Archivo por meses: septiembre 2024

Unit 8 – Career Paths

We can compare a career path to a roadmap with short- and long-term goals.  It maps the route one takes from a lower-level position until you arrive at your ultimate goal.  Not all the paths follow a straight line which means that career paths can change.

To achieve the career you want, you need to be strategic with the jobs you take. That’s where mapping out your career path can be a major help. Your career path is simply a series of jobs you take that ultimately lead you to your dream career. Career paths go hand-in-hand with a career plan, which is basically a list of short- and long-term goals that you strive for along your career path.

By mapping out a career path, you can…

  • Avoid taking jobs that get you nowhere. Chances are good that you’ll have at least a few job changes over the course of your career. When you’re tempted to leave your current job for greener pastures, it helps to ask yourself one simple question: Will this progress my career in the direction that I want? If the answer is no, think twice before you jump ship.
  • Identify gaps in knowledge and skills. Not sure what skills or training you need to progress to the next step in your career? Mapping your career path takes a lot of the guesswork out of the equation by helping you see which skills you need to reach your future career goals.
  • Strive for something other than a paycheck.Sure, you want a job that pays the big bucks. Who doesn’t? But for many employees, a paycheck isn’t enough to keep them motivated at work. They want to be fulfilled in their careers, and that comes through personal and professional development.
  • Bounce back quicker from career setbacks.Mapping out your career won’t make you immune to career setbacks. However, it can help you get back on track if your original career plans are derailed. Getting laid off unexpectedly can be super scary, but with a career strategy in place, you can pick up the pieces quickly and come back stronger than before.

Taken from:

Do you map out your career path?  How do you do it?

What should be the professional expectations of a person with your degree?

Unit 7 – A World of Music

Music has shaped cultures and societies around the world, passed down from generation to generation. It has the power to alter one’s mood, change perceptions, and inspire change. While everyone has a personal relationship with music, its effects on the culture around us may not be immediately apparent.

How Does Music Affect Society?

Music is an essential aspect of all human civilizations and has the power to emotionally, morally, and culturally affect society. When people from one culture exchange music with each other, they gain valuable insight into another way of life. Learning how music and social bonding are linked is especially crucial in times of conflict when other lines of communication prove to be challenging.

Music, as a cultural right, may aid in the promotion and protection of other human rights. It can help in the healing process, dismantling walls and boundaries, reconciliation, and education. Around the world, music is being used as a vehicle for social change and bringing communities together.

At the core of our everyday experience with music, we use it to relax, express ourselves, come to terms with our emotions, and generally improve our well-being. It has evolved into a tool for healing and self-expression, often dictating how we, as individuals, take steps to impact society.

Why is music beneficial to society? How does music affect our lives?  Find the answers to these questions and much more at:

Do you agree with the idea that music affects our lives?  In which way does music affect your life?

Can you identify the influence music has in our country?