continue to argue about cutting their own flesh in the dispute over interests.The interview lasted more than two hours. He is the first president of a private-led, national-scale association, but he was a “farmer” who saw him at last year’s promoter’s competition. On this day, he appeared as an “architect” who directly leads온라인경마 the construction site ahead of the relocation of the Chungju Equestrian Club. However, as the interview progressed, I realized that a leader cannot be anyone, feeling the passion for horseback riding, knowledge and passion for the past 15 years in the horse industry.

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    Secretary-General Kim, who dreams of a better tomorrow with horses, is determined to play a big role in expanding practical social contribution projects to help the socially vulnerable, not based on various tangible 온라인경마 and intangible assets of the Korean horse society.I learned about the Let’s Run Foundation, which marks the second anniversary of its establishment, and met with Secretary-General Kim Hak-shin, who dreams of a “better tomorrow with words.”

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    In the negative view of horse racing, racers are racing under too much misunderstanding. Well, that really isn’t the case. Horse racing is a sport that can be enjoyed leisure enough. The reason for this event today is to improve the negative image that is perceived by people as gambling, even though horse racing is fully enjoyed as a leisure. In addition, it is to create a forum for public debate on tax issues that온라인경마 are unfavorable to our horse racing fans and reintroduction of online horse-riding. The online horse card was released in 2009 and quit, but I thought this public debate would be necessary to implement the online release again.

  634. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Naturally, the horse racing industry is a distinctive industry from the gambling industry such as cycling and casinos. Horse and horse racing are clearly distinguished from the general gambling industry because they are included in the horse industry and have a national infrastructure. It is clear that if horse racing is activated through the resumption of horse racing refunds and the resumptio온라인경마 n of Internet horse racing, which has been blocked since 2009, the horse industry will be activated accordingly.Lee Dong-wook, director of the Korea Racing Fan Association, said, “In order to find the minimum rights of horse racing fans, more horse racing enthusiasts need to participate.”

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  642. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    One incident caused tremendous damage to the horse industry as a whole, and many people, including myself, who ran the actual horse riding course, had to overcome the very hard time.Through the first comprehensive plan for horse industry, there has been an unpredictable time for the rapidly growing Korean horse industry, but in some ways, I think it has provided an opportunity to inform the public of the unfamiliar area of “horse riding.”Of course, I believe that we need a lot of effort and time to recover because we have a very bad image to try to succeed with noise marketing온라인경마 .To do so, we need to develop a system and build a control tower that will foster professionals and streamline management, and revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding, which will increase demand, should be the main goal.

  643. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    2018 is also the year when the second five-year plan for the horse industry begins. (G)The message from the Korea Association of Riding Horse Producers to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is that if the first horse industry plan was quantitative growth, the second horse industry plan would be developed in a way that achieves qualitative growth.It has already been seven years since the world’s only horse industry promotion law was enacted and implemented, but the most important agricultural land law revision in the passenger horse sector has not been made. In order to install rural riding facilities, existing farmland must be changed to sports land, but excessive 온라인경마 farmland-only charges are a big burden. In order to improve the reality that many rural riding facilities are currently operating without permission and without reporting, it must be resolved during the second horse industry plan.

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  645. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    One incident caused tremendous damage to the horse industry as a whole, and many people, including myself, who ran the actual horse riding course, had to overcome the very hard time.Through the first comprehensive plan for horse industry, there has been an unpredictable time for the rapidly growing Korean horse industry, but in some ways, I think it has provided an opportunity to inform the public of the unfamiliar area of “horse riding.”Of course, I believe that we need a lot of effort and time to recover because we 온라인경마 have a very bad image to try to succeed with noise marketing.To do so, we need to develop a system and build a control tower that will foster professionals and streamline management, and revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding, which will increase demand, should be the main goal.

  646. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    Everyone involved in the horse industry should have concessions and sacrifices. In order to develop horseback riding, one should let go of his past complaints. In front-line horseback riding businesses, people who like horses and come to learn them should be approached with a customer concept to provide more friendly and safe education services. In times of difficulty, we should stick together instead of being scattered.Nam Yoon-oh, CEO of Sanggok Farm, who ran for seven hours in Busan with horses t온라인경마 o participate in the 6th Gyeongju Retirement Horse Conversion Training held at the Korean Horse Association Indoor Horse Riding Center in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, on the 7th and 8th, says success of Gyeongju Retirement Horse” is essential.”

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  649. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    The Korea Racing Authority held an honorary assistant teacher reward event on August 19 in Let’s Run Park Seoul. 19. The main character is assistant teacher Ha Jae-heung. Kim Jong-kook, head of the horse racing division of the Korean Racing Association, and Ahn Byung-ki, public relations director of the Seoul Teachers’ Association, attended and celebrated by delivering a ring, trophy and bouquet of flowers to commemorate pure gold.Assistant teacher Ha Jae-heung is like a living witness of Korean horse온라인경마 racing. He started his career as a horseman in 1972 and made his debut as an assistant teacher in 1983 with a 35 trillion horse-riding. On June 30 this year, he organized his 35-year teaching career at a retirement ceremony held in front of Let’s Run Park Seoul’s Gyeongju.

  650. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    It currently operates a horse farm and a horseback riding course. I took a race retired horse lovebread and taught beginners and went to the game, and I thought it was dangerous. However, I participated in the training last year because I heard that there was a training session for horse racing, and I participated in the training this year because I was confident that horse racing could be used as a safe sedan chair if it went well last year.Based on 온라인경마 the knowledge I learned, I tried cruising lovebreds on farms and horseback riding sites, and there were no particularly dangerous situations or appearances so far. Sometimes the words don’t follow what you want. I think I will be able to make up for it through the remaining education.

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  653. 인터넷경마 escribió:

    The Horse Industry Journal is the first horse-specialized newspaper in Korea, and it is an important press period for the horse industry. In 2019, we hope that the domestic horse industry will be more trusted by the people and will deliver reports containing various perspectives and information to establish itself as a healthy leisure culture and familiar living sport. And I believe that you will play the role of a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize so that the right policies for the development of the horse industry can be established and implemented.I hope that everyone’s wisdom will be gathered and the horse
    industry will be able to spend the year growing healthier. As a media organization, the Korea Internet Newspaper Association will also look for things that can help the horse industry and the growth of the Horse Industry Journal.