Blog de ArturoDiazF

BREAKING: Howard University professor reports settlement in Brazilian wax case


By  July 14, 2017

Howard University has reached a tentative agreement with the law professor it found responsible for sexual harassment over a test question about a hypothetical Brazilian wax.

This afternoon, professor Reginald Robinson’s attorney, Gaillard T. Hunt, released the following statement:

We have discussed the case with the University and we believe we have reached a mutually satisfactory solution. Professor Robinson regrets if anyone was offended by the test question.

FIRE reported on the case last week, which we noted at the time was part of a larger pattern of colleges and universities punishing constitutionally protected expression under the guise of addressing sexual harassment.

You can read more about the case in our press release.

Check back to Newsdesk next week for more on this development.

Schools: Howard University Cases: Howard University: Professor Subjected to 504-Day Investigation and Sanctions for Hypothetical Test Question Involving Waxing


Case given by the professor translated in spanish:

Pregunta 5.

P es dueño y manager de “Day Spa & Massage Therapy Company, LLC.” P atiende tanto a hombres y mujeres. Entre otros servicios, P ofrece “Brazilian wax” y “bikini wax” – también llamados “Sphynx”, depilada total, o depilación estilo Hollywood.

Para prestar estos servicios, P contrató a A, un esteticista, certificado y licenciado por la escuela ubicada en el Estado en que P realiza sus actividades.

Un día, T visitó la compañía de P. T nunca había buscado tales servicios, pero sus amigos habían elogiado el trabajo de P. A se encontró con T en la mesa de atención. T pidió un Brazilian wax. -¿Un brasileño completo o modificado? -preguntó A a T. T parecía confundido, entonces A procedió a explicarle que un Full Brazilian (“FB”) implicaba depilar totalmente a T desde el ombligo hasta las nalgas,  por lo que un FB requería que T esté desnudo de la cintura para abajo. Un FB además requiere que A toque el cuerpo de T y realice los ajustes necesarios para que este pueda acceder a todos los folículos del vello púbico de T. Asimismo, A le explicó a T cómo sería un “Modified Brazilian” (“MB”). Un MB le dejaría una fina franja de pelo en la parte superior de sus genitales, es decir, un “landing strip” (pista de aterrizaje). Así, T optó por un Full Brazilian.

Una vez más, A le explicó a T que tendría que tocar sus genitales para completar la depilación. T estuvo de acuerdo y firmó en el Contrato de Servicio el espacio donde reconoce la información brindada por A. T se desvistió en un salón privado, donde también bebió un té de hierbas caliente. Por pedido de A, T, quien estaba desnudo de la parte de abajo, se acostó en la mesa de depilación. Una vez sobre ella y con los tonos instrumentales como fondo, T cayó en un sueño ligero. Finalmente A completó el FB. Al despertar, T se sintió físicamente incómodo, preguntándole a A si lo había tocado incorrectamente. A, le dijo que no, y sintiéndose ofendido, se fue.

Semanas después, P recibió una carta del abogado de T, en la que T alegaba que A lo había tocado inapropiadamente, generando que T buscara consejería y medicación para tratar un Trastorno de Estrés Post-traumático. Habiendo trabajado con A durante 10 años, P respondió que A era un esteticista certificado y licenciado, que nunca había tenido quejas presentadas por sus clientes. T demandó a P, y por testimonio de A, Los abogados de P y T descubrieron que A había tocado a T correctamente durante el FB. Sin embargo, T todavía siente que los tocamientos de A fueron impropios. En la demanda, T alegó que A, envuelto en una aparente posición de autoridad, lo había inducido a través de representaciones falsas a confiar razonablemente en él, de modo que A podría causar daño a T mientras actuaba en el marco de su labor. Si P se hubiera opuesto, en efecto diciendo “Sí, ¿Y qué?” a los pedidos de T, ¿la corte se encontraría a favor de T?

(A) Sí, porque T había establecido que A era un empleado que fue colocado como esteticista, lo que permitió a A hacerle daño a T.

(B) No, porque T expresa e implícitamente consintió  los tocamientos de A en cualquier manera razonable para que este le proporcione el servicio FB que aquél solicitó.

(C) Sí, porque P se benefició de los ingresos pagados por T en razón del servicio realizado por A.

(D) No.

Law prof’s exam question on Brazilian wax is deemed harassment; is academic freedom threatened?


A Howard University law professor says academics everywhere should be concerned by his school’s response to a 2015 exam question about a Brazilian bikini wax.

The school determined in May that the question by Professor Reginald Robinson constituted sexual harassment under school policy, report (sub. req.) and Inside Higher Ed in a story noted by TaxProf Blog.

The school placed a letter of reprimand in Robinson’s file, ordered him to attend sensitivity training and required him to submit future exam questions for advance review, according to a letter written on Robinson’s behalf by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

The exam question, part of Robinson’s agency law course, asked whether the owner of a day spa would win a demurrer motion in a suit filed by a customer who claimed improper touching by the licensed aesthetician who performed the procedure. The exam question asserted that the customer had slept through the wax, but thought something improper had occurred upon awakening.

The aesthetician had warned the customer about touching that would take place during the procedure, and the customer acknowledged in writing having received the aesthetician’s information, according to the exam hypothetical. (The correct answer was that a court would not find in favor of the customer.)

After the exam, Robinson asked volunteers to discuss the test questions. One volunteer said the customer would not sleep through a Brazilian wax. Robinson switched focus, and when the volunteer declined to explain her answer choice, Robinson sought answers from another volunteer, according to FIRE’s letter.

Two students filed a complaint. An administrator who found the question constituted sexual harassment cited use of the word “genital,” the students’ suspicion that the question was crafted to reveal personal details about themselves, their belief the revelations had a negative impact on them, and the administrator’s belief that the exam scenario wasn’t necessary to teach the subject.

In its June 16 letter, FIRE asked Howard University to rescind the sanctions and to respond to its request by June 30. Howard did not respond by the deadline, according to a FIRE press release.

Howard’s punishment “does not comport with its own definition of sexual harassment or its promises of academic freedom,” FIRE wrote in its letter. “It poses a severe threat not only to professors’ rights but also to students’ ability to learn all areas of the law, including learning how to analyze situations that may make some students uncomfortable.”

Robinson released a statement about his case through FIRE.

“My case should worry every faculty member at Howard University, and perhaps elsewhere, who teaches in substantive areas like law, medicine, history, and literature,” Robinson stated. “Why? None of these academic areas can be taught without evaluating and discussing contextual facts, especially unsavory and emotionally charged ones.”

In: abajournal

White House offers unapologetic defense of Trump tweets

The White House offered an unapologetic defense Thursday of President Trump’s tweets attacking MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski during a contentious televised press briefing.

Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders was grilled over whether Trump’s inflammatory tweet was beneath the dignity of the presidency, fueled a hostile political environment and set a bad example of how women should be treated by powerful men.

She responded by defending Trump and berating reporters for ignoring the president’s policy agenda on taxes, healthcare and infrastructure.

“The only person I see a war on is this president and everybody that works for him,” she said. “I don’t think you can expect someone to be personally attacked, day after day, minute by minute, and sit back. The American people elected a fighter.”

Sanders said Trump shows the dignity of his office “every day in the decisions he’s making, the focus and the priorities he’s laid out in his agenda.

“He’s not going to sit back and be attacked by the liberal media, Hollywood elites — and when they hit him, he’s going to hit back,” she said.

Trump’s outburst at Brzezinski escalated his long-running feud with the news media, a fight in which he appeared to gain the upper hand this week after CNN was forced to retract a story about the Russia probe.

But Trump’s decision to take aim at her looks, saying that the “Morning Joe” co-host had been “bleeding badly” from a “face-lift,” sparked bipartisan outrage in Washington.

“Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America,” GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tweeted.

Critics on both side of the aisle took specific issue with Trump’s attack on a female reporter — Trump faced repeated allegations of sexism and harassment that bubbled up during his presidential campaign.

Kansas Republican Rep. Lynn Jenkins tweeted Thursday that Trump’s comments were “not okay,” adding that “we should be working to empower women.”

But Sanders pushed aside the notion that Trump’s tweets were sexist or a bad example for how to treat women.

“Everybody wants to make this an attack on a woman — what about the constant attacks that he receives or the rest of us?” she said.

“I’m a woman, I’ve been attacked by that show multiple times, but I don’t cry foul because of it.”

When another reporter followed up by asking if Sanders felt that the tweet set a good example for her children, she deflected by saying that God is the “one perfect role model.”

The spokesperson chided reporters for not focusing more on policy questions and the White House’s legislative agenda, saying that reporters are more consumed by investigations related to Russia election interference and possible collusion between Trump campaign aides and Moscow.

“The media’s focus on priorities don’t line up with the rest of America,” she said. “America is winning, and that is what we like to talk about, but you guys constantly ignore that narrative.”

But critics say Trump’s Twitter broadsides against the media and the Russia investigation are distractions from his policy message.

In addition to the healthcare debate on Capitol Hill, Trump’s staff planned out a series of messaging events called “Energy Week,” featuring a presidential speech about energy development later Thursday. Those events have been overshadowed by the president’s attack.

It also undercut his call for unity after this month’s shooting at a congressional baseball practice that left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and others injured.

“We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country,” Trump said at the White House on June 14, the day of the shooting.

In: thehill 

The rise and fall of Trump’s relationship with Mika Brezinski, the ‘Morning Joe’ co-host he just attacked on Twitter

President Donald Trump made news on Thursday morning when he viciously attacked MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski on Twitter, calling her “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and said she was “bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

Brzezinski shot back at the president on Twitter, posting a photo of a box of Cheerios that showed a child reaching for the cereal with the words “Made For Little Hands” printed across it.

Trump has long taken issue with accusations that his hands are small. Brzezinski called the president’s hands “teensy” during her show, “Morning Joe,” on Thursday morning.

But Brzezinski and her co-host and fiance Joe Scarborough have not always had a contentious relationship with Trump. During the early stages of his candidacy, the hosts invited Trump on their show regularly, boosting his campaign.

Here’s a look back at the president’s relationship with the co-hosts >

Brzezinski and Scarborough invited Trump on their MSNBC show, “Morning Joe,” many times in the early months of the 2016 presidential campaign, acting as one of Trump’s greatest media promoters. Trump thanked the two in February 2016 for being “believers” in his campaign.

Brzezinski and Scarborough invited Trump on their MSNBC show, "Morning Joe," many times in the early months of the 2016 presidential campaign, acting as one of Trump's greatest media promoters. Trump thanked the two in February 2016 for being "believers" in his campaign.

Donald Trump jokes with Joe Scarborough on the set of ‘Morning Joe’ in January 2016Scott Morgan/Reuters

Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, had a particularly close relationship with Trump, which reportedly unsettled MSNBC staff, who found the chumminess between the candidate and both hosts “over the top” and “unseemly.”

Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, had a particularly close relationship with Trump, which reportedly unsettled MSNBC staff, who found the chumminess between the candidate and both hosts "over the top" and "unseemly."

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski interview Donald Trump on the campaign trail in January 2016.Scott Morgan/Reuters Source: CNN

As Trump’s campaign gathered momentum, the “Morning Joe” hosts became increasingly critical of his policies and rhetoric.

As Trump's campaign gathered momentum, the "Morning Joe" hosts became increasingly critical of his policies and rhetoric.

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough react to a Trump campaign speech.Morning Joe

In the spring of 2016, Trump began lashing out at the two, tweeting in May that Morning Joe had become “hostile” and misrepresented his opinions. In June, Trump accused Brzezinski of going “wild with hate.” In August, Trump said that he would “tell the real story” about Brzezinski and Scarborough’s personal relationship, which had been the subject of widespread speculation. Trump targeted Brzezinski in particular, calling her “crazy” and “very dumb” and accused her of having a “mental breakdown” in a September tweet.

In the spring of 2016, Trump began lashing out at the two, tweeting in May that Morning Joe had become "hostile" and misrepresented his opinions. In June, Trump accused Brzezinski of going "wild with hate." In August, Trump said that he would "tell the real story" about Brzezinski and Scarborough's personal relationship, which had been the subject of widespread speculation. Trump targeted Brzezinski in particular, calling her "crazy" and "very dumb" and accused her of having a "mental breakdown" in a September tweet.

Donald Trump on MSNBC.@morning_joe/Twitter Source: Business Insider and The Washington Post

A few weeks after the presidential election, Brzezinski visited Trump Tower, reportedly to meet with Ivanka Trump about the MSNBC host’s seminar series for women.

A few weeks after the presidential election, Brzezinski visited Trump Tower, reportedly to meet with Ivanka Trump about the MSNBC host's seminar series for women.

Mika Brzezinski at Trump Tower in November 2016Evan Vucci/AP Source: The Washington Post and Politico

In February 2017, Brzezinski further escalated her criticism of the Trump administration, calling it a “fake presidency” and banning White House counselor Kellyanne Conway from appearing on “Morning Joe,” arguing that Conway peddled “fake news.”

In February 2017, Brzezinski further escalated her criticism of the Trump administration, calling it a "fake presidency" and banning White House counselor Kellyanne Conway from appearing on "Morning Joe," arguing that Conway peddled "fake news."

Michael Loccisano/Getty Images Source: Business Insider

In May 2017, the “Morning Joe” hosts announced their engagement, ending the years of rumors. Vanity Fair reported that Trump offered to officiate the couple’s wedding, which he suggested be held at the White House or at his Florida resort, when they visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago in January.

In May 2017, the "Morning Joe" hosts announced their engagement, ending the years of rumors. Vanity Fair reported that Trump offered to officiate the couple's wedding, which he suggested be held at the White House or at his Florida resort, when they visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago in January.

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough in February 2017Andy Kropa/AP Source: Business Insider

In: businessinsider 

La ignorancia es atrevida: Pastor Soto hace el rídiculo pisando bandera de Cuzco pensando que es de LGTB en vivo

Pastor (imbécil) chileno quiso ofender a gays y pisó bandera del Cusco. Como dicen, la ignorancia es atrevida y mantiene en la zona de comodidad a las personas, pero este tipo ya “pecó” de estúpido.

Machismo: Se buscan camareras guapas, altas, y solteras

Una oferta de empleo para una discoteca de Benidorm pide camareras con buen físico y sin “rollos ni novios enfermos celosos”

Imagen: . Click en la imagen para mayor detalle.


Julio Granado, encargado de la discoteca Richard New Look de Benidorm, coloca varios emojis tristes en una de sus últimas publicaciones de Facebook. Es un vídeo en el que afirma no entender por qué más de una, y de uno, se ha tomado a mal su oferta de empleo. Pide camareras guapas, con buen físico, simpáticas y solteras. Lo de solteras es imprescindible, porque no quiere rollos ni novios enfermos y celosos que las esperen a la salida, y mucho menos que las controlen en la barra. Al final del anuncio pareció recordar un requisito más: hay que ser alta, y si no lo son, tendrán que trabajar en tacones o con plataformas.

El anuncio, publicado la noche del domingo 4 de junio, empezó a recibir críticas de forma casi inmediata, tantas que el propio Granado (apodado El Feroz) lo eliminó de las redes sociales. Este lunes 5 de junio decidió que tenía que dar alguna explicación y, sobre todo, defenderse de las mujeres, “que se han vuelto locas”. En tres minutos y 13 segundos emite su discurso, en él repite varias veces que nunca le ha faltado al respeto a una mujer, ni siquiera con el anuncio en cuestión, lo cual de por sí supone una incoherencia. Pero él, que parece cincelado por la factoría Mujeres y hombres y viceversa, pide que recapacitemos (las mujeres, en general).

Si alguien se para diez minutos a recapacitar sobre este anuncio y sobre la argumentación posterior de ese futuro jefe, probablemente no sepa por dónde meter mano a tan prolífica sarta de comentarios machistas. En unas cuantas palabras y un vídeo corto caben todos y cada uno de los clichés sobre la mujer, sobre el mundo de “la noche”, y sobre la mezcla de ambos. Es la constatación de que todavía hay quien no es capaz de reconocer el machismo, ni aunque le esté cayendo encima; prueba de ello es no solo el vídeo, sino la cantidad de comentarios que “entienden” y jalean las explicaciones.

Los requisitos físicos, tan comunes en esos trabajos que Granado llama “la noche”, son solo una de las muchas piedras que las mujeres tienen que esquivar en ese mundo nocturno, y que en este caso se podría ampliar a las azafatas de marcas de bebidas alcohólicas, a las encargadas de repartir flyers, y si apuran, como en este caso, a las responsables del ropero. La realidad es que para ser camarera hay otras características mucho más imprescindibles, como medir bien las copas, tener memoria y ser rápida. Pero ese mundo, también rebosante de hombres, decidió en algún momento que hay que estar buena, y nada más.

Añadidas el resto de advertencias, la situación solo puede volverse más oscura. Él, que ya ha visto muchas veces cómo llega alguien a “tirarle los trastos” a la camarera, y cómo aquello acaba en pelea con el novio en cuestión, y cómo ella termina llorando y yéndose, no comprende por qué puede sorprenderle a nadie que no quiera empleadas solteras.

Esa sucesión de hechos, que parece tan obvia como predecible para Granado, es la constatación, bastante triste, de varias obviedades que muchos, en sus arrebatos virtuales, han denominado “chungas”. Y sí, algunas de ellas son bastante chungas. La mujer adorno, expuesta como si fuese carne fresca en una vitrina, que ponga copas rápido, sonría ante los “piropos” y no dé problemas; los novios celosos, esos que acaban a tortazo limpio porque creen que su novia es de su propiedad; los clientes que, naturalmente, irán a “tirarle los trastos” a la camarera y a ligar, algo que coloquialmente se llama “baboso”. Y la guinda, la aceptación de todo ello y el intento por justificarlo como lógico. “Si tienes un novio loco, celoso y enfermo ya sabes que no vas a poder trabajar en la noche”, arguye Granado, que también apunta que hay chicas con novios “normales”.

Ya al final del vídeo, para terminar de rematar el zurcido argumental, explica que su discoteca tiene algunas barras altas, de ahí la necesidad de llevar tacones, “para dar una imagen mejor”, razonamiento aderezado con un movimiento de manos que marca justo la altura del pecho. Pero en ningún caso él ha querido ofender, y pide perdón en el vídeo más de una vez a aquellas mujeres que se hayan podido sentir ofendidas.

Solo hay una cosa en la que tiene razón Granado: nadie quiere un novio así para su vida, pero no porque fastidien el negocio, sino porque nos fastidian la vida.

En: elpais

¿Ya no sabes lo que estas tomando por las mañanas gracias a “Leche Gloria”? Aquí información relevante: La Leche Entera


La leche entera es un alimento esencial en todo el mundo y uno de los más completos por las propiedades nutricionales de la leche. Normalmente, la que se encuentra en el supermercado es leche de vaca, pero también hay de otros mamíferos. Uno de los principales nutrientes de la leche es el calcio, por eso es buena para los huesos. Además, también contiene lactosa, lo que la hace intolerante para algunas personas.

Características de la leche entera

La leche entera es un líquido de color blanquecino opaco con numerosos beneficios y propiedades. Es muy común para producir derivados lácteos, como yogur, mantequilla o queso. La principal diferencia entre la leche entera, la leche semidesnatada y la leche desnatada es la grasa o crema. De las tres, la que más grasa contiene es la leche entera, por lo que no se recomienda para personas que quieren perder peso. Es mejor optar por la semidesnatada, que contiene poca crema y sacia más que la desnatada, a la que se le han eliminado todas las grasas y gran parte de los nutrientes y vitaminas de la leche.

Precaución: La leche de casi todos los mamíferos contiene derivados de la morfina llamados casomorfinas, que se encargan de mantener cierto nivel de adicción en los lactantes para incentivar su apetito durante los primeros meses de vida. Esto podría explicar por qué muchas personas son adictas a la leche. Hay un estudio que demuestra que los hombres que consumen gran cantidad de productos lácteos tiene el doble de riesgo de padecer cáncer de próstata, por lo que no se recomienda abusar de la leche de vaca ni de los derivados lácteos.


Beneficios de la Leche entera

La leche entera está compuesta principalmente por agua; iones como sal, minerales y calcio; glúcidos como la lactosa; materia grasa; proteínas como la caseína, y vitaminas A, D, B y E. Por ello, es buena para mantener unos huesos fuertes y sanos y prevenir la osteoporisis. Además, es hidratante y saciante y proporcioan energía. En los recién nacidos, la leche protege el tracto gastrointestinal contra patógenos, toxinas e inflamación, y regula los procesos de obtención de energía, especialmente el metabolismo de la glucosa y la insulina. La leche también es un alimento que ayuda a mantener el funcionamiento del cerebro, a dormir mejor y a cuidar la piel, así como es ideal para embarazadas y deportistas.


Contraindicaciones de la Leche entera

La leche contiene lactosa, un azúcar al que muchas personas son intolerantes, por lo que se recomienda que tomen leche sin lactosa. La leche entera también contiene mucha grasa, por lo que aquellas personas que padecen colesterol o quieren adelgazar, deberían tomar leche semidesnatada o desnatada. Además, también hay personas alérgicas a la proteína de leche de vaca, que está comprobado que no es buena para personas con piel atópica. Tampoco se recomienda beber leche si se padece algún trastorno digestivo.


1 ración (244 gr.) 100 gr.
Calorías 102 kcal 42 kcal
Grasas 2.37 g 0.97 g
Grasas saturadas 1.545 g 0.633 g
Grasas poliinsaturadas 0.085 g 0.035 g
Grasas monoinsaturadas 0.676 g 0.277 g
Proteínas 8.22 g 3.37 g
Carbohidratos 12.18 g 4.99 g
Azúcar 12.69 g 5.2 g
Fibra 0.0 g 0 g
Colesterol 12 mg 5 mg
Calcio 305 mg 125 mg
Hierro 0.07 mg 0.03 mg
Sodio 107 mg 44 mg
Potasio 366 mg 150 mg
Magnesio 27 mg 11 mg
Fósforo 232 mg 95 mg
Zinc 1.02 mg 0.42 mg
Vitamina A 115 IU 47 IU
Vitamina C — mg — mg
Vitamina D — µg — µg
Vitamina B1 (Tiamina) 0.049 mg 0.02 mg
Vitamina B6 0.090 mg 0.037 mg
Vitamina B sub 12 1.15 µg 0.47 µg
Vitamina E 0.02 mg 0.01 mg
Vitamina K 0.2 µg 0.1 µg
Folato (ácido fólico) 12 µg 5 µg
Beta Caroteno 5 µg 2 µg
Agua 219.40 g 89.92 g
Cafeína — mg — mg


En: biotrends

Notre Dame students walk out on Pence speech

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — Dozens of graduates and family members silently stood and walked out Sunday as Vice President Mike Pence began his address at Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony.

Pence, the former governor of Indiana, was invited to speak after Notre Dame students and faculty protested the prospect of President Donald Trump being invited to become the seventh U.S. president to give the commencement address.

Pence spoke briefly of Trump, praising his speech to the leaders of 50 Arab and Muslim nations earlier in the day in Saudi Arabia. Pence said the president “spoke out against religious persecution of all people of all faiths and on the world stage he condemned, in his words, the murder of innocent Muslims, the oppression of women, the persecution of Jews and the slaughter of Christians.”

Trump has faced harsh criticism for his anti-Islamic rhetoric during the campaign, as well as his administration’s legal battle to impose a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries.

Earlier in the ceremony, valedictorian Caleb Joshua Pine urged a “stand against the scapegoating of Muslims” and criticized Trump’s push to build a wall along the Mexican border.

Cassandra Dimaro and her parents were among those who walked out. Dimaro told the South Bend Tribune that it was a show of solidarity “for those of us impacted by the policies of the Trump administration.”

Pence didn’t comment on the walkout, which was expected, but he did allude to clashes at campuses elsewhere that have derailed appearances by controversial speakers, such as conservative firebrand Ann Coulter at the University of California at Berkeley.

“This university (Notre Dame) is a vanguard of the freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas at a time, sadly, when free speech and civility are waning on campuses across America,” he said.

In: wishtv

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